
    LangName = "English (United States)"
    LangID = "en-US"
    # Right click Menu
    CompileTitle           = "Compile to EXE"
    OpenInGUI               = "Open in ps12exeGUI"
    GUICfgFileDesc           = "ps12exeGUI config file"
    # Web Server
    ServerStarted           = "HTTP server's up and runnin'!"
    ServerStopped           = "HTTP server's shut down."
    ServerStartFailed       = "Failed to start the HTTP server!"
    TryRunAsRoot           = "Try runnin' it as root."
    ServerListening           = "Address for access:"
    ExitServerTip           = "You can hit Ctrl+C to shut down the server anytime."
    # GUI
    ErrorHead               = "Whoa, we got an error:"
    CompileResult           = "Compile result:"
    DefaultResult           = "All done!"
    AskSaveCfg               = "Save the config file?"
    AskSaveCfgTitle           = "Save config file"
    CfgFileLabelHead       = "Configuration file:"
    # Console
    WebServerHelpData       = @{
        title       = "Usage:"
        Usage       = "Start-ps12exeWebServer [[-HostUrl] '<url>'] [-MaxCompileThreads '<uint>'] [-MaxCompileTime '<uint>']
    [-ReqLimitPerMin '<uint>'] [-MaxCachedFileSize '<uint>'] [-MaxScriptFileSize '<uint>'] [-CacheDir '<path>']
    [-Localize '<language code>'] [-help]"

        PrarmsData = [ordered]@{
            HostUrl              = "The HTTP server address."
            MaxCompileThreads = "Max number of compile threads."
            MaxCompileTime      = "Max compile time in seconds."
            ReqLimitPerMin      = "Max number of requests per minute per IP."
            MaxCachedFileSize = "Max size of cached files."
            MaxScriptFileSize = "Max size of script files."
            CacheDir          = "Directory to store cached files."
            Localize          = "Language code for server-side loggin'."
            help              = "Show this here help info."
    GUIHelpData               = @{
        title       = "Usage:"
        Usage       = @"
ps12exeGUI [[-ConfigFile] '<config file>'] [-PS1File '<PS1 file>'] [-Localize '<language code>'] [-UIMode 'Dark'|'Light'|'Auto'] [-help]
ps12exeGUI [[-PS1File] '<PS1 file>'] [-Localize '<language code>'] [-UIMode 'Dark'|'Light'|'Auto'] [-help]

        PrarmsData = [ordered]@{
            ConfigFile    = "Configuration file to load."
            PS1File        = "Script file to compile."
            Localize    = "Language code to use."
            UIMode        = "UI mode, dark or light."
            help        = "Show this help message."
    SetContextMenuHelpData = @{
        title       = "Usage:"
        Usage       = "Set-ps12exeContextMenu [[-action] 'enable'|'disable'|'reset'] [-Localize '<language code>'] [-help]"
        PrarmsData = [ordered]@{
            action     = "Action to execute."
            Localize = "Language code."
            help     = "Show this here help."
    ConsoleHelpData           = @{
        title       = "Usage:"
        Usage       = "[input |] ps12exe [[-inputFile] '<filename|url>' | -Content '<script>'] [-outputFile '<filename>']
    [-CompilerOptions '<options>'] [-TempDir '<directory>'] [-minifyer '<scriptblock>'] [-noConsole]
    [-architecture 'x86'|'x64'] [-threadingModel 'STA'|'MTA'] [-prepareDebug] [-lcid <lcid>]
    [-resourceParams @{iconFile='<filename|url>'; title='<title>'; description='<description>'; company='<company>';
    product='<product>'; copyright='<copyright>'; trademark='<trademark>'; version='<version>'}]
    [-UNICODEEncoding] [-credentialGUI] [-configFile] [-noOutput] [-noError] [-noVisualStyles] [-exitOnCancel]
    [-DPIAware] [-winFormsDPIAware] [-requireAdmin] [-supportOS] [-virtualize] [-longPaths] [-targetRuntime '<Runtime>']
    [-SkipVersionCheck] [-GuestMode] [-PreprocessOnly] [-GolfMode] [-Localize '<language code>'] [-help]"

        PrarmsData = [ordered]@{
            input             = "String of the PowerShell script file's contents, same as ``-Content``."
            inputFile         = "PowerShell script file path or URL you wanna convert to an executable (file must be UTF8 or UTF16 encoded)."
