[CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Object[]] $OutdatedPackages, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] [ValidateSet("GUI","Notification")] $Mode = "Notification", [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [System.IO.FileInfo] $SettingsFile = (Join-Path $env:APPDATA "psChocoUpdateNotify\settings.json"), [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$IgnoreStartupChecks, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$SkipGUIInitialSearch ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('presentationframework') [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.VisualBasic') # Loading helper functions . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "helpers.ps1") # Define GUI version $script:version = "1.2.2" # Define some other useful variables $script:projectRootFolder = $PSScriptRoot # Load settings.json Write-Logs -Message "Load settings" -LogLevel DEBUG if (Test-Path $settingsFile ) { $script:settings = Get-Content -Encoding UTF8 -Path $settingsFile | ConvertFrom-Json if ($null -eq $settings) { $settings = [PSCustomObject]@{} } $settings = Test-Settings -settings $settings Write-Logs -Message "Loaded settings from $($settingsFile)" -LogLevel Info } else { # if non-existant: create dir and default-configfile if (-not (Test-Path (Split-Path $settingsFile) ) ) { New-Item -ItemType Directory (Split-Path $settingsFile) } $settings = Test-Settings # this will create all default settings Write-Logs -Message "Loaded default settings because the currently set config file was not found ($settingsFile)" -LogLevel Info } if ($Mode -eq "Notification") { Write-Logs -Message "Starting script in notification-mode" -LogLevel Info # BurntToast-Module requires Windows 10 or Server 2019. Show a warning on other operating systems [int]$buildNumber = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\" -Name CurrentBuildNumber | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CurrentBuildNumber if ($buildNumber -lt 17763) { Write-Logs -Message "Operating system is not supported by the BurntToast-Module. Warn the user" -LogLevel Warning $answer = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("This program requires at least Windows 10 1809 or Windows Server 2019 (Build number 17763 or higher)`n`nOther operating systems were not tested.`nProceed on your own, if you wish to continue?", "Operating system warning", "YesNo", "Warning") if ($answer -ne "Yes") { Write-Logs -Message "Operating system is not supported by the BurntToast-Module. Exited script by user-choice" -LogLevel Info Write-Host "Cancel start on user-choice" Exit 0 } } try { Import-Module (Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder ".\BurntToast\BurntToast.psd1") } catch { Write-Logs -Message "The BurntToast-Module could not be loaded. Cannot continue. Error message was: $($_)" -LogLevel Critical } if (Test-ChocolateyInstall) { # Checking if psChocoUpdateNotifyUpdate:// and psChocoUpdateNotifyGUI:// protocol handlers are present New-PSDrive -Name HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null $ProtocolHandlerUpdate = Get-ItemProperty 'HKCR:\psChocoUpdateNotifyUpdate\Shell\open\command' -Name '(Default)' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty '(Default)' $ProtocolHandlerGUI = Get-ItemProperty 'HKCR:\psChocoUpdateNotifyGUI\Shell\open\command' -Name '(Default)' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty '(Default)' Remove-PSDrive -Name HKCR $ProtocolHandlerUpdateDesiredValue = "cscript.exe `"$(Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder 'psChocoUpdateNotifyUpdate.vbs')`"" $ProtocolHandlerGUIDesiredValue = "cscript.exe `"$(Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder 'psChocoUpdateNotifyGUI.vbs')`"" $LogonTask = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "psChocoUpdateNotify-Logon" -TaskPath "\psChocoUpdateNotify\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ( $IgnoreStartupChecks.IsPresent -eq $false -and # Check if we should update things ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ProtocolHandlerUpdate) -or [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ProtocolHandlerGUI) -or # Paths are present $ProtocolHandlerUpdate -ne $ProtocolHandlerUpdateDesiredValue -or $ProtocolHandlerGUI -ne $ProtocolHandlerGUIDesiredValue -or # Values are correct $null -eq $LogonTask) # Task is present (do not check the task itself. This means you can do changes to the task if you wish to, without loosing them on an update) ) { Write-Logs -Message "A protocol-handler or the task was not setup as expected. Warn the user about this and ask what to do" -LogLevel Warning $sh = New-Object -ComObject "Wscript.Shell" $answer = $sh.Popup("This looks like it's either the first time you're starting this application or some path/the scheduled task needs an update.