function Search-User { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to search the blackberry uem api by username with pagination. .DESCRIPTION This function searches the Blackberry UEM API by username and returns one or more user objects with pagination. If the user does not exist it returns an empty array. .PARAMETER user The username to search for. .PARAMETER offset The starting point from where to fetch the next set of results. .EXAMPLE Search-UEMAPiUser -user 'stephaniem' -offset 5 .EXAMPLE Search-UEMAPiUser -user 'stephan*' -offset 10 .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$user, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int]$offset = 0 ) begin{ Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $method = 'Get' $Headers = @{ 'Accept' = 'application/vnd.blackberry.users-v1+json' 'Authorization' = $global:env:uem_auth_token } $api_url = $global:env:uem_environment + "/users?query=username=$user&max=100&offset=$offset&sortBy=username%20DESC" Write-Debug "URI: $api_url" Write-Debug "Headers: $headers" Write-Debug "Method: $method" } process{ try { Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $api_url -Headers $Headers -Method $method return $Response } catch { Switch -Wildcard ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) { '400' {Write-Error "Invalid search query."} default {Write-Error "$_"} } } } } function Get-UserByGuid { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to retrieve a user by it's GUID. .DESCRIPTION This function searches the Blackberry UEM API by GUID and returns the matching user. .PARAMETER user This must be the guid of the user in blackberry uem. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS System.Object. With the user information. .EXAMPLE Get-UEMAPiUserByGuid -user_guid 'db7c8555-17c2-46b4-be55-86d567f4f7cc' .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$user_guid ) begin{ Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $method = 'Get' $Headers = @{ 'Accept' = 'application/vnd.blackberry.userdetail-v1+json' 'Authorization' = $global:env:uem_auth_token } $api_url = $global:env:uem_environment + "/users/$user_guid" Write-Debug "URI: $api_url" Write-Debug "Headers: $headers" Write-Debug "Method: $method" } process{ try { Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $api_url -Headers $Headers -Method $method return $Response } catch { Switch -Wildcard ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) { '404' {Write-Error "User not found."} default {Write-Error "$_"} } } } } function Remove-UserByGuid { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to remove a user by it's GUID. .DESCRIPTION This function removes the matching user from the Blackberry UEM API. .PARAMETER user This must be the guid of the user in blackberry uem. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS System.Object. With the user information. .EXAMPLE Get-UEMAPiUserByGuid -user_guid 'db7c8555-17c2-46b4-be55-86d567f4f7cc' .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$user_guid ) begin{ Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $method = 'Delete' $Headers = @{ 'Accept' = 'application/vnd.blackberry.user-v1+json' 'Authorization' = $global:env:uem_auth_token } $api_url = $global:env:uem_environment + "/users/$user_guid" Write-Debug "URI: $api_url" Write-Debug "Headers: $headers" Write-Debug "Method: $method" } process{ try { Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $api_url -Headers $Headers -Method $method return $Response } catch { Switch -Wildcard ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) { '409' {Write-Error "User has associated services or enrolled devices and cannot be removed."} '404' {Write-Error "User not found."} default {Write-Error "$_"} } } } } function Get-UserDevices { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to search the blackberry uem api and get devices belonging to a specific user. .DESCRIPTION This function searches the Blackberry UEM API by userguid and returns one or more user devices. If the user does not exist it returns an empty array. .PARAMETER user This must be the username of the user in blackberry uem. This also accepts wildcarding like 'stephan*' which would return potentially multiple stephanies. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS System.Array. Returns an array of devices matching the user guid query. .EXAMPLE Get-UEMAPIUserDevices -user_guid $user.guid .EXAMPLE Get-UEMAPIUserDevices -user_guid 'cf60110b-d540-4b6c-b316-d83aa201344f' .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$user_guid ) begin{ Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $method = 'Get' $Headers = @{ 'Accept' = 'application/vnd.blackberry.userdevices-v1+json' 'Authorization' = $global:env:uem_auth_token } $api_url = $global:env:uem_environment + "/users/$user_guid/userDevices" Write-Debug "URI: $api_url" Write-Debug "Headers: $headers" Write-Debug "Method: $method" } process{ try { Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $api_url -Headers $Headers -Method $method return $Response } catch { Switch -Wildcard ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) { '404' {Write-Error "User or Device not found."