            Content             = "PowerShell script content you wanna convert to an executable."
            outputFile         = "Destination executable file name or folder, defaults to ``inputFile`` with ``'.exe'`` added on."
            CompilerOptions     = "Extra compiler options (see ````)."
            TempDir             = "Directory for temp files (default is a randomly generated temp directory in ``%temp%``)."
            minifyer         = "Scriptblock to minify the script before compiling."
            lcid             = "Location ID for the compiled executable. Current user culture if nothin's specified."
            prepareDebug     = "Creates info to help with debugging."
            architecture     = "Compile for a specific runtime. Possible values are ``'x64'``, ``'x86'``, and ``'anycpu'``."
            threadingModel     = "``'Single Thread Apartment'`` or ``'Multi Thread Apartment'`` mode."
            noConsole         = "The resulting executable will be a Windows Forms app without a console window."
            UNICODEEncoding     = "Encode output as UNICODE in console mode."
            credentialGUI     = "Use a GUI to prompt for credentials in console mode."
            resourceParams     = "A hashtable with resource parameters for the executable."
            configFile         = "Write a config file (``<outputfile>.exe.config``)."
            noOutput         = "The resulting executable won't generate standard output (verbose and info included)."
            noError             = "The resulting executable won't generate error output (warnings and debug included)."
            noVisualStyles     = "Disable visual styles for a generated GUI app (only with ``-noConsole``)."
            exitOnCancel     = "Exits the program when ``Cancel`` or ``'X'`` is selected in a ``Read-Host`` input box (only with ``-noConsole``)."
            DPIAware         = "If display scaling is on, GUI controls will be scaled if possible."
            winFormsDPIAware = "If display scaling is on, WinForms uses DPI scaling (requires Windows 10 and .NET 4.7 or up)."
            requireAdmin     = "If UAC is enabled, the compiled executable runs only in an elevated context (UAC dialog appears)."
            supportOS         = "Use functions of the newest Windows versions (run ``[Environment]::OSVersion`` to see the difference)."
            virtualize         = "App virtualization is activated (forcing x86 runtime)."
            longPaths         = "Enable long paths ( > 260 characters) if enabled on the OS (Windows 10 or up)."
            targetRuntime     = "Target runtime version, ``'Framework4.0'`` by default, ``'Framework2.0'`` is supported."
            SkipVersionCheck = "Skip the check for new versions of ps12exe"
            GuestMode         = "Compile scripts with extra protection, preventin' native files from being accessed."
            PreprocessOnly     = "Preprocess the input script and return it without compiling."
            GolfMode         = "Enable golf mode, adding abbreviations and common functions."
            Localize         = "Language code."
            Help             = "Show this here help message."
    CompilingI18nData = @{
        NewVersionAvailable = "There's a new version of ps12exe available: {0}!"
        NoneInput = "No input file specified!"
        BothInputAndContentSpecified = "Input file and content can't be used at the same time."
        PreprocessDone = "Done pre-processing the input script!"
        PreprocessedScriptSize = "Preprocessed script -> {0} bytes."
        MinifyingScript = "Minifying the script..."
        MinifyedScriptSize = "Minified script -> {0} bytes."
        MinifyerError = "Minifyer error: {0}"
        MinifyerFailedUsingOriginalScript = "Minifyer failed, using the original script."
        TempFileMissing = "Temporary file {0} not found."
        PreprocessOnlyDone = "Done pre-processing the input script."
        CombinedArg_x86_x64 = "-x86 can't be combined with -x64."
        CombinedArg_Runtime20_Runtime40 = "-runtime20 can't be combined with -runtime40."
        CombinedArg_Runtime20_LongPaths = "Long paths are only available with .NET 4 or above."
        CombinedArg_Runtime20_winFormsDPIAware = "DPI awareness is only available with .NET 4 or above."
        CombinedArg_STA_MTA = "-STA can't be combined with -MTA."
        InvalidResourceParam = "Parameter -resourceParams has an invalid key: {0}"
        CombinedArg_ConfigFileYes_No = "-configFile can't be combined with -noConfigFile."