`n`nYou might be asked for elevated permissions in order to install or update protocol handlers or the task!`n`nDo you want to continue? If you do not click 'Yes' here, some basic things might not work for you!`n`nYes = Go ahead`nNo = Dont install/update`nCancel = exit application`n`nThis window will autoclose with 'Yes' in 120 seconds",120,"Protocol Handler/scheduled task install/update",3+32) if ($answer -eq -1 -or $answer -eq 6) { # -1 = Timeout reached; 6 = Yes Write-Logs -Message "Updating protocol-handlers and the task. Might need to ask for elevated permissions..." -LogLevel Debug $ps1File = Join-Path $env:TEMP "Create-ProtocolHandler.ps1" @" New-PSDrive -Name HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null New-item 'HKCR:\psChocoUpdateNotifyUpdate' -Force Set-ItemProperty 'HKCR:\psChocoUpdateNotifyUpdate' -Name '(DEFAULT)' -value 'url:psChocoUpdateNotifyUpdate' -Force Set-ItemProperty 'HKCR:\psChocoUpdateNotifyUpdate' -Name 'URL Protocol' -value '' -Force New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCR:\psChocoUpdateNotifyUpdate' -PropertyType dword -Name 'EditFlags' -value 2162688 New-Item 'HKCR:\psChocoUpdateNotifyUpdate\Shell\Open\command' -Force Set-ItemProperty 'HKCR:\psChocoUpdateNotifyUpdate\Shell\Open\command' -Name '(DEFAULT)' -value 'cscript.exe "$(Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder 'psChocoUpdateNotifyUpdate.vbs')"' -Force New-item 'HKCR:\psChocoUpdateNotifyGUI' -Force Set-ItemProperty 'HKCR:\psChocoUpdateNotifyGUI' -Name '(DEFAULT)' -value 'url:psChocoUpdateNotifyGUI' -Force Set-ItemProperty 'HKCR:\psChocoUpdateNotifyGUI' -Name 'URL Protocol' -value '' -Force New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCR:\psChocoUpdateNotifyGUI' -PropertyType dword -Name 'EditFlags' -value 2162688 New-Item 'HKCR:\psChocoUpdateNotifyGUI\Shell\Open\command' -Force Set-ItemProperty 'HKCR:\psChocoUpdateNotifyGUI\Shell\Open\command' -Name '(DEFAULT)' -value 'cscript.exe "$(Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder 'psChocoUpdateNotifyGUI.vbs')"' -Force `$Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'powershell.exe' -Argument "-WindowStyle Hidden -NonInteractive -NoLogo -NoProfile -File ```"$(Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder "psChocoUpdateNotify.ps1")```"" `$Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtLogOn `$Settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet `$Task = New-ScheduledTask -Action `$Action -Trigger `$Trigger -Settings `$Settings Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'psChocoUpdateNotify-Logon' -InputObject `$Task -TaskPath "\psChocoUpdateNotify" -Force Remove-PSDrive -Name HKCR "@ | Out-File -FilePath $ps1File Start-Process -FilePath "powershell.exe" -ArgumentList "-File $ps1File -WindowStyle Normal -NoProfile" -verb RunAs -Wait Remove-Item $ps1File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } elseif ($answer -eq 2) { # 2 = Cancel / Close Window / ESC Write-Logs -Message "Some protocol-handler or the task was not setup as expected but the user chose to not continue. Aborting here" -LogLevel Warning Exit 0 } } else { Write-Logs "Protocol-Handlers and the scheduled task are setup correctly. Continuing." -LogLevel Debug } if (-not $OutdatedPackages) { Write-Logs "Finding outdated packages with 'choco outdated --ignore-unfound'" -LogLevel Debug $script:OutdatedPackages = @(Start-Choco -Command "outdated" -Options "--ignore-unfound") Write-Logs "Found $($script:OutdatedPackages.Count) outdated packages by using 'choco outdated --ignore-unfound'" -LogLevel Info } else { Write-Logs "Using packages from parameter 'Outdated-Packages'. This not really tested yet, use it with caution." -LogLevel Warning } Write-Logs "Building toast-notification depending on found packages" -LogLevel Debug try { if ($script:OutdatedPackages) { $appimage = New-BTImage -Source (Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder "Images\icon_256.png") -AppLogoOverride $Text1 = New-BTText -Content "Chocolatey Package Updates" $Text2 = New-BTText -Content "$($script:OutdatedPackages.Count) Updates were found. Please choose if you'd like to update them all now, open the GUI, or snooze this message." $Button1 = New-BTButton -Content "Update" -Arguments "psChocoUpdateNotifyUpdate:" -ActivationType Protocol $Button2 = New-BTButton -Content "GUI" -Arguments "psChocoUpdateNotifyGUI:" -ActivationType Protocol $Button3 = New-BTButton -Content "Snooze" -snooze -id 'SnoozeTime' $Button4 = New-BTButton -Content "Dismiss" -Dismiss $1Min = New-BTSelectionBoxItem -Id 1 -Content 'Snooze for 1 minute' $5Min = New-BTSelectionBoxItem -Id 5 -Content 'Snooze for 5 minutes' $15Min = New-BTSelectionBoxItem -Id 10 -Content 'Snooze for 15 minutes' $30Min = New-BTSelectionBoxItem -Id 30 -Content 'Snooze for 30 minutes' $1Hour = New-BTSelectionBoxItem -Id 60 -Content 'Snooze for 1 hour' $Items = $1Min, $5Min, $15Min, $30Min, $1Hour $SelectionBox = New-BTInput -Id 'SnoozeTime' -DefaultSelectionBoxItemId 5 -Items $Items $action = New-BTAction -Buttons $Button1, $Button2, $Button3, $Button4 -inputs $SelectionBox $Binding = New-BTBinding -Children $text1, $text2 -AppLogoOverride $appimage $Visual = New-BTVisual -BindingGeneric $Binding $Content = New-BTContent -Visual $Visual -Actions $action } else { $appimage = New-BTImage -Source (Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder "Images\icon_256.png") -AppLogoOverride $Text1 = New-BTText -Content "Chocolatey Package Updates" $Text2 = New-BTText -Content "Your packages are up-to-date :>" $Button = New-BTButton -Content "Dismiss" -Dismiss $action = New-BTAction -Buttons $Button $Binding = New-BTBinding -Children $text1, $text2 -AppLogoOverride $appimage $Visual = New-BTVisual -BindingGeneric $Binding $Content = New-BTContent -Visual $Visual -Actions $action } } catch { Write-Logs "Could not build toast-notification. Cannot continue. The error message was $($_)" -LogLevel Critical Exit 1 } Write-Logs "Showing toast-notification" -LogLevel Debug try { Submit-BTNotification -Content $Content } catch { Write-Logs "Could not show toast-notification. Cannot continue. The error message was $($_)" -LogLevel Critical Exit 1 } } else { # choco not installed or not in PATH Write-Logs -Message "Chocolatey was not found. Inform the user about it and show a button where to download it" -LogLevel Warning $appimage = New-BTImage -Source (Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder "Images\icon_256.png") -AppLogoOverride $Text1 = New-BTText -Content "Chocolatey Installation" $Text2 = New-BTText -Content "Chocolatey was not found on your system.`n`nYou can install it by visiting and follow the instructions" $Button1 = New-BTButton -Content "Install" -Arguments "" -ActivationType Protocol $Button2 = New-BTButton -Content "Dismiss" -Dismiss $action = New-BTAction -Buttons $Button1, $Button2 $Binding = New-BTBinding -Children $text1, $text2 -AppLogoOverride $appimage $Visual = New-BTVisual -BindingGeneric $Binding $Content = New-BTContent -Visual $Visual -Actions $action Submit-BTNotification -Content $Content } } elseif ($Mode -eq "GUI") { Write-Logs -Message "Starting script in gui-mode" -LogLevel Info # Load XAML File Write-Logs -Message "Loading xml for mainWindow (window.xaml)" -Loglevel "debug" try { $xaml = [xml](Get-Content (Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder "windows\mainWindow\window.xaml") -ErrorAction Stop) $window = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load( (New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xaml) ) } catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException] { if ($_.CategoryInfo.Reason -eq "RuntimeException") { # file could not be parsed as a xml Write-Logs -Message "XAML-File could not be parsed as a xml file. Check the XAMl-Content" -Loglevel "emergency" Exit } elseif ($_.CategoryInfo.Reason -eq "MethodInvocationException") { # Xml could not be loaded by XamlReader Write-Logs -Message "XAML-Content could not be loaded by XamlReader-Object. Check the XAMl-Content" -Loglevel "emergency" Exit } elseif ($_.CategoryInfo.Reason -eq "ItemNotFoundException") { Write-Logs -Message "XAML-File was not found" -Loglevel "emergency" Exit } } catch { Write-Logs -Message "Other error while reading and parsing the XAML-File ($($_.Exception))" -Loglevel "emergency" Exit } # Find Window Objects Write-Logs -Message "Converting elements to variables for mainWindow" -Loglevel "debug" foreach ($node in $xaml.SelectNodes("//*[@*[contains(translate(name(.),'n','N'),'Name')]]")){ New-Variable -Name $node.Name -Value $window.FindName($node.Name) -Force -Scope "Script" } # Load events for the main window Write-Logs -Message "Load events-file for mainWindow" -Loglevel "debug" . (Join-Path $script:projectRootFolder "windows\mainWindow\events.ps1") # Show the main window Write-Logs -Message "Displaying mainWindow" -Loglevel "debug" try { [void]$window.ShowDialog() } catch { Write-Logs -Message "An unknown error occured when showing the mainWindow. This should not have happened. The error message was: $($_)" } } Write-Logs -Message "Saving settings back to $settingsFile" $settings | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 -FilePath $settingsFile |