#Requires -Version 5.0 <# .SYNOPSIS Converts powershell scripts to standalone executables or preprocesses PowerShell scripts. .DESCRIPTION Converts powershell scripts to standalone executables. GUI output and input is activated with one switch, real windows executables are generated. You may use the graphical front end ps12exeGUI for convenience. Alternatively, preprocesses a PowerShell script, handling directives like `#_if`, `#_else`, `#_endif`, and `#_include`. Please see Remarks on project page for topics "GUI mode output formatting", "Config files", "Password security", "Script variables" and "Window in background in -noConsole mode". .PARAMETER inputFile Powershell script file path or url to convert to executable (file has to be UTF8 or UTF16 encoded) .PARAMETER Content The content of the PowerShell script to convert to executable .PARAMETER outputFile destination executable file name or folder, defaults to inputFile with extension '.exe' .PARAMETER CompilerOptions additional compiler options (see .PARAMETER TempDir directory for storing temporary files (default is random generated temp directory in %temp%) .PARAMETER minifyer scriptblock to minify the script before compiling .PARAMETER lcid location ID for the compiled executable. Current user culture if not specified .PARAMETER noConsole the resulting executable will be a Windows Forms app without a console window. You might want to pipe your output to Out-String to prevent a message box for every line of output (example: dir C:\ | Out-String) .PARAMETER prepareDebug create helpful information for debugging of generated executable. See parameter -debug there .PARAMETER architecture compile for specific runtime only. Possible values are 'x64' and 'x86' and 'anycpu' .PARAMETER threadingModel Threading model for the compiled executable. Possible values are 'STA' and 'MTA' .PARAMETER resourceParams A hashtable that contains resource parameters for the compiled executable. Possible keys are 'iconFile', 'title', 'description', 'company', 'product', 'copyright', 'trademark', 'version' iconFile can be a file path or url to an icon file. All other values are strings. see for details .PARAMETER UNICODEEncoding encode output as UNICODE in console mode, useful to display special encoded chars .PARAMETER credentialGUI use GUI for prompting credentials in console mode instead of console input .PARAMETER configFile write a config file (<outputfile>.exe.config) .PARAMETER noOutput the resulting executable will generate no standard output (includes verbose and information channel) .PARAMETER noError the resulting executable will generate no error output (includes warning and debug channel) .PARAMETER noVisualStyles disable visual styles for a generated windows GUI application. Only applicable with parameter -noConsole .PARAMETER exitOnCancel exits program when Cancel or "X" is selected in a Read-Host input box. Only applicable with parameter -noConsole .PARAMETER DPIAware if display scaling is activated, GUI controls will be scaled if possible. .PARAMETER winFormsDPIAware creates an entry in the config file for WinForms to use DPI scaling. Forces -configFile and -supportOS .PARAMETER requireAdmin if UAC is enabled, compiled executable will run only in elevated context (UAC dialog appears if required) .PARAMETER supportOS use functions of newest Windows versions (execute [Environment]::OSVersion to see the difference) .PARAMETER virtualize application virtualization is activated (forcing x86 runtime) .PARAMETER longPaths enable long paths ( > 260 characters) if enabled on OS (works only with Windows 10 or up) .PARAMETER targetRuntime the target runtime to compile for. Possible values are 'Framework4.0' or 'Framework2.0', default is 'Framework4.0' .PARAMETER GuestMode Compile scripts with additional protection, prevent native files from being accessed .PARAMETER Localize The language code to be used for server-side