
function Get-ManagedDevices(){
        This function is used to get Intune Managed Devices from the Graph API REST interface
        The function connects to the Graph API Interface and gets any Intune Managed Device
        Switch to include EAS devices (not included by default)
        Switch to exclude MDM devices (not excluded by default)
        Filter devices by operating system. Options: Android, iOS, Windows, All
        Default is All
        Returns all managed devices but excludes EAS devices registered within the Intune Service
        Get-ManagedDevices -IncludeEAS
        Returns all managed devices including EAS devices registered within the Intune Service
        NAME: Get-ManagedDevices

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory)][string] $UserName,
        [parameter()][string] $DeviceName = "",
        [parameter()][string][ValidateSet('All','Windows','Android','iOS')] $DeviceOS = 'All',
        [parameter()][switch] $IncludeEAS,
        [parameter()][switch] $ExcludeMDM,
        [parameter()][string] $graphApiVersion = "beta"
    $Resource = "deviceManagement/managedDevices"
    try {
        Get-psIntuneAuth -UserName $UserName
        $Count_Params = 0
        if ($IncludeEAS.IsPresent){ $Count_Params++ }
        if ($ExcludeMDM.IsPresent){ $Count_Params++ }
        if ($Count_Params -gt 1) {
            Write-Warning "Multiple parameters set, specify a single parameter -IncludeEAS, -ExcludeMDM or no parameter against the function"
        elseif ($IncludeEAS) {
            Write-Verbose "IncludeEAS = true"
            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource"
        elseif ($ExcludeMDM) {
            Write-Verbose "ExcludeMDM = true"
            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource`?`$filter=managementAgent eq 'eas'"
        else {
            if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DeviceName)) {
                Write-Verbose "DeviceName = $DeviceName"
                $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource`?`$filter=deviceName eq '$DeviceName' and managementAgent eq 'mdm' and managementAgent eq 'easmdm'"
            else {
                Write-Verbose "Default = True"
                $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$Resource`?`$filter=managementAgent eq 'mdm' and managementAgent eq 'easmdm'"
                if ($DeviceOS -ne 'All') {
                    $uri += " and operatingSystem eq '$DeviceOS'"
            Write-Warning "EAS Devices are excluded by default, please use -IncludeEAS if you want to include those devices"
        Write-Verbose "uri = $uri"
        $response = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authToken -Method Get)
        $Devices = $response.Value
        $DevicesNextLink = $response."@odata.nextLink"
        while ($DevicesNextLink) {
            $response = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $DevicesNextLink -Headers $authToken -Method Get)
            $DevicesNextLink = $response."@odata.nextLink"
            $Devices += $response.value 
    catch {
        $ex = $_.Exception
        $errorResponse = $ex.Response.GetResponseStream()
        $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($errorResponse)
        $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
        $responseBody = $reader.ReadToEnd();
        Write-Warning "Response content:`n$responseBody"
        Write-Error "Request to $Uri failed with HTTP Status $($ex.Response.StatusCode) $($ex.Response.StatusDescription)"