} default {Write-Error "Authentication failed: $_"} } } } } #TODO <# function Set-BBUEMUserAssignedProfiles { .SYNOPSIS Function to Get assigned profile for a user by profile GUID. .DESCRIPTION Function to Get assigned profile for a user by profile GUID. .PARAMETER user_guid This must be the guid of the user in blackberry uem. .PARAMETER profile_guid This must be the guid of the profile in blackberry uem. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS #TODO .EXAMPLE Get-BBUEMUserAssignedProfile -user_guid 'db7c8555-17c2-46b4-be55-86d567f4f7cc' -profile_guid $profile_guid .LINK Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$user_guid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Array]$profiles ) $Headers = @{ 'Accept' = 'application/vnd.blackberry.profileassignment-v1+json' 'Authorization' = $global:env:uem_auth_token } $api_url = $global:env:uem_environment + "/users/$user_guid/profiles" try { Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $api_url -Headers $Headers -Method Put return $Response } catch { Switch -Wildcard ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) { '400' {Write-Error "Profile type not supported."} '404' {Write-Error "User or profile not found."} default {Write-Error "Authentication failed: $_"} } } } #> function Get-UserAssignedProfile { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to Get assigned profile for a user by profile GUID. .DESCRIPTION Function to Get assigned profile for a user by profile GUID. .PARAMETER user_guid This must be the guid of the user in blackberry uem. .PARAMETER profile_guid This must be the guid of the profile in blackberry uem. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS #TODO .EXAMPLE Get-BBUEMUserAssignedProfile -user_guid 'db7c8555-17c2-46b4-be55-86d567f4f7cc' -profile_guid $profile_guid .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$user_guid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$profile_guid ) begin{ Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $method = 'Get' $Headers = @{ 'Accept' = 'application/vnd.blackberry.profileassignment-v1+json' 'Authorization' = $global:env:uem_auth_token } $api_url = $global:env:uem_environment + "/users/$user_guid/profiles/$profile_guid" Write-Debug "URI: $api_url" Write-Debug "Headers: $headers" Write-Debug "Method: $method" } process{ try { Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $api_url -Headers $Headers -Method $method return $Response } catch { Switch -Wildcard ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) { '400' {Write-Error "Profile type not supported."} '404' {Write-Error "User or profile not found."} default {Write-Error "$_"} } } } } function Get-UserServices { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to retrieve services assigned to a user. .DESCRIPTION Function to retrieve services assigned to a user. .PARAMETER user_guid This must be the guid of the user in blackberry uem. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS #TODO .EXAMPLE Get-BBUEMUserServices -user_guid 'db7c8555-17c2-46b4-be55-86d567f4f7cc' .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$user_guid ) begin{ Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $method = 'Get' $Headers = @{ 'Accept' = 'application/vnd.blackberry.serviceassignments-v1+json' 'Authorization' = $global:env:uem_auth_token } $api_url = $global:env:uem_environment + "/users/$user_guid/services" Write-Debug "URI: $api_url" Write-Debug "Headers: $headers" Write-Debug "Method: $method" } process{ try { Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $api_url -Headers $Headers -Method $method return $Response } catch { Switch -Wildcard ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) { '404' {Write-Error "User not found."} default {Write-Error "$_"} } } } } function Get-UserDeviceByGuid { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to search the blackberry uem api and get a specific user device by guid. .DESCRIPTION Function to search the blackberry uem api and get a specific user device by guid. .PARAMETER user_guid This must be the guid of the user in blackberry uem. .PARAMETER user_guid This must be the guid of the device in blackberry uem. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS System.Object. Returns a device object matching the user guid query. .EXAMPLE Get-BBUEMUserDeviceByGuid -user_guid $user.guid -device_guid $device_guid .EXAMPLE Get-UEMAPIUserDevices -user_guid 'cf60110b-d540-4b6c-b316-d83aa201344f' .