Function Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to bypass self-signed/internally signed certs. .DESCRIPTION On PS 6.0 and up you can just use -SkipCertificateCheck. Unfortunately PS 5.1 doesn't have this flag. So i fell back to this model. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS None. .EXAMPLE Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 .LINK #> Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'ServerCertificateValidationCallback').Type){ $certCallback = @" using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Security; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class ServerCertificateValidationCallback { public static void Ignore() { if(ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback ==null) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate ( Object obj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors ) { return true; }; } } } "@ Add-Type $certCallback | out-null } [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; [ServerCertificateValidationCallback]::Ignore() } function Convert-SecureStringtoBase64 { <# .SYNOPSIS Function accepts a credential object and returns a base64 encoded string of the password. .DESCRIPTION Function accepts a credential object and returns a base64 encoded string of the password. .PARAMETER Credential Specifies the credential to convert. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS System.String. Base64encoded string representing the password. .EXAMPLE $EncodedPassword = Convert-SecureStringtoBase64 -credential $credential .LINK #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [pscredential]$credential ) Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $binary_string = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($($credential.password)) $plain_text_string = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringBSTR($binary_string) $EncodedPassword = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($plain_text_string)) write-output $EncodedPassword } function New-DeviceQuery { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [hashtable]$search_params ) Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $queryComponents = @() If($search_params.keys -contains 'activation_date'){ If(!$search_params.keys -contains $operator){ Write-Error "When passing an activation date you must always pass an operator parameter." } switch ($search_params['operator']) { "Less Than" { $operatorSymbol = "<" } "Less Than Or Equal To" { $operatorSymbol = "<=" } "Greater Than" { $operatorSymbol = ">" } "Greater Than Or Equal To" { $operatorSymbol = ">=" } } $queryComponents += $("activationDate" + $operatorSymbol + $search_params['activation_date']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'dynamics_container_id'){ $queryComponents += $("dynamicsContainerId=" + $search_params['dynamics_container_id']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'guid'){ $queryComponents += $("guid=" + $search_params['guid']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'imei'){ $queryComponents += $("imei=" + $search_params['imei']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'meid'){ $queryComponents += $("meid=" + $search_params['meid']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'ownership'){ $queryComponents += $("ownership=" + $search_params['ownership']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'udid'){ $queryComponents += $("udid=" + $search_params['udid']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'wifi_mac_address'){ $queryComponents += $("wifiMacAddress=" + $search_params['wifi_mac_address']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'shared_device_only'){ $queryComponents += $("sharedDeviceOnly=" + $search_params['shared_device_only']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'os'){ $queryComponents += $("os=" + $search_params['os']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'os_family_name'){ $queryComponents += $("osFamilyName=" + $search_params['os_family_name']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'hardware_model'){ $queryComponents += $("hardwareModel=" + $search_params['hardware_model']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'hardware_vendor_company_name'){ $queryComponents += $("hardwareVendorCompanyName=" + $search_params['hardware_vendor_company_name']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'enrollment_type'){ $queryComponents += $("enrollmentType=" + $search_params['enrollment_type']) } $query_string = [String]::Join(",", $queryComponents) If($search_params.keys -contains 'include_total'){ $query_string = $query_string + $("&includeTotal=" + $search_params['include_total']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'max'){ $query_string = $query_string + $("&max=" + $search_params['max']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'offset'){ $query_string = $query_string +$("&offset=" + $search_params['offset']) } Write-Output $query_string } function New-AppConfigQuery { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [hashtable]$search_params ) Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $queryComponents = @() If($search_params.keys -contains 'app_name'){ $queryComponents += $("appName=" + $search_params['app_name']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'app_package_id'){ $queryComponents += $("appPackageId=" + $search_params['app_package_id']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'app_guid'){ $queryComponents += $("appGuid=" + $search_params['app_guid']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'guid'){ $queryComponents += $("guid=" + $search_params['guid']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'name'){ $queryComponents += $("name=" + $search_params['name']) } If($search_params.keys -contains 'rank'){ $queryComponents += $("rank=" + $search_params['rank']) } $query_string = [String]::Join(",", $queryComponents) If($search_params.keys -contains 'max'){ $query_string = $query_string + $("&max=" + $search_params['max']) } Write-Output $query_string } function Get-RestParams { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$method, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$media_type, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$endpoint ) begin{ Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" Write-Debug "media_type = $media_type" Write-Debug "method = $method" } process{ switch ($method) { 'Post' { $representation_header = 'Content-Type'} 'Patch' { $representation_header = 'Content-Type'} 'Put' { $representation_header = 'Accept'} 'Delete' { $representation_header = 'Accept'} 'Get' { $representation_header = 'Accept'} Default { Write-Error "Unknown method passed. Method was: $method" } } $rest_params = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ method = $method Headers = @{ "$representation_header" = "application/vnd.blackberry." + $media_type + "-v1+json" "Authorization" = $global:env:uem_auth_token } api_url = $global:env:uem_environment + $endpoint } Write-Debug "Headers: $($rest_params.headers | Out-String)" Write-Debug "Method: $($rest_params.method)" Write-Debug "API_URL: $($rest_params.api_url)" Write-Output $rest_params } } |