
function Remove-PASAccountACL {
Deletes privileged commands rule from an account
Deletes privileged commands rule associated with account
.PARAMETER AccountPolicyID
ID of account from which the commands will be deleted
.PARAMETER AccountAddress
The address of the account for which the privileged command will be deleted.
.PARAMETER AccountUserName
The name of the account's user.
The ID of the command that will be deleted
Remove-PASAccountACL -AccountPolicyId UNIXSSH -AccountAddress machine -AccountUserName root -Id 12
Removes matching Privileged Account Rule from the account root
Get-PASAccount root | Get-PASAccountACL | Where-Object{$_.Command -eq "ifconfig"} | Remove-PASAccountACL
Removes matching Privileged Account Rule from account.
All parameters can be piped by property name
Should accept pipeline objects from Get-PASAccountACL function

            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true

            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true

            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true

            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true

    BEGIN { }#begin


        #URL for request
        $URI = "$Script:BaseURI/WebServices/PIMServices.svc/Account/$($AccountAddress |
            Get-EscapedString)|$($AccountUserName |
                Get-EscapedString)|$($AccountPolicyId |

        #Request Body
        $Body = @{ }

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$AccountAddress|$AccountUserName|$AccountPolicyId",
                "Delete Privileged Command '$Id'")) {

            #Send Request to Web Service
            Invoke-PASRestMethod -Uri $URI -Method DELETE -Body $Body -WebSession $Script:WebSession



    END { }#end