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$user_guid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$device_guid ) begin{ Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $method = 'Get' $Headers = @{ 'Accept' = 'application/vnd.blackberry.userdevice-v1+json' 'Authorization' = $global:env:uem_auth_token } $api_url = $global:env:uem_environment + "/users/$user_guid/userDevices/$device_guid" Write-Debug "URI: $api_url" Write-Debug "Headers: $headers" Write-Debug "Method: $method" } process{ try { Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $api_url -Headers $Headers -Method $method return $Response } catch { Switch -Wildcard ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) { '404' {Write-Error "User or Device not found."} default {Write-Error "$_"} } } } } function Get-UserApps { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to retrieve a user by it's GUID. .DESCRIPTION This function searches the Blackberry UEM API by GUID and returns the matching user. .PARAMETER user This must be the guid of the user in blackberry uem. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS System.Object. With the user information. .EXAMPLE Get-UEMAPiUserByGuid -user_guid 'db7c8555-17c2-46b4-be55-86d567f4f7cc' .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$user_guid ) begin{ Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $method = 'Get' $Headers = @{ 'Accept' = 'application/vnd.blackberry.applicationassignments-v1+json' 'Authorization' = $global:env:uem_auth_token } $api_url = $global:env:uem_environment + "/users/$user_guid/applications" Write-Debug "URI: $api_url" Write-Debug "Headers: $headers" Write-Debug "Method: $method" } process{ try { Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $api_url -Headers $Headers -Method $method return $Response } catch { Switch -Wildcard ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) { '400' {Write-Error "Invalid search query."} '404' {Write-Error "User not found."} default {Write-Error "$_"} } } } } function Get-UserAppByGuid { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to retrieve a user by it's GUID. .DESCRIPTION This function searches the Blackberry UEM API by GUID and returns the matching user. .PARAMETER user This must be the guid of the user in blackberry uem. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS System.Object. With the user information. .EXAMPLE Get-UEMAPiUserByGuid -user_guid 'db7c8555-17c2-46b4-be55-86d567f4f7cc' .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$user_guid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$user_device_guid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$app_guid ) begin{ Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $method = 'Get' $Headers = @{ 'Accept' = 'application/vnd.blackberry.userdevice.application-v1+json' 'Authorization' = $global:env:uem_auth_token } $api_url = $global:env:uem_environment + "/users/$user_guid/userDevices/$user_device_guid/applications/$app_guid" Write-Debug "URI: $api_url" Write-Debug "Headers: $headers" Write-Debug "Method: $method" } process{ try { Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $api_url -Headers $Headers -Method $method return $Response } catch { Switch -Wildcard ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) { '404' {Write-Error "User, Device, or Application not found."} default {Write-Error "$_"} } } } } function Invoke-UserDeviceApplicationCommand { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to send commands to act against specific application on the users phone. .DESCRIPTION This function has a set array of 5 commands it can pass to the phone. Please check out this endpoint /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/userDevices/{userDeviceGuid}/applications/{appGuid}/commands for specifics on the available commands. Or look at the code below. .PARAMETER user_guid [System.Guid] This is the guid of the user who owns the device we will be acting against. .PARAMETER device_guid [System.Guid] This is the guid of the device we will be acting against. .PARAMETER application_guid [System.Guid] This is the guid of the application installed on the device we will be acting against. .PARAMETER command [string] This is command we will be sending to act against the application. The only valid commands at time of writing are: "LOCK_APPLICATION", "DELETE_APPLICATION","ATTEST_APPLICATION","BLOCK_APPLICATION","UNBLOCK_APPLICATION" .PARAMETER type [string] This is only passed if the "ATTEST_APPLICATION" command has been passed. Its possible values are: "SAFETYNET", "HARDWARE_KEY", "APP_INTEGRITY" .PARAMETER title [string] This is only passed if the 'BLOCK_APPLICATION' command has been passed. .PARAMETER body [string] This is only passed if the 'BLOCK_APPLICATION' command has been passed. .PARAMETER actionid [string] This is only passed if the 'BLOCK_APPLICATION' or 'UNBLOCK_APPLICATION' commands have been passed. