function Invoke-PASRestMethod { <# .SYNOPSIS Wrapper for Invoke-WebRequest to call REST method via API .DESCRIPTION Sends requests to web services, and where appropriate returns structured data. Acts as wrapper for the Invoke-WebRequest CmdLet so that status codes can be queried and acted on. All requests are sent with ContentType=application/json. If the sessionVariable parameter is passed, the function will return a WebSession object to be used on subsequent calls to the web service. .PARAMETER Method The method for the REST Method. Only accepts GET, POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE .PARAMETER URI The address of the API or service to send the request to. .PARAMETER Body The body of the request to send to the API .PARAMETER Headers The header of the request to send to the API. .PARAMETER SessionVariable If passed, will be sent to invoke-webrequest which in turn will create a websession variable using the string value as the name. This variable will only exist in the current scope so will be returned as a WebSession property in the output object. Cannot be specified with WebSession .PARAMETER WebSession Accepts a WebRequestSession object containing session details Cannot be specified with SessionVariable .PARAMETER UseDefaultCredentials See Invoke-WebRequest Used for Integrated Auth .PARAMETER TimeoutSec See Invoke-WebRequest Specify a timeout value in seconds .EXAMPLE .INPUTS .OUTPUTS Return data from the call to the REST API where content is returned Will additionally contain a WebSession property containing a WebRequestSession object if SessionVariable parameter was specified. .NOTES SessionVariable/WebSession functionality should be used where the API exists behind a load balancer to ensure session persistence. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "WebSession")] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH')] [String]$Method, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$URI, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$Body, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [hashtable]$Headers, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "SessionVariable" )] [String]$SessionVariable, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = "WebSession" )] [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession]$WebSession, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$UseDefaultCredentials, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$TimeoutSec ) Begin { #Get the name of the function which invoked this one $CallingFunction = Get-ParentFunction | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FunctionName Write-Debug "Function: $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)" Write-Debug "Invocation Origin: $CallingFunction" #Add ContentType for all function calls $PSBoundParameters.Add("ContentType", 'application/json') $PSBoundParameters.Add("UseBasicParsing", $true) #Bypass strict RFC header parsing in PS Core if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $PSBoundParameters.Add("SkipHeaderValidation", $true) $PSBoundParameters.Add("SslProtocol", "TLS12") } #If Tls12 Security Protocol is available if(([Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetEnumNames() -contains "Tls12") -and #And Tls12 is not already in use (-not ([System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -match "Tls12"))) { Write-Verbose "Setting Security Protocol to TLS12" [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 } Else { Write-Debug "Security Protocol: $([System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol)" } } Process { try { #make web request, splat PSBoundParameters $webResponse = Invoke-WebRequest @PSBoundParameters -ErrorAction Stop $StatusCode = $webResponse.StatusCode } catch { #Catch any errors, save response $StatusCode = $($_.Exception.Response).StatusCode.value__ Write-Debug $_ $response = $_ } finally { Write-Debug "Status code: $StatusCode" if( -not ($StatusCode -match "20*")) { #Non 20X Status Codes & No Status Code <# 400 - Bad Request 401 - Unauthorised 403 - Forbidden 409 - already exists (CONFLICT) 404 - not found 500 - server error 503 - service unavailable #> Try { $response = $response | ConvertFrom-Json $ErrorMessage = "[$StatusCode] $($response.ErrorMessage)" $ErrorID = $response.ErrorCode } Catch { $ErrorMessage = $response -replace "`n", " " $ErrorID = $StatusCode } Finally { Write-Error -Message $ErrorMessage -ErrorId $ErrorID } } else { #status code is of type 20x #If there is a response from the web request if($webResponse) { <# 200 - OK 201 - Created 202 - Accepted 204 - No Content #> #If Response has content if($webResponse.content) { if(($webResponse.headers)["Content-Type"] -match "application/octet-stream") { if($($webResponse.content | get-member | select-object -expandproperty typename) -eq "System.Byte" ) { $webResponse.content } } elseif(($webResponse.headers)["Content-Type"] -match "application/save") { #'application/save' is the Content-Type returned when saving a PSM recording if($($webResponse.content | get-member | select-object -expandproperty typename) -eq "System.Byte" ) { $webResponse.content } } elseif(($webResponse.headers)["Content-Type"] -match "text/html") { Write-Debug "$($webResponse.content)" If($webResponse.content -match '^"(.*)"$') { #Return only the text between opening and closing quotes $matches[1] } ElseIf($webResponse.content -match '<HTML>') { throw "Guru Meditation - HTML Response Received" } } Elseif(($webResponse.headers)["Content-Type"] -match "application/json") { #Create Return Object from Returned JSON $PASResponse = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $webResponse.content #Handle Version 10 Logon Token Return If(($CallingFunction -eq "New-PASSession") -and ($PASResponse.length -eq 180)) { Write-Verbose "Assigning token to CyberArkLogonResult" #If calling function is New-PASSession, and result is a 180 character token #Create a new object and assign the token to the CyberArkLogonResult property. #This ensures an object is returned instead of a string (which would cause issues). $PASResponse = [PSCustomObject]@{ CyberArkLogonResult = $PASResponse } } #If Session Variable passed as argument If($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SessionVariable")) { Write-verbose "SessionVariable Passed; Processing WebSession" #Add WebSession Object to Return Object $PASResponse | Add-ObjectDetail -PropertyToAdd @{ #WebSession is stored in sessionVariable variable in current scope "WebSession" = $(Get-Variable $(Get-Variable sessionVariable).Value).Value } -Passthru $false } #Return Object $PASResponse } Else { throw $([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($($webResponse.content))) } } } } } } } |