# psConjur.psm1 - PowerShell Module for Conjur REST API # Author: Joe Garcia ( # Description: A PowerShell module to authenticate with and retrieve secrets from Conjur REST API. # Module-scoped session data $script:ConjurSession = @{ ApplianceUrl = $null Account = $null AuthToken = $null ExpiryTime = $null } # Get the current module directory $moduleDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path # Import each function from the Functions directory Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path $moduleDir 'Functions') -Filter *.ps1 | ForEach-Object { . $_.FullName } # Export functions Export-ModuleMember -Function Initialize-ConjurSession, Clear-ConjurSession, Test-ConjurSession, Get-ConjurAuthToken, Get-ConjurSecret, Get-ConjurSecretsBulk |