#region Log File Management $logLocalAppDir = Join-Path $Script:mInfo.ModuleBase logs $logName = "$($Script:mInfo.Name).log" $logFullName = Join-Path $logLocalAppDir $logName $MaxLogFileSizeMB = 5 # After a log file reaches this size it will archive the existing and create a new one trap [Exception] { Write-Log "error: $($_.Exception.GetType().Name) - $($_.Exception.Message)" } function LogFileCheck { if (Test-Path $logFullName) # { if (((gci $logFullName).length/1MB) -gt $MaxLogFileSizeMB) # Check size of log file - to stop unweildy size, archive existing file if over limit and create fresh. { $NewLogFile = $LogName.replace(".log", " ARCHIVED $(Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyy-hh-mm-ss).log") $log = Rename-Item $logFullName (Join-Path $LogLocalAppDir $NewLogFile) -PassThru Write-Host "Log $($log.fullname)" -ForegroundColor Cyan } } else { if (!(Test-Path $LogLocalAppDir)) { mkdir $LogLocalAppDir | Out-Null } New-Item $logFullName -type file } } function Write-Log # Send to log file { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String]$message, [ValidateSet('INFO','WARNING','ERROR','EXCEPTION','SECURITY')] [System.String]$Level="INFO" ) if (-not $WhatIfPreference.IsPresent -and $message) { foreach($obj in $input) { $pipeline += $obj } if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($pipeline)) { $message = $pipeline } try { $toOutput = "$(get-date) $($env:USERDOMAIN)\$($env:USERNAME) $($Level):$($message)" | Out-File $logFullName -append -NoClobber -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Encoding default } catch{} } } LogFileCheck #endregion Log File Management |