
function Use-PASSession {
Sets module scope variables allowing saved session information to be used for future requests.
Use session data (BaseURI, ExternalVersion, WebSession (containing Authorization Header)) for future requests.
psPAS uses variables in the Module scope to provide required values to all module functions, use this function to
set the required values in the module scope, using session information returned from `Get-PASSession`.
An object containing psPAS session data, as returned from Get-PASSession
Use Saved Session Data for future requests
Use-PASSession -Session $Session
Save current session, switch to using different session details, switch back to original session.
$CurrentSession = Get-PASSession
Use-PASSession -Session $OtherSession
Use-PASSession -Session $CurrentSession

            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true


    BEGIN { }#begin


        Set-Variable -Name BaseURI -Value $Session.BaseURI -Scope Script
        Set-Variable -Name ExternalVersion -Value $Session.ExternalVersion -Scope Script
        Set-Variable -Name WebSession -Value $Session.WebSession -Scope Script


    END { }#end
