function Get-psIntuneDevice { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns dataset of Intune-managed devices with inventoried apps .DESCRIPTION Returns dataset of Intune-managed devices with inventoried apps .PARAMETER UserName UserPrincipalName for authentication request .PARAMETER DeviceName Filter query to just one specified device by name. Default is query all devices .PARAMETER DeviceOS Filter devices by operating system. Options: Android, iOS, Windows, All Default is All .PARAMETER ShowProgress Display progress as data is exported (default is silent / no progress shown) .PARAMETER Detail Controls the level of granularity of the results: * Summary - returns basic device information only * Detailed - returns detailed device information * Full - returns detailed device information with installed applications * Raw - returns raw Graph API results only .PARAMETER graphApiVersion Graph API version. Default is "beta" .EXAMPLE $devices = Get-psIntuneDevice -UserName "" -DeviceName "Desktop123" -Detail Detailed Returns detailed data for one device without installed applications .EXAMPLE $devices = Get-psIntuneDevice -UserName "" -DeviceOS Windows -Detail Detailed Returns detailed data for Windows devices without applications .EXAMPLE $devices = Get-psIntuneDevice -UserName "" Returns summary data without applications .EXAMPLE $devices = Get-psIntuneDevice -UserName "" -ShowProgress Returns summary data without applications and shows progress during processing .EXAMPLE $devices = Get-psIntuneDevice -UserName "" -Detail -Full -ShowProgress Returns detailed data with applications for each device and shows progress during processing .NOTES NAME: Get-psIntuneDevice .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable])] param ( [parameter()][string] $UserName = $($global:psintuneuser), [parameter()][string] $DeviceName = "", [parameter()][ValidateSet('Full','Detailed','Summary','Raw')][string] $Detail = 'Summary', [parameter()][string][ValidateSet('All','Windows','Android','iOS')] $DeviceOS = 'All', [parameter()][boolean] $ShowProgress = $False, [parameter()][string] $graphApiVersion = "beta" ) if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UserName)) { throw "UserName was not provided" } $global:psintuneuser = $UserName try { if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DeviceName)) { $devices = Get-ManagedDevices -Username $UserName -DeviceName $DeviceName } else { if ($DeviceOS -ne 'All') { $devices = Get-ManagedDevices -UserName $UserName -DeviceOS $DeviceOS } else { $devices = Get-ManagedDevices -UserName $UserName } } $dcount = $Devices.Count $dx = 1 Write-Verbose "returned $dcount Intune managed devices" if ($Detail -eq 'Full') { Write-Warning "Full option takes the longest to process. This may take a few minutes." } foreach ($Device in $Devices){ if ($ShowProgress -eq $True) { Write-Progress -Activity "Found $dcount Intune managed devices" -Status "Reading device $dx of $dcount" -PercentComplete $(($dx/$dcount)*100) -id 1 } $DeviceID = $ $LastSync = $Device.lastSyncDateTime $SyncDays = (New-TimeSpan -Start $LastSync -End (Get-Date)).Days switch ($Detail) { 'Summary' { $upn = $Device.userPrincipalName if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($upn)) { $dom = $($upn -split '@')[1] } else { $dom = "" } [pscustomobject]@{ DeviceName = $Device.DeviceName DeviceID = $DeviceID UserName = $Device.userDisplayName Domain = $dom OSName = $Device.operatingSystem OSVersion = $Device.osVersion LastSyncTime = $LastSync LastSyncDays = $SyncDays } } 'Detailed' { $compliant = $($Device.complianceState -eq $True) $disksize = [math]::Round(($Device.totalStorageSpaceInBytes / 1GB),2) $freespace = [math]::Round(($Device.freeStorageSpaceInBytes / 1GB),2) $mem = [math]::Round(($Device.physicalMemoryInBytes / 1GB),2) $upn = $Device.userPrincipalName if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($upn)) { $dom = $($upn -split '@')[1] } else { $dom = "" } [pscustomobject]@{ DeviceName = $Device.DeviceName DeviceID = $DeviceID Manufacturer = $Device.manufacturer Model = $Device.model UserName = $Device.userDisplayName UserEmail = $Device.emailAddress UserUPN = $upn Domain = $dom ManageState = $Device.managementState Encrypted = $Device.isEncrypted Registration = $Device.deviceRegistrationState Enrollment = $Device.deviceEnrollmentType AzureADDevID = $Device.azureADDeviceId AutoPilot = $Device.autopilotEnrolled EthernetMAC = $Device.ethernetMacAddress WiFiMAC = $Device.WiFiMacAddress MemoryGB = $mem DiskSizeGB = $disksize FreeSpaceGB = $freespace SerialNumber = $Device.serialNumber OSName = $Device.operatingSystem OSVersion = $Device.osVersion Ownership = $Device.ownerType Category = $Device.deviceCategoryDisplayName EnrollDate = $Device.enrolledDateTime ManagedBy = $Device.managementAgent LastSyncTime = $LastSync LastSyncDays = $SyncDays Compliant = $compliant } } 'Full' { #Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $uriApps = "$graphApiVersion/deviceManagement/manageddevices('$DeviceID')?`$expand=detectedApps" $DetectedApps = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uriApps -Headers $authToken -Method Get).detectedApps $compliant = $($Device.complianceState -eq $True) $disksize = [math]::Round(($Device.totalStorageSpaceInBytes / 1GB),2) $freespace = [math]::Round(($Device.freeStorageSpaceInBytes / 1GB),2) $mem = [math]::Round(($Device.physicalMemoryInBytes / 1GB),2) $upn = $Device.userPrincipalName if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($upn)) { $dom = $($upn -split '@')[1] } else { $dom = "" } [pscustomobject]@{ DeviceName = $Device.DeviceName DeviceID = $DeviceID Manufacturer = $Device.manufacturer Model = $Device.model UserName = $Device.userDisplayName UserEmail = $Device.emailAddress UserUPN = $upn Domain = $dom ManageState = $Device.managementState Encrypted = $Device.isEncrypted Registration = $Device.deviceRegistrationState Enrollment = $Device.deviceEnrollmentType AzureADDevID = $Device.azureADDeviceId AutoPilot = $Device.autopilotEnrolled EthernetMAC = $Device.ethernetMacAddress WiFiMAC = $Device.WiFiMacAddress MemoryGB = $mem DiskSizeGB = $disksize FreeSpaceGB = $freespace SerialNumber = $Device.serialNumber OSName = $Device.operatingSystem OSVersion = $Device.osVersion Ownership = $Device.ownerType Category = $Device.deviceCategoryDisplayName EnrollDate = $Device.enrolledDateTime ManagedBy = $Device.managementAgent LastSyncTime = $LastSync LastSyncDays = $SyncDays Compliant = $compliant Apps = $DetectedApps } } 'Raw' { $Device } } # switch $dx++ } # foreach } catch { Write-Warning "Queried $dx of $dcount Intune devices before encountering an error" Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } } |