
function Get-PASAccountActivity {
Returns activities for an account.
Returns activities for a specific account identified by its AccountID.
The ID of the account whose activities will be retrieved.
Get-PASAccount -Keywords root -Safe UNIXSafe | Get-PASAccountActivity
Will return the account activity for the account output by Get-PASAccount:
Time Activity UserName AccountName
---- -------- -------- -----------
08/07/2017 13:05:46 Delete Privileged Command Administrator root
08/07/2017 13:02:54 Delete Privileged Command Administrator root
07/30/2017 10:49:32 Add Privileged Command Administrator root
All parameters can be piped by property name
Accepts pipeline input from Get-PASAccount
Outputs Object of Custom Type psPAS.CyberArk.Vault.Account.Activity
Output format is defined via psPAS.Format.ps1xml.
To force all output to be shown, pipe to Select-Object *

            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true


    BEGIN { }#begin


        #Create request URL
        $URI = "$Script:BaseURI/WebServices/PIMServices.svc/Accounts/$($AccountID |

        #Send request to web service
        $result = Invoke-PASRestMethod -Uri $URI -Method GET -WebSession $Script:WebSession

        If ($result) {

            #Return Results
            $result.GetAccountActivitiesResult |

            Add-ObjectDetail -typename psPAS.CyberArk.Vault.Account.Activity



    END { }#end