logging .PARAMETER SkipVersionCheck Do not check for updates .PARAMETER help Display localized help message .PARAMETER PreprocessOnly only preprocesses the input PowerShell script and outputs the preprocessed code. No executable is generated. .PARAMETER GolfMode Enables golf mode, adding abbreviations and common functions to the script. .EXAMPLE ps12exe C:\Data\MyScript.ps1 Compiles C:\Data\MyScript.ps1 to C:\Data\MyScript.exe as console executable .EXAMPLE ps12exe -inputFile C:\Data\MyScript.ps1 -outputFile C:\Data\MyScriptGUI.exe -iconFile C:\Data\Icon.ico -noConsole -title "MyScript" -version Compiles C:\Data\MyScript.ps1 to C:\Data\MyScriptGUI.exe as graphical executable, icon and meta data .EXAMPLE ps12exe -inputFile C:\Data\MyScript.ps1 -PreprocessOnly Preprocesses C:\Data\MyScript.ps1 and outputs the preprocessed code. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'InputFile')] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'InputFile', Position = 0)] [ValidatePattern("^(https?|ftp)://.*|.*\.(ps1|psd1|tmp)$")] [String]$inputFile, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Content', ValueFromPipeline = $TRUE)] [String]$Content, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'InputFile', Position = 1)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Content', Position = 0)] [ValidatePattern(".*\.(exe|com|scr|bin|bat|cmd)$")] [String]$outputFile = $NULL, [String]$CompilerOptions = '/o+ /debug-', [String]$TempDir = $NULL, [scriptblock]$minifyer = $null, [Switch]$noConsole, [Switch]$prepareDebug, [int]$lcid, [ValidateSet('x64', 'x86', 'anycpu')] [String]$architecture = 'anycpu', [ValidateSet('STA', 'MTA')] [String]$threadingModel = 'STA', [HashTable]$resourceParams = @{}, [Switch]$UNICODEEncoding, [Switch]$credentialGUI, [Switch]$configFile, [Switch]$noOutput, [Switch]$noError, [Switch]$noVisualStyles, [Switch]$exitOnCancel, [Switch]$DPIAware, [Switch]$winFormsDPIAware, [Switch]$requireAdmin, [Switch]$supportOS, [Switch]$virtualize, [Switch]$longPaths, [ValidateSet('Framework2.0', 'Framework4.0')] [String]$targetRuntime = 'Framework4.0', [Switch]$SkipVersionCheck, [Switch]$GuestMode, [Switch]$PreprocessOnly, [Switch]$GolfMode, #_if PSScript [ArgumentCompleter({ Param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters) . "$PSScriptRoot\src\LocaleArgCompleter.ps1" @PSBoundParameters })] #_endif [string]$Localize, [Switch]$help, # TODO # in dev, not support yet [Parameter(DontShow)] [switch]$UseWindowsPowerShell = $true, # deprecated. use `-noConfigFile` instead. [Parameter(DontShow)] [Switch]$noConfigFile, # deprecated. use `-Architecture x86` instead. [Parameter(DontShow)] [Switch]$x86, # deprecated. use `-Architecture x64` instead. [Parameter(DontShow)] [Switch]$x64, # deprecated. use `-ThreadModel STA` instead. [Parameter(DontShow)] [Switch]$STA, # deprecated. use `-ThreadModel MTA` instead. [Parameter(DontShow)] [Switch]$MTA, # deprecated. use `-resourceParams {iconFile = $iconFile}` instead. [Parameter(DontShow)] [String]$iconFile, # deprecated. use `-resourceParams {title = $title}` instead. [Parameter(DontShow)] [String]$title, # deprecated. use `-resourceParams {description = $description}` instead. [Parameter(DontShow)] [String]$description, # deprecated. use `-resourceParams {company = $company}` instead. [Parameter(DontShow)] [String]$company, # deprecated. use `-resourceParams {product = $product}` instead. [Parameter(DontShow)] [String]$product, # deprecated. use `-resourceParams {copyright = $copyright}` instead. [Parameter(DontShow)] [String]$copyright, # deprecated. use `-resourceParams {trademark = $trademark}` instead. [Parameter(DontShow)] [String]$trademark, # deprecated. use `-resourceParams {version = $version}` instead. [Parameter(DontShow)] [String]$version, # deprecated. use `-targetRuntime Framework2.0` instead. [Parameter(DontShow)] [Switch]$runtime20, # deprecated. use `-targetRuntime