
function Get-PASSafeMember {
Lists the members of a Safe

Lists the members of a Safe.
View Safe Members permission is required.

When querying all members of a safe, the permissions are reported as per the following table:

List accounts ListContent
Retrieve accounts Retrieve
Add accounts (includes update properties) Add
Update account content Update
Update account properties UpdateMetadata
Rename accounts Rename
Delete accounts Delete
View Audit log ViewAudit
View Safe Members ViewMembers
Use accounts RestrictedRetrieve
Initiate CPM account management operations <NOT RETURNED>
Specify next account content <NOT RETURNED>
Create folders AddRenameFolder
Delete folders DeleteFolder
Unlock accounts Unlock
Move accounts/folders MoveFilesAndFolders
Manage Safe ManageSafe
Manage Safe Members ManageSafeMembers
Validate Safe Content ValidateSafeContent
Backup Safe BackupSafe
Access Safe without confirmation <NOT RETURNED>
Authorize account requests (level1, level2) <NOT RETURNED>

If a Safe Member Name is provided, the full permissions of the member on the Safe will be returned:

List accounts ListAccounts
Retrieve accounts RetrieveAccounts
Add accounts (includes update properties) AddAccounts
Update account content UpdateAccountContent
Update account properties UpdateAccountProperties
Rename accounts RenameAccounts
Delete accounts DeleteAccounts
View Audit log ViewAuditLog
View Safe Members ViewSafeMembers
Use accounts UseAccounts
Initiate CPM account management operations InitiateCPMAccountManagementOperations
Specify next account content SpecifyNextAccountContent
Create folders CreateFolders
Delete folders DeleteFolder
Unlock accounts UnlockAccounts
Move accounts/folders MoveAccountsAndFolders
Manage Safe ManageSafe
Manage Safe Members ManageSafeMembers
Validate Safe Content <NOT RETURNED>
Backup Safe BackupSafe
Access Safe without confirmation AccessWithoutConfirmation
Authorize account requests (level1, level2) RequestsAuthorizationLevel

The name of the safe to get the members of

Specify the name of a safe member to return their safe permissions in full.
You cannot report on the permissions of the user authenticated to the API.

Get-PASSafeMember -SafeName Target_Safe

Lists all members with permissions on Target_Safe

Get-PASSafeMember -SafeName Target_Safe -MemberName SomeUser

Lists all permissions for member SomeUser on Target_Safe

All parameters can be piped by property name
Accepts pipeline input from *-PASSafe, or any function which
contains SafeName in the output

Outputs Object of Custom Type psPAS.CyberArk.Vault.Safe.Member
Output format is defined via psPAS.Format.ps1xml.
To force all output to be shown, pipe to Select-Object *

            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true

            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $true,
            ParameterSetName = "MemberPermissions"

    BEGIN {

        $Method = "GET"
        $Request = @{ }



        #Create URL for request
        $URI = "$Script:BaseURI/WebServices/PIMServices.svc/Safes/$($SafeName |


        #Get full permissions for specific user on safe
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "MemberPermissions") {

            #Create URL for member specific request
            $URI = "$URI/$($MemberName | Get-EscapedString)"
            #Send a PUT Request instead of GET
            $Method = "PUT"
            #Send an empty body
            #Add to Request parameters for PUT Request
            $Request["Body"] = @{"member" = @{ } } | ConvertTo-Json


        #Build Request Parameters
        $Request["URI"] = $URI
        $Request["Method"] = $Method
        $Request["WebSession"] = $Script:WebSession

        #Send request to webservice
        $result = Invoke-PASRestMethod @Request

        if ($result) {

            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "MemberPermissions") {

                #format output
                $Output = $result.member | Select-Object MembershipExpirationDate,

                @{Name = "UserName"; "Expression" = {

                        $MemberName }


                @{Name = "Permissions"; "Expression" = {

                        $_.Permissions | Where-Object { $_.value } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty key }



            Else {

                $Output = $result.members | Select-Object UserName, @{Name = "Permissions"; "Expression" = {

                        ($_.Permissions) | Where-Object { $_.Value -eq $true } |

                        Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name }



            $Output | Add-ObjectDetail -typename psPAS.CyberArk.Vault.Safe.Member -PropertyToAdd @{

                "SafeName" = $SafeName




    END { }#end