        InputSyntaxError = "Syntax error in the script."
        SyntaxErrorLineStart = "At line {0}, Col {1}:"
        IdenticalInputOutput = "Input file is the same as the output file."
        CombinedArg_Virtualize_requireAdmin = "-virtualize can't be combined with -requireAdmin."
        CombinedArg_Virtualize_supportOS = "-virtualize can't be combined with -supportOS."
        CombinedArg_Virtualize_longPaths = "-virtualize can't be combined with -longPaths."
        CombinedArg_NoConfigFile_LongPaths = "Forcing config file generation, since -longPaths needs it."
        CombinedArg_NoConfigFile_winFormsDPIAware = "Forcing config file generation, since -winFormsDPIAware needs it."
        SomeCmdletsMayNotAvailable = "Cmdlets {0} are used but might not be available."
        SomeNotFindedCmdlets = "Unknown functions {0} are used."
        SomeTypesMayNotAvailable = "Types {0} are used but might not be available at runtime."
        CompilingFile = "Compiling file..."
        CompilationFailed = "Compilation failed!"
        OutputFileNotWritten = "Output file {0} not written."
        CompiledFileSize = "Compiled file written -> {0} bytes."
        OppsSomethingWentWrong = "Whoops, somethin' went wrong."
        TryUpgrade = "Latest version is {0}, try upgradin'."
        EnterToSubmitIssue = "For help, submit an issue by pressing Enter."
        GuestModeFileTooLarge = "File {0} is too large to read."
        GuestModeIconFileTooLarge = "Icon {0} is too large to read."
        GuestModeFtpNotSupported = "FTP ain't supported in GuestMode."
        IconFileNotFound = "Icon file not found: {0}"
        ReadFileFailed = "Failed to read file: {0}"
        PreprocessUnknownIfCondition = "Unknown condition: {0}; assuming false."
        PreprocessMissingEndIf = "Missing end of if statement: {0}"
        ConfigFileCreated = "Config file for the EXE created."
        SourceFileCopied = "Source file name for debugging copied: {0}"
        RoslynFailedFallback = "Roslyn CodeAnalysis failed. Fallin' back to using Windows PowerShell with CodeDom...\nYou might wanna add -UseWindowsPowerShell to args to skip this fallback in the future.\n... or submit a PR to the ps12exe repo to fix it!"
        ReadingFile = "Reading file {0}, size {1} bytes."
        ForceX86byVirtualization = "App virtualization activated, forcing x86 platform."
        TryingTinySharpCompile = "Const result, trying TinySharp Compiler..."
        TinySharpFailedFallback = "TinySharp Compiler error, falling back to the normal program frame."
        OutputPath = "Path: {0}"
        ReadingScriptDone = "Done reading file {0}, startin' preprocessing..."
        PreprocessScriptDone = "Done preprocessing file {0}."
        ConstEvalStart = "Evaluation of constants..."
        ConstEvalDone = "Done evaluating constants -> {0} bytes."
        ConstEvalTooLongFallback = "Constant result too long, falling back to the normal program frame."
        ConstEvalTimeoutFallback = "Evaluation timed out after {0} seconds, falling back to the normal program frame."
        ConstEvalThrowErrorFallback = "Constant result throws an error, falling back to the normal program frame."
        InvalidArchitecture = "Invalid platform {0}, using AnyCpu."
        UnknownPragma = "Unknown pragma: {0}"
        UnknownPragmaBadParameterType = "Unknown pragma: {0}, type {1} can't be analyzed."
        UnknownPragmaBoolValue = "Unknown pragma value: {0}, can't use that as a boolean."
        DllExportDelNoneTypeArg = "{0}: {1} is a none type parameter, assuming it's a string."
        DllExportUsing = "You're using #_DllExport, this macro is in dev and not supported yet."
    WebServerI18nData = @{
        CompilingUserInput = "Compiling User Input: {0}"
        EmptyResponse = "No data found when handling the request, returning an empty response."
        InputTooLarge413 = "User input is too large, returning a 413 error."
        ReqLimitExceeded429 = "IP {0} has exceeded the limit of {1} requests per minute, returning 429."