Framework4.0` instead. [Parameter(DontShow)] [Switch]$runtime40, # internal. do not use it unless you know what you are doing. [Parameter(DontShow)] [Switch]$nested, # internal. do not use it unless you know what you are doing. [Parameter(DontShow)] [string]$DllExportList ) $global:LastExitCode = 0 # 无错误 $Verbose = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent $Debug = $DebugPreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue' $UICultureBackup = [cultureinfo]::CurrentUICulture function RollUp { param ($num = 1, [switch]$InVerbose) if (-not ($Verbose -or $InVerbose -or $Debug)) { if ($Host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal) { Write-Host $([char]27 + '[' + $num + 'A') -NoNewline } elseif (-not $nested) { if ($CousorPos = $Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition) { try { $CousorPos.Y = $CousorPos.Y - $num $Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = $CousorPos } catch { $Error.RemoveAt(0) } } } } } if ($Debug) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' } # fix -debug sets it to 'Inquire' #_if PSScript $LocaleLoaderArg = @{ Localize = $Localize } if ($nested) { $LocaleLoaderArg.FaildLoadLocaleData = {} } #_endif $LocalizeData = #_if PSScript . $PSScriptRoot\src\LocaleLoader.ps1 @LocaleLoaderArg #_else #_include "$PSScriptRoot/src/locale/en-UK.ps1" #_endif function Show-Help { . $PSScriptRoot\src\HelpShower.ps1 -HelpData $LocalizeData.ConsoleHelpData | Write-Host } function Write-I18n( [ValidateSet('Info', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Debug', 'Verbose', 'Host', 'Output')] $PipeLineType, $Mid, $FormatArgs, $ErrorId = $Mid, [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]$Category = 'NotSpecified', $TargetObject, $Exception, $ForegroundColor = $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor ) { $value = $LocalizeData.CompilingI18nData[$Mid] -f $FormatArgs if (!$value) { $value = "fatal error: No i18n data for $Mid, Rest format args: $FormatArgs" } if (!$ForegroundColor) { $ForegroundColor = 'White' } switch ($PipeLineType) { 'Info' { Write-Information $value } 'Warning' { Write-Warning $value } 'Error' { if (!$Exception) { $Exception = [System.Exception]::new($value) } try{$Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Red"}catch{} $Host.UI.WriteErrorLine($value) try{$Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor}catch{} Write-Error -Exception $Exception -Message $value -Category $Category -ErrorId $ErrorId -TargetObject $TargetObject -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } 'Debug' { Write-Debug $value } 'Host' { Write-Host $value -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor } 'Output' { $value } 'Verbose' { Write-Verbose $value } } } #_if PSScript $versionNow = (Get-Module -ListAvailable ps12exe | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Version if ($versionNow -ne '0.0.0') { # not dev version if (Test-Path $env:TEMP/ps12exe_version.txt) { $versionOnline = Get-Content $env:TEMP/ps12exe_version.txt -Encoding utf8 | Select-Object -First 1 if ((-not $nested) -and (-not $SkipVersionCheck) -and ($versionNow -ne $versionOnline)) { try { $ForegroundColor = $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Yellow" } catch {} Write-I18n Host NewVersionAvailable $versionOnline try { $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor } catch {} } } if ((-not $nested) -and (-not $SkipVersionCheck) -and -not (Get-Job -Name ps12exe_version_check -ErrorAction Ignore)) { Start-Job { $versionOnline = (Find-Module ps12exe | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Version Set-Content $env:TEMP/ps12exe_version.txt -Value $versionOnline -Encoding utf8 } -Name ps12exe_version_check | Out-Null } } #_endif if ($help) { Show-Help return } if (-not ($inputFile -or $Content)) { Show-Help Write-Host Write-I18n Error NoneInput -Category InvalidArgument $global:LastExitCode = 2 # 调用格式错误 return } $Params = $PSBoundParameters $ParamList = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters $Params.Remove('Content') | Out-Null #防止回滚覆盖 $Params.Remove('DllExportList') | Out-Null $Params.Remove('PreprocessOnly') | Out-Null # Remove PreprocessOnly from params for compilation step function bytesOfString([string]$str) { if ($str) { [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($str).Count } else { 0 } } #_if PSScript #在PSEXE中主机永远是winpwsh,所以不会内嵌 if (!