function BaseReadFile($File) { $Content = if ($File -match "^(https?|ftp)://") { if ($GuestMode) { if ((Invoke-WebRequest $File -Method Head -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Headers.'Content-Length' -gt 1mb) { Write-Error "The file is too large to read." -ErrorAction Stop } if ($File -match "^ftp://") { Write-Error "FTP is not supported in GuestMode." -ErrorAction Stop } } (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Content -replace '^[^\u0000-\u007F]+', '' } elseif (-not $GuestMode) { Get-Content -LiteralPath $File -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Raw } Write-Host "Reading file $([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($File)) size $($Content.Length) bytes" if (-not $Content) { Write-Error "No data found. May be read error or file protected." -ErrorAction Stop } $Content } function ReadScriptFile($File) { $Content = BaseReadFile $File $Content = $Content -join "`n" -split '\r?\n' Write-Verbose "Done reading file $([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($File)), starting preprocess..." Preprocessor $Content $File Write-Verbose "Done preprocess file $([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($File))" } . $PSScriptRoot\predicate.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\PSObjectToString.ps1 function Preprocessor($Content, $FilePath) { $Result = @() $requiredModules = @() $requireFlag = $False # 处理#_if <PSEXE/PSScript>、#_else、#_endif for ($index = 0; $index -lt $Content.Count; $index++) { $Line = $Content[$index] if ($Line -match "^\s*#_if\s+(?<condition>\S+)\s*(?!#.*)") { $condition = $Matches["condition"] $condition = switch ($condition) { 'PSEXE' { $TRUE } 'PSScript' { $False } default { Write-Error "Unknown condition: $condition`nassuming false."; $False } } while ($index -lt $Content.Count) { $index++ $Line = $Content[$index] if ($Line -match "^\s*#_endif\s*(?!#.*)") { break } if ($condition) { $Result += $Line } if ($Line -match "^\s*#_else\s*(?!#.*)") { $condition = -not $condition } } if ($Line -notmatch "^\s*#_endif\s*(?!#.*)") { Write-Error "Missing #_endif" return } } else { $Result += $Line } } $ScriptRoot = $FilePath.Substring(0, $FilePath.LastIndexOfAny(@('\', '/'))) function GetIncludeFilePath($rest) { if ($rest -match "((\'[^\']*\')+)\s*(?!#.*)") { $file = $Matches[1] $file = $file.Substring(1, $file.Length - 2).Replace("''", "'") } elseif ($rest -match '((\"[^\"]*\")+)\s*(?!#.*)') { $file = $Matches[1] $file = $file.Substring(1, $file.Length - 2).Replace('""', '"') } else { $file = $rest } $file = $file.Replace('$PSScriptRoot', $ScriptRoot) # 若是相对路径,则转换为基于$FilePath的绝对路径 if ($file -notmatch "^[a-zA-Z]:" -and $file -notmatch "^(https|ftp)://") { $file = "$ScriptRoot/$file" } if (!(Test-Path $file -PathType Leaf)) { return } $file } $Content = $Result | # 处理#_pragma ForEach-Object { $_ # 对于#_pragma,我们不在预处理时移除它:考虑到它可能被用于$PSEXEscript中 if ($_ -match "^\s*#_pragma\s+(?<pragmaname>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]+)\s*(?!#.*)$") { $pragmaname = $Matches["pragmaname"] $value = $true if ($pragmaname.StartsWith("no")) { $pragmaname = $pragmaname.Substring(2) $value = $false } if ($ParamList[$pragmaname].ParameterType -eq [Switch]) { $Params[$pragmaname] = [Switch]$value return } if ($ParamList["no$pragmaname"].ParameterType -eq [Switch]) { $Params["no$pragmaname"] = [Switch]-not $value return } Write-Warning "Unknown pragma: $($Matches["pragmaname"])" } elseif ($_ -match "^\s*#_pragma\s+(?<pragmaname>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]+)\s+(?<rest>.