function Get-psIntuneInstalledApps { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns App inventory data from Intune Device data set .DESCRIPTION Returns App inventory data from Intune Device data set .PARAMETER DataSet Data returned from Get-psIntuneDevice .EXAMPLE $devices = Get-psIntuneDevice -UserName "" $applist = Get-psIntuneInstalledApps -DataSet $devices .NOTES NAME: Get-psIntuneInstalledApps .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateNotNull()] $DataSet, [parameter()][switch] $GroupByName ) $badnames = ('. .','. . .','..','...') Write-Verbose "reading $($DataSet.Count) objects" $appcount = 0 $result = $DataSet | Foreach-Object { $devicename = $_.DeviceName $apps = $_.Apps if ($null -ne $Apps) { foreach ($app in $apps) { $displayName = $($app.displayName).ToString().Trim() if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($displayName)) { if ($displayName -notin $badnames) { if ($($app.Id).Length -gt 36) { $ptype = 'WindowsStore' } elseif ($($app.Id).Length -eq 36) { $ptype = 'Win32' } else { $ptype = 'Other' } [pscustomobject]@{ ProductName = $displayName ProductVersion = $($app.version).ToString().Trim() ProductCode = $app.Id ProductType = $ptype DeviceName = $devicename } } } } $appcount++ } else { Write-Verbose "$devicename - has no apps" } } if ($appcount -eq 0) { Write-Warning "DataSet objects have no applications linked. Use [-Detail Full] option with Get-psIntuneDevice" } if ($GroupByName) { $result | Group-Object -Property ProductName | Select-Object Count,Name | Sort-Object Name -Unique } else { $result } } |