$nested) { #_endif [System.Collections.ArrayList]$DllExportList = @() if ($inputFile -and $Content) { Write-I18n Error BothInputAndContentSpecified -Category InvalidArgument $global:LastExitCode = 2 # 调用格式错误 return } . $PSScriptRoot\src\ReadScriptFile.ps1 try { if ($inputFile) { $Content = ReadScriptFile $inputFile if ((bytesOfString $Content) -ne (Get-Item $inputFile -ErrorAction Ignore).Length) { Write-I18n Host PreprocessedScriptSize $(bytesOfString $Content) } } else { $NewContent = Preprocessor ($Content -split '\r?\n') "$PWD\a.ps1" Write-I18n Verbose PreprocessDone if ((bytesOfString $NewContent) -ne (bytesOfString $Content)) { Write-I18n Host PreprocessedScriptSize $(bytesOfString $NewContent) } $Content = $NewContent } $isGolf = $true if ($Content -match '^C\|') { $Content = '$CI' + $Content.Substring(1) } elseif ($Content -match '^S\|') { $Content = '$SI' + $Content.Substring(1) } elseif ($Content -match '^\|') { $Content = '$I' + $Content } elseif ($Content -match '^C%') { $Content = '$CA|' + $Content.Substring(2) } elseif ($Content -match '^S%') { $Content = '$SA|' + $Content.Substring(2) } elseif ($Content -match '^%') { $Content = '$A|' + $Content.Substring(1) } elseif (!$GolfMode) { $isGolf = $false } if ($isGolf) { #_if PSScript $GolfModeHeader = Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\src\GolfModeHeader.ps1 -Encoding UTF8 -Raw #_else #_include_as_value GolfModeHeader $PSScriptRoot\src\GolfModeHeader.ps1 #_endif $Content = $GolfModeHeader + "`n" + $Content } } catch { $global:LastExitCode = 1 # 脚本预处理失败 if ($_.Exception.Message -ne 'ScriptHalted') { Write-Error $_.Exception } return } if ($minifyer -is [string]) { if (Get-Command $minifyer -ErrorAction Ignore) { $minifyer = "$minifyer `$_" } $minifyer = [scriptblock]::Create($minifyer) } if ($minifyer) { Write-I18n Host MinifyingScript try { # get caller's stackframe $Stack = Get-PSCallStack $Frame = $Stack[1] $Variables = $Frame.GetFrameVariables() $Variables._ = [System.Management.Automation.PSVariable]::New('_', $Content) $MinifyedContent = $minifyer.InvokeWithContext(@{}, $Variables.Values, $Variables.args.Value) RollUp Write-I18n Host MinifyedScriptSize $(bytesOfString $MinifyedContent) } catch { Write-I18n Error MinifyerError $_ -Exception $_.Exception } if (-not $MinifyedContent -and $Content) { Write-I18n Warning MinifyerFailedUsingOriginalScript } else { $Content = $MinifyedContent } } #_if PSScript } else { $Content = Get-Content -Raw -LiteralPath $inputFile -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (!$Content) { Write-I18n Error TempFileMissing $inputFile -Category ResourceUnavailable $global:LastExitCode = 3 # 资源丢失 return } if (!$TempDir) { Remove-Item $inputFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if ($DllExportList) { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$DllExportList = $DllExportList | ConvertFrom-Json } } #_endif if ($PreprocessOnly) { Write-I18n Host PreprocessOnlyDone $global:LastExitCode = 0 return $Content } # pragma预处理命令可能会修改参数,所以现在开始参数更新 $Params.