
function Get-BBUEMAuthString {

    This function generates a API Auth token for Blackberry UEM.
    The API Auth token gets set as a global variable: $global:env:uem_auth_token
    The function also sets a base api url string for connecting to the environment.
    That global variable is: $global:env:uem_environment. This allows for cleaner
    uri strings in the other functions without needing to support dev and prod each time.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies the credential for connecting to the API.
    .PARAMETER Environment
    The user must pass in the base part of the api url.
    In the format of : https://server:port/tenantID/api/v1
    Get-UEMApiAuthString -Credential $Credential -Environment https://server:port/tenantID/api/v1
    Get-UEMApiAuthString -Credential (get-credential) -Environment $prod

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage="Enter in the format of https://server:port/tenantID/api/v1")]

        $api_url = $base_uri + '/util/authorization'
        $global:env:uem_environment = $base_uri
    $method = 'Post'
    $Headers = @{
        'Content-Type' = 'application/vnd.blackberry.authorizationrequest-v1+json'

    $EncodedPassword = Convert-SecureStringtoBase64 -credential $credential

    $RequestBody = @{
        'provider' = 'AD'
        'username' = $Credential.Username
        'password' = $EncodedPassword
        'domain' = 'WCNET'
    } | ConvertTo-Json
    try {

        Write-Debug "URI: $api_url"
        Write-Debug "Headers: $headers"
        Write-Debug "Method: $method"
        Write-Debug "Body: $requestbody"

        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $api_url -Headers $Headers -Method $method -Body $RequestBody
        $global:env:uem_auth_token = $response
    catch {
        Write-Host "Authentication failed: $($_.Exception.Message)"
        return $null