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS No idea yet, havent been able to test it. .EXAMPLE #This deletes all app data for an application. Invoke-UEMUserDeviceApplicationCommand -user_guid $uguid -device_guid $dguid -application_guid $aguid -command 'DELETE_APPLICATION' .EXAMPLE #This would block the passed application and display a message on the phone. Invoke-UEMUserDeviceApplicationCommand -user_guid $uguid -device_guid $dguid -application_guid $aguid -command 'BLOCK_APPLICATION' ` -title $title -body 'You have had an application blocked' -actionid 'wc_blackberry_work_block' .EXAMPLE #This actually have no idea what attestation means. Invoke-UEMUserDeviceApplicationCommand -user_guid $uguid -device_guid $dguid -application_guid $aguid -command 'ATTEST_APPLICATION' -type "HARDWARE_KEY" .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$user_guid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$device_guid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$application_guid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ATTEST_APPLICATION')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'BLOCK_APPLICATION')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'UNBLOCK_APPLICATION')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Default')] [ValidateSet("LOCK_APPLICATION", "DELETE_APPLICATION","ATTEST_APPLICATION","BLOCK_APPLICATION","UNBLOCK_APPLICATION")] [string]$command, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ATTEST_APPLICATION')] [ValidateSet("SAFETYNET", "HARDWARE_KEY", "APP_INTEGRITY")] [string]$type, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'BLOCK_APPLICATION')] [string]$title, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'BLOCK_APPLICATION')] [string]$body, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'BLOCK_APPLICATION')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'UNBLOCK_APPLICATION')] [string]$actionId ) begin { Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $method = 'Post' $Headers = @{ 'Content-Type' = 'application/vnd.blackberry.command-v1+json' 'Authorization' = $global:env:uem_auth_token } $api_url = $global:env:uem_environment + "/users/$user_guid/userDevices/$device_guid/applications/$application_guid/commands" switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "ATTEST_APPLICATION" { Write-Debug "Matched: ATTEST_APPLICATION" $RequestBody = New-UEMAttestApplicationRequestBody -type $type } "BLOCK_APPLICATION" { Write-Debug "Matched: BLOCK_APPLICATION" $RequestBody = New-UEMBlockApplicationRequestBody -actionId $actionId -title $title -body $body } "UNBLOCK_APPLICATION" { Write-Debug "Matched: UNBLOCK_APPLICATION" $RequestBody = New-UEMUnblockApplicationRequestBody -actionId $actionId } "Default" { Write-Debug "Matched: Default Parameter set" Write-debug "Command is: $($PSBoundParameters['Command'])" If($($PSBoundParameters['Command']) -eq "LOCK_APPLICATION"){ $RequestBody = New-UEMLockApplicationRequestBody } ElseIf($($PSBoundParameters['Command']) -eq "DELETE_APPLICATION"){ $RequestBody = New-UEMDeleteApplicationRequestBody } } } Write-Debug "URI: $api_url" Write-Debug "Headers: $($headers | Out-String)" Write-Debug "Method: $method" Write-Debug "Body: $RequestBody" } process { try { Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $api_url -Headers $Headers -Method $method -Body $RequestBody return $Response } catch { Switch -Wildcard ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) { '400' {Write-Error "Invalid request. For example, command not supported or invalid field semantics."} '404' {Write-Error "User, Device, or application not found."} default {Write-Error "$_"} } } } } function Invoke-UserDeviceCommand { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to send commands to act against an entire device. .DESCRIPTION This function has a set array of 18 commands it can pass to the phone. Please check out this endpoint /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/userDevices/{userDeviceGuid}/commands for specifics on the available commands. Or look at the code below. Currently there is not code coverage for all 18 commands. More can be added as needed. .PARAMETER user_guid [System.Guid] This is the guid of the user who owns the device we will be acting against. .PARAMETER device_guid [System.Guid] This is the guid of the device we will be acting against. .PARAMETER command [string] This is command we will be sending to act against the application. The only valid commands we support right now are: "DELETE_WORK_SPACE_DATA","REMOVE_DEVICE" .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS No idea yet, havent been able to test it. .EXAMPLE #This deletes all app data for an application. Invoke-UEMUserDeviceApplicationCommand -user_guid $uguid -device_guid $dguid -application_guid $aguid -command 'DELETE_APPLICATION' .EXAMPLE #This would delete only work data on the device. Invoke-UEMUserDeviceApplicationCommand -user_guid $uguid -device_guid $dguid -command 'DELETE_WORK_SPACE_DATA' .EXAMPLE #This would remove a device from UEM without waiting for a response from the device. Invoke-UEMUserDeviceApplicationCommand -user_guid $uguid -device_guid $dguid -command 'REMOVE_DEVICE' .