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { Set-Variable -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value } # 处理兼容旧版参数列表 if ($x86 -and $x64) { Write-I18n Error CombinedArg_x86_x64 -Category InvalidArgument $global:LastExitCode = 2 # 调用格式错误 return } if ($x86) { $architecture = 'x86' } if ($x64) { $architecture = 'x64' } $Params.architecture = $architecture [void]$Params.Remove("x86"); [void]$Params.Remove("x64") if ($runtime20) { foreach ($_ in @("runtime40", "longPaths", "winFormsDPIAware")) { if ($Params[$_]) { Write-I18n Error "CombinedArg_Runtime20_$_" -Category InvalidArgument $global:LastExitCode = 2 # 调用格式错误 return } } } if ($runtime20) { $targetRuntime = 'Framework2.0' } if ($runtime40) { $targetRuntime = 'Framework4.0' } $Params.targetRuntime = $targetRuntime [void]$Params.Remove("runtime20"); [void]$Params.Remove("runtime40") if ($STA -and $MTA) { Write-I18n Error CombinedArg_STA_MTA -Category InvalidArgument $global:LastExitCode = 2 # 调用格式错误 return } if ($STA) { $threadingModel = 'STA' } if ($MTA) { $threadingModel = 'MTA' } $Params.threadingModel = $threadingModel [void]$Params.Remove("STA"); [void]$Params.Remove("MTA") $resourceParamKeys = @('iconFile', 'title', 'description', 'company', 'product', 'copyright', 'trademark', 'version') $resourceParamKeys | ForEach-Object { if ($Params.ContainsKey($_)) { $resourceParams[$_] = $Params[$_] } [void]$Params.Remove($_) } $resourceParams.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { if (-not $resourceParamKeys.Contains($_.Key)) { Write-I18n Warning InvalidResourceParam $_.Key } } if ($configFile -and $noConfigFile) { Write-I18n Error CombinedArg_ConfigFileYes_No -Category InvalidArgument $global:LastExitCode = 2 # 调用格式错误 return } if ($noConfigFile) { $configFile = $FALSE } $NoResource = -not $resourceParams.Count # 由于其他的resourceParams参数需要转义,iconFile参数不需要转义,所以提取出来单独处理 $iconFile = $resourceParams['iconFile'] $resourceParams.Remove('iconFile') # 语法检查 if ($targetRuntime -eq 'Framework2.0') { #_if PSScript $SyntaxErrors = powershell -version 2.0 -NoProfile -OutputFormat xml -file $PSScriptRoot/src/RuntimePwsh2.0/CodeChecker.ps1 -scriptText $Content #_else #_include_as_value Pwsh2CodeCheckerCodeStr $PSScriptRoot/src/RuntimePwsh2.0/CodeChecker.ps1 #_!! powershell -version 2.0 -NoProfile -OutputFormat xml -Command "&{$Pwsh2CodeCheckerCodeStr} -scriptText '$($Content -replace "'","''")'" #_endif } else { [cultureinfo]::CurrentUICulture = $LocalizeData.LangID $SyntaxErrors = $Tokens = $null $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($Content, [ref]$Tokens, [ref]$SyntaxErrors) [cultureinfo]::CurrentUICulture = $UICultureBackup } if ($SyntaxErrors) { $errorData = & $PSScriptRoot/src/SyntaxErrorI18nDataBuilder.ps1 -SyntaxErrors $SyntaxErrors -CodeContent $Content -Localize:$LocalizeData.LangID $lastFullText = $null $ErrMessage = @() foreach ($errinfo in $errorData) { $fullText = ($errinfo.SpoceText + $errinfo.Text) -join "`n" if ($fullText -ne $lastFullText) { $lastFullText = $fullText if (!$errinfo.SpoceText.contains($null)) { $StartLine = Write-I18n Output SyntaxErrorLineStart $errinfo.SpoceText } $ErrMessage += [ordered]@{ Split = '' StartLine = $StartLine ScriptLine = $errinfo.Text HighlightLine = (" "*([Math]::Max(0, $errinfo.Spoce.Column-1)) + '^'*([Math]::Max($errinfo.Spoce.ColumnEnd-$errinfo.Spoce.Column,1))) Messages = @() } } $ErrMessage[-1].Messages += $errinfo.Message } Write-I18n Error -Category ParserError -TargetObject @{ Errors = $SyntaxErrors Text = ($ErrMessage | ForEach-Object{ $_.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {$_.Value} }) -join "`n" MessageTree = $ErrMessage } InputSyntaxError $ErrMessage | ForEach-Object{ Write-Host $_.Split if ($_.StartLine) { Write-Host $_.StartLine -ForegroundColor Cyan } if ($_.ScriptLine) { Write-Host $_.ScriptLine Write-Host $_.HighlightLine -ForegroundColor Red } Write-Host ($_.Messages -join "`n") } $global:LastExitCode = 1 # 脚本语法错误 return } elseif (!$AST) { $AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($Content, [ref]$null, [ref]$null) } # retrieve absolute paths independent if path is given relative oder absolute if (-not $inputFile) { $inputFile = '.\a.ps1' } if ($inputFile -notmatch "^(https?