$packageDetailsWindow.Add_Loaded({ # This is the icon in the upper left hand corner of the app $this.Icon = (Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder "Images\icon_256.png") # This is the toolbar icon and description $this.TaskbarItemInfo.Overlay = (Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder "Images\icon_256.png") $this.TaskbarItemInfo.Description = $window.this $imgLogo.Source = (Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder "Images\icon_256.png") $gPackageDetailsOverlay.Visibility="Visible" }) $packageDetailsWindow.Add_ContentRendered({ $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" $urlRegEx = '^https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&\/\/=]*)' $Results = @() [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 # Loop through every enabled chocolatey source Write-Logs -Message "Loading choco sources for searching package information" -LogLevel Debug $sources = Start-Choco -command "source" | Where-Object { $_.Enabled -eq $True } # Find package information in every enabled source and add the source name to the package information foreach ($source in $sources) { Write-Logs -Message "Searching package in source '$($Source.SourceName)'" -LogLevel Debug Write-Logs -Message "Using filter: ( (Id eq '$($lPackageID.Content)') and (Version eq '$($lPackageVersion.Content)') )" -LogLevel Debug $url = "$($source.Url)/Packages()?`$filter=( (Id eq '$($lPackageID.Content)') and (Version eq '$($lPackageVersion.Content)') )" try { $WebResult = [array](Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -TimeoutSec 5) } catch { Write-Logs -Loglevel Error -Message "Error while retrieving information for package '$($lPackageID.Content)' version $($lPackageVersion.Content)': $_" continue } Write-Logs -Message "Found $($WebResult.Count) results in source '$($Source.SourceName)'" -LogLevel Debug foreach ($package in $WebResult) { if ($package -is [System.Xml.XMLElement]) { try { $"Repository", $source.SourceName) } catch { Write-Warning "Could not add repository to package information" } } else { Write-Logs -Message "Unexpected result from package search. Type is: $($package.GetType()); Content is: $($package.ToString() )" } } $Results += $WebResult } Write-Logs -Message "Found $($Results.Count) packages within all your enabled sources" -LogLevel Info if ($Results.Count -ge 1) { if ($Results.Count -gt 1) { [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("More than one package of '$($lPackageID.Content)' version '$($lPackageVersion.Content)' was found, maybe due to multiple choco sources. `nOnly the first found package is shown here", "Multiple packages", "OK","Information") Write-Logs -Message "More than one package was found. Only the first one is shown in the details-window. The packages were found in these repos: $($ -join ',')" -LogLevel Warning } $Result = $Results[0] if ($Result -is [System.Xml.XMLElement]) { $lPackageRepo.Content = $ $tbPackageTitle.Text = $ $tbPackageAuthors.Text = $ $tbLastUpdated.Text = Get-Date($'#text') -Format "ddd dd. MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" if ($ -match $urlRegEx) { $hProjectUrl.NavigateUri = $hProjectUrl.Tooltip = $tbProjectUrl.Text = $ $hProjectUrl.Add_Click({ Start-Process $this.NavigateUri }) } else { $hProjectUrl.IsEnabled = $tbProjectUrl.IsENabled = $False $tbProjectUrl.Text = "N/A" $hProjectUrl.Cursor = $null } if ($ -match $urlRegEx) { $hProjectSourceUrl.NavigateUri = $hProjectSourceUrl.Tooltip = $tbProjectSourceUrl.Text = $ $hProjectSourceUrl.Add_Click({ Start-Process $this.NavigateUri }) } else { $hProjectSourceUrl.IsEnabled = $tbProjectSourceUrl.IsENabled = $False $tbProjectSourceUrl.Text = "N/A" $hProjectSourceUrl.Cursor = $null } if ($ -match $urlRegEx) { $hIconUrl.NavigateUri = $hIconUrl.Tooltip = $tbIconUrl.Text = $ $hIconUrl.Add_Click({ Start-Process $this.NavigateUri }) if ($ -like "*.png" -or $ -like "*.jpg" -or $ -like "*.jpeg") { $imgLogo.Source = $ } else { (Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder "Images\icon_256.png") } } else { $hIconUrl.IsEnabled = $tbIconUrl.IsENabled = $False $tbIconUrl.Text = "N/A" $hIconUrl.Cursor = $null } if ($ -match $urlRegEx) { $hLicenseUrl.NavigateUri = $hLicenseUrl.Tooltip = $tbLicenseUrl.Text = $ $hLicenseUrl.Add_Click({ Start-Process $this.NavigateUri }) } else { $hLicenseUrl.IsEnabled = $tbLicenseUrl.IsENabled = $False $tbLicenseUrl.Text = "N/A" $hLicenseUrl.Cursor = $null } if ($ -match $urlRegEx) { $hDocsUrl.NavigateUri = $hDocsUrl.Tooltip = $tbDocsUrl.Text = $ $hDocsUrl.Add_Click({ Start-Process $this.NavigateUri }) } else { $hDocsUrl.IsEnabled = $tbDocsUrl.IsENabled = $False $tbDocsUrl.Text = "N/A" $hDocsUrl.Cursor = $null } if ($ -match $urlRegEx) { $hMailingListUrl.NavigateUri = $hMailingListUrl.Tooltip = $tbMailingListUrl.Text = $ $hMailingListUrl.Add_Click({ Start-Process $this.NavigateUri }) } else { $hMailingListUrl.IsEnabled = $tbMailingListUrl.IsENabled = $False $tbMailingListUrl.Text = "N/A" $hMailingListUrl.Cursor = $null } if ($ -match $urlRegEx) { $hBugTrackerUrl.NavigateUri = $hBugTrackerUrl.Tooltip = $tbBugTrackerUrl.Text = $ $hBugTrackerUrl.Add_Click({ Start-Process $this.NavigateUri }) } else { $hBugTrackerUrl.IsEnabled = $tbBugTrackerUrl.IsENabled = $False $tbBugTrackerUrl.Text = "N/A" $hBugTrackerUrl.Cursor = $null } if ($ -match $urlRegEx) { $hReleaseNotes.NavigateUri = $hReleaseNotes.Tooltip = $tbReleaseNotes.Text = $ $hReleaseNotes.Add_Click({ Start-Process $this.NavigateUri }) } else { $hReleaseNotes.IsEnabled = $tbReleaseNotes.IsENabled = $False $tbReleaseNotes.Text = "N/A" $hReleaseNotes.Cursor = $null } if ($ -ne "true") { $tbCopyright.Text = $ } else { $lCopyright.IsEnabled = $tbCopyright.IsEnabled = $False $tbCopyright.Text = "N/A" } $tbTags.Text = $'#text' $tbTags.Text = $tbTags.Text.Trim() if ( [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($tbTags.Text) ) { $lTags.IsEnabled = $tbTags.IsEnabled = $False $tbTags.Text = "N/A" } $tbDependencies.Text = $ if ( [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($tbDependencies.Text) ) { $lDependencies.IsEnabled = $tbDependencies.IsEnabled = $False $tbDependencies.Text = "N/A" } $cbRequireLicenseAcceptance.IsChecked = [bool]$'#text' $tbSummary.Text = $result.summary.'#text' try { Get-Childitem -Path (Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder "res\dll") -Filter "*.dll" | ForEach-Object { [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($_.Fullname) } $engine = [MdXaml.Markdown]::new() $doc = $engine.Transform($ $mdxamDescription.AddChild($doc) $cbViewPlaintext.IsChecked = $False $cbViewPlaintext.IsEnabled = $True $tbDescription.Visibility = "Collapsed" $mdxamDescription.Visibility = "Visible" $cbViewPlaintext.Visibility = "Visible" } catch { Write-Logs -Message "Rendering the markdown description failed and was therefore disabled. The error was: $_" -LogLevel Error $cbViewPlaintext.IsChecked = $True $cbViewPlaintext.IsEnabled = $False $tbDescription.Visibility = "Visible" $mdxamDescription.Visibility = "Collapsed" $cbViewPlaintext.Visibility = "Collapsed" } $tbDescription.Text = $ } } else { Write-Logs -Message "No package with the name '$($lPackageID.Content)' and version '$($lPackageVersion.Content)' was found in your enabled sources. This should not have happened" -LogLevel Error [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("No package with the name '$($lPackageID.Content)' and version '$($lPackageVersion.Content)' was found. This should not have happened oO", "No package information found", "OK","Error") } $gPackageDetailsOverlay.Visibility = "Hidden" }) $cbViewPlaintext.Add_Unchecked({ $tbDescription.Visibility = "Collapsed" $mdxamDescription.Visibility = "Visible" }) $cbViewPlaintext.Add_Checked({ $tbDescription.Visibility = "Visible" $mdxamDescription.Visibility = "Collapsed" }) |