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$user_guid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$device_guid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet("DELETE_WORK_SPACE_DATA","REMOVE_DEVICE")] [string]$command ) begin { Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $method = 'Post' $Headers = @{ 'Content-type' = 'application/vnd.blackberry.command-v1+json' 'Authorization' = $global:env:uem_auth_token } $api_url = $global:env:uem_environment + "/users/$user_guid/userDevices/$device_guid/commands" switch ($command) { "DELETE_WORK_SPACE_DATA" { $RequestBody = New-UEMDeleteWorkSpaceDataRequestBody } "REMOVE_DEVICE" { $RequestBody = New-UEMRemoveDeviceRequestBody } } Write-Debug "URI: $api_url" Write-Debug "Headers: $($headers | Out-String)" Write-Debug "Method: $method" Write-Debug "Body: $RequestBody" } process { try { Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $api_url -Headers $Headers -Method $method -Body $RequestBody return $Response } catch { Switch -Wildcard ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) { '400' {Write-Error "Invalid request. For example, command not supported or invalid field semantics."} '404' {Write-Error "User or Device not found."} default {Write-Error "$_"} } } } } function Get-UserDeviceCommandStatus { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to retrieve status of command that has been sent to a device. .DESCRIPTION This function has a set array of 18 commands it can pass to the phone. Please check out this endpoint /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/userDevices/{userDeviceGuid}/commands for specifics on the available commands. Or look at the code below. Currently there is not code coverage for all 18 commands. More can be added as needed. .PARAMETER user_guid [System.Guid] This is the guid of the user who owns the device we will be acting against. .PARAMETER device_guid [System.Guid] This is the guid of the device we will be acting against. .PARAMETER command_guid [System.Guid] This is the guid of the command we will be searching for. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS No idea yet, havent been able to test it. .EXAMPLE #This deletes all app data for an application. Get-UEMUserDeviceCommandStatus -user_guid $uguid -device_guid $dguid -command_guid $cguid .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$user_guid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$device_guid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$command_guid ) begin { Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $method = 'Get' $Headers = @{ 'Accept' = 'application/vnd.blackberry.command-v1+json' 'Authorization' = $global:env:uem_auth_token } $api_url = $global:env:uem_environment + "/users/$user_guid/userDevices/$device_guid/commands/$command_guid" Write-Debug "URI: $api_url" Write-Debug "Headers: $($headers | Out-String)" Write-Debug "Method: $method" } process { try { Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $api_url -Headers $Headers -Method $method return $Response } catch { Switch -Wildcard ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) { '400' {Write-Error "Invalid request. For example, command not supported or invalid field semantics."} '404' {Write-Error "User, Device, or Device Command not found."} default {Write-Error "$_"} } } } } function Get-UserDeviceProfiles { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to retrieve effective device profiles for a device. .DESCRIPTION Get effective profiles for a user device. The effective profiles are the profiles that will actually get delivered to the user device. A profile that is assigned to a user directly, via a user group, or via a device group may not actually get delivered to the user device, for example due to OS and version compatibility. .PARAMETER user_guid [System.Guid] This is the guid of the user who owns the device we will be acting against. .PARAMETER device_guid [System.Guid] This is the guid of the device we will be acting against. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS No idea yet, havent been able to test it. .EXAMPLE Get-UEMUserDeviceProfile -user_guid $uguid -device_guid $dguid .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$user_guid, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Guid]$device_guid ) begin { Write-Debug "Entering Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $method = 'Get' $Headers = @{ 'Accept' = 'application/vnd.blackberry.profiles-v1+json' 'Authorization' = $global:env:uem_auth_token } $api_url = $global:env:uem_environment + "/users/$user_guid/userDevices/$device_guid/profiles" Write-Debug "URI: $api_url" Write-Debug "Headers: $($headers | Out-String)" Write-Debug "Method: $method" } process { try { Invoke-IgnoreCertForPS5 $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $api_url -Headers $Headers -Method $method return $Response } catch { Switch -Wildcard ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__) { '404' {Write-Error "User or Device not found."} default {Write-Error "$_"} } } } } |