|ftp)://") { $inputFile = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($inputFile) } if (-not $outputFile) { if ($inputFile -match "^https?://") { $outputFile = ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($PWD, [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($inputFile) + ".exe")) } else { $outputFile = ([System.IO.Path]::Combine([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($inputFile), [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($inputFile) + ".exe")) } } else { $outputFile = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($outputFile) if ((Test-Path $outputFile -PathType Container)) { $outputFile = ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($outputFile, [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($inputFile) + ".exe")) } } #_if PSScript #在PSEXE中主机永远是winpwsh,可省略该部分 . $PSScriptRoot/src/PSObjectToString.ps1 function UsingWinPowershell($Boundparameters) { # starting Windows Powershell $Params = ([hashtable]$Boundparameters).Clone() $Params.Remove("minifyer") $Params.Remove("Content") $Params.Remove("inputFile") $Params.Remove("outputFile") $Params.Remove("resourceParams") #使用旧版参数列表传递hashtable参数更为保险 $TempFile = if ($TempDir) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $TempDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null [System.IO.Path]::Combine($TempDir, 'main.ps1') } else { [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() } $Content | Set-Content $TempFile -Encoding UTF8 -NoNewline $Params.Add("outputFile", $outputFile) $Params.Add("inputFile", $TempFile) if ($TempDir) { $Params.TempDir = $TempDir } $resourceParamKeys | ForEach-Object { if ($resourceParams.ContainsKey($_) -and $resourceParams[$_]) { $Params[$_] = $resourceParams[$_] } } if ($iconFile) { $Params.iconFile = $iconFile } if ($DllExportList.Length) { $Params.DllExportList = ConvertTo-Json -depth 7 -Compress -InputObject $DllExportList } $CallParam = Get-ArgsString $Params Write-Debug "Starting WinPowershell ps12exe with parameters: $CallParam" powershell -NoProfile -Command "&'$PSScriptRoot\ps12exe.ps1' $CallParam -nested; exit `$LastExitCode" | Write-Host } if (!$nested -and ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") -and $UseWindowsPowerShell -and (Get-Command powershell -ErrorAction Ignore)) { UsingWinPowershell $Params return } #_endif if ($inputFile -eq $outputFile) { Write-I18n Error IdenticalInputOutput -Category InvalidArgument $global:LastExitCode = 2 # 调用格式错误 return } if ($winFormsDPIAware) { $supportOS = $TRUE } if ($virtualize) { foreach ($_ in @("requireAdmin", "supportOS", "longPaths")) { if ($Params[$_]) { Write-I18n Error "CombinedArg_Virtualize_$_" -Category InvalidArgument $global:LastExitCode = 2 # 调用格式错误 return } } } if (!$configFile) { foreach ($_ in @("longPaths", "winFormsDPIAware")) { if ($Params[$_]) { Write-I18n Warning "CombinedArg_NoConfigFile_$_" -Category InvalidArgument $configFile = $true } } } # escape escape sequences in version info $resourceParamKeys | ForEach-Object { if ($resourceParams.ContainsKey($_)) { $resourceParams[$_] = $resourceParams[$_] -replace "\\", "\\" } } . $PSScriptRoot\src\AstAnalyze.ps1 $AstAnalyzeResult = AstAnalyze $Ast Write-Debug "AstAnalyzeResult: $(($AstAnalyzeResult|ConvertTo-Json) -split "\r?\n" -ne '' -join "`n")" $CommandNames = (Get-Command).Name + (Get-Alias).Name $FindedCmdlets = @() $NotFindedCmdlets = @() $AstAnalyzeResult.UsedNonConstFunctions | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match '\$' -or -not $_) { return } if ($CommandNames -notcontains $_) { if ($_ -match '^[\w\-_]+$' -and (Get-Command $_ -ErrorAction Ignore)) { $FindedCmdlets += $_ } # 跳过成员函数,因为解析Add-Type太过复杂 elseif (-not $_.Contains(']::')) { $NotFindedCmdlets += $_ } } } if ($AST.ParamBlock) { $AstAnalyzeResult.IsConst = $false } $NotFindedTypes = @() $AstAnalyzeResult.UsedNonConstTypes | ForEach-Object { if (!