
function New-PsIntuneDeviceReport {
        Quick Report version of Write-PsIntuneDeviceReport
        Yeah. What he said
    .PARAMETER UserName
        User account to use for AzureAD and Intune tenant
    .PARAMETER ReportName
        Title to include in the report filename
        Filter devices by operating system. Options: Android, iOS, Windows, All. Default is All
    .PARAMETER OutputFolder
        Path for output file. Default is current user Documents path
        Open results in Excel (if Excel is installed on the machine where script is executed)
        New-PsIntuneDeviceReport -UserName "" -ReportName "Contoso" -DeviceOS 'Windows'

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $UserName,
        [parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string] $ReportName,
        [parameter()][string][ValidateSet('All','Windows','Android','iOS')] $DeviceOS = 'All',
        [parameter()][string] $OutputFolder = "$([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('Personal'))",
        [parameter()][boolean] $Show = $False
    try {
        Write-Host "collecting Intune device hardware information..."
        $devs = Get-psIntuneDevice -UserName $UserName -Detail Detailed -DeviceOS $DeviceOS -ShowProgress:$True
        Write-Host "collecting Azure AD device inventory..."
        $adevs = Get-psIntuneAzureADDevices -UserName $UserName -ShowProgress:$True
        Write-Host "collecting Intune device software inventory..."
        $apps = Get-psIntuneDeviceApps -Devices $devs -UserName $UserName -ShowProgress:$True
        Write-Host "publishing inventory report..."
        Write-psIntuneDeviceReport -IntuneDevices $devs -IntuneApps $apps -AadDevices $adevs -OutputFolder $OutputFolder -ReportName $ReportName -DeviceOS $DeviceOS -Overwrite:$True -Show:$Show
    catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message 