($_ -as [Type])) { $NotFindedTypes += $_ } } if ($FindedCmdlets) { Write-I18n Warning SomeCmdletsMayNotAvailable $($FindedCmdlets -join '、') } if ($NotFindedCmdlets) { Write-I18n Warning SomeNotFindedCmdlets $($NotFindedCmdlets -join '、') } if ($NotFindedTypes) { Write-I18n Warning SomeTypesMayNotAvailable $($NotFindedTypes -join '、') } if ($TempDir) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $TempDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null } try { . $PSScriptRoot\src\InitCompileThings.ps1 #_if PSScript if (-not $noConsole -and $AstAnalyzeResult.IsConst -and -not $iconFile -and -not $requireAdmin) { # TODO: GUI(MassageBoxW)、icon Write-I18n Verbose TryingTinySharpCompile Write-I18n Host CompilingFile try { . $PSScriptRoot\src\TinySharpCompiler.ps1 $TinySharpSuccess = $TRUE } catch { RollUp Write-I18n Verbose TinySharpFailedFallback Write-Error $_ } } #_endif try { if (!$TinySharpSuccess) { Write-I18n Host CompilingFile if ($targetRuntime -eq 'Framework2.0') { $TargetFramework = ".NETFramework,Version=v2.0" } if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { # unfinished! if (!$TargetFramework) { $Info = [System.Environment]::Version $TargetFramework = ".NETCore,Version=v$($Info.Major).$($Info.Minor)" } . $PSScriptRoot\src\CodeAnalysisCompiler.ps1 } else { if (!$TargetFramework) { $TargetFramework = ".NETFramework,Version=v4.7" } . $PSScriptRoot\src\CodeDomCompiler.ps1 } } RollUp } catch { RollUp Write-I18n Host CompilationFailed -ForegroundColor Red throw $_ } if (!(Test-Path $outputFile)) { Write-I18n Error OutputFileNotWritten -Category WriteError $global:LastExitCode = 3 # 无输出文件 return } else { #_if PSScript if (-not $TinySharpSuccess) { & $PSScriptRoot\src\ExeSinker.ps1 $outputFile -removeResources:$( $NoResource -and $AstAnalyzeResult.IsConst -and -not $requireAdmin ) -removeVersionInfo:$($resourceParams.Count -eq 0) } #_endif Write-I18n Host CompiledFileSize $((Get-Item $outputFile).Length) Write-I18n Verbose OutputPath $outputFile if ($configFile) { $configFileForEXE3 | Set-Content ($outputFile + ".config") -Encoding UTF8 Write-I18n Host ConfigFileCreated } if ($prepareDebug) { $cr.TempFiles | Where-Object { $_ -ilike "*.cs" } | Select-Object -First 1 | ForEach-Object { $dstSrc = ([System.IO.Path]::Combine([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($outputFile), [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($outputFile) + ".cs")) Write-I18n Host SourceFileCopied $dstSrc Copy-Item -Path $_ -Destination $dstSrc -Force } $cr.TempFiles | Remove-Item -Verbose:$FALSE -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } catch { if (Test-Path $outputFile) { Remove-Item $outputFile -Verbose:$FALSE } $_ | Write-Error -ErrorAction Continue if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core" -and (Get-Command powershell -ErrorAction Ignore)) { Write-I18n Host RoslynFailedFallback -ForegroundColor Yellow UsingWinPowershell $Params } #_if PSScript elseif (!$GuestMode) { $global:LastExitCode = 3 # 内部未知错误 $githubfeedback = "" $urlParams = @{ title = "$_" "latest-release" = if (Get-Module -ListAvailable ps12exe) { "true" } else { "false" } "bug-description" = 'Compilation failed' "expected-behavior" = 'Compilation should succeed' "additional-context" = @" Version infos: `````` $($PSVersionTable | Format-List | Out-String) `````` Error message: `````` $($_ | Format-List | Out-String) `````` "@ } foreach ($key in $urlParams.Keys) { $githubfeedback += "&$key=$([system.uri]::EscapeDataString($urlParams[$key]))" } Write-I18n Host OppsSomethingWentWrong -ForegroundColor Yellow if ($versionNow -eq '0.0.0') {} # dev version, do noting if ($versionNow -ne $versionOnline) { Write-I18n Host TryUpgrade $versionOnline -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { Write-I18n Host EnterToSubmitIssue -ForegroundColor Yellow Read-Host | Out-Null Start-Process $githubfeedback } } #_endif } finally { if ($TempTempDir) { Remove-Item $TempTempDir -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } #_if PSEXE #_!! exit $LastExitCode #_endif |