+)\s*$") { $pragmaname = $Matches["pragmaname"] $value = $Matches["rest"] if ($ParamList[$pragmaname].ParameterType -eq [Switch] -or $ParamList["no$pragmaname"].ParameterType -eq [Switch]) { if ($value.IndexOf("#") -ge 0) { $value = $value.Substring(0, $value.IndexOf("#")) } $value = $value.Trim() if (IsEnable $value) { $value = $true } elseif (IsDisable $value) { $value = $false } else { Write-Warning "Unknown pragma value: $value, cannot take is as a boolean." return } if ($pragmaname.StartsWith("no")) { $pragmaname = $pragmaname.Substring(2) $value = -not $value } if ($ParamList[$pragmaname].ParameterType -eq [Switch]) { $Params[$pragmaname] = [Switch]$value } if ($ParamList["no$pragmaname"].ParameterType -eq [Switch]) { $Params["no$pragmaname"] = [Switch]-not $value } } elseif ($ParamList[$pragmaname].ParameterType -eq [string]) { if ($value -match '^\"(?<value>[^\"]*)\"\s*(?!#.*)') { $value = $Matches["value"].Replace('$PSScriptRoot', $ScriptRoot) } elseif ($value -match "^\'(?<value>[^\']*)\'\s*(?!#.*)") { $value = $Matches["value"] } else { $value = $value.Replace('$PSScriptRoot', $ScriptRoot) } $Params[$pragmaname] = $value } elseif ($ParamList[$pragmaname].ParameterType) { Write-Warning "Unknown pragma: $pragmaname, as type $($ParamList[$pragmaname].ParameterType) can't analyze." } else { Write-Warning "Unknown pragma: $pragmaname" } } } | # 处理#_require ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match "^(\s*)#_require\s+(?<moduleList>[^#]+)\s*(?!#.*)") { $requiredModules += $Matches["moduleList"].Split(', |;、 ') | Where-Object { $_.Trim('"''') -ne '' } if (!$requireFlag) { $requireFlag = $true [bigint]::Parse('72') } } else { $_ } } | # 处理#_DllExport ForEach-Object { $_ # 对于#_DllExport,我们不在预处理时移除它:考虑到它可能被用于$PSEXEscript中 if ($_ -match "^(\s*)(#_DllExport\s+(?<callsign>[^#\(]+)\((?<callsignParams>[^#\)]*)\))\s*(?!#.*)") { $callsign = $Matches["callsign"] -split ' ' | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() } $callsignParams = $Matches["callsignParams"] -split ',' | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() } } elseif ($_ -match "^(\s*)(#_DllExport\s+(?<callsign>[^#\(]+))\s*(?!#.*)") { $callsign = $Matches["callsign"] -split ' ' | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() } $callsignParams = @() } if ($callsign) { if (!$callsign[1]) { $callsign = @('void', $callsign[0]) } $DllExportData = @{ returntype = $callsign[0] funcname = $callsign[1] params = @() } foreach ($param in $callsignParams) { $paramData = $param -split ' ' | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() } if ($paramData.Count -eq 1) { Write-Warning "$($Matches[2]): $($paramData[0]) is none type parameter, assume it's string." $paramData = @('string', $paramData[0]) } $DllExportData.params += @{ name = $paramData[1]; type = $paramData[0] } } $DllExportList.Add($DllExportData) | Out-Null Write-Warning "You are using #_DllExport, this marco is in dev and not support yet." Write-Verbose "$($Matches[2]): FuncSign: [$($DllExportData.returntype)]$($DllExportData.funcname)($(($DllExportData.params|ForEach-Object{ $_.type + ' ' + $ }) -join ', '))" } } | # 处理#_!!<line> ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match "^(\s*)#_!!(?<line>.*)") { $Matches[1] + $Matches["line"] } else { $_ } } | # 处理#_include <file>、#_include_as_value <valuename> <file> ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match "^\s*#_include\s+(?<rest>.+)\s*") { $file = GetIncludeFilePath $Matches["rest"] ReadScriptFile $file } elseif ($_ -match "^\s*#_include_as_value\s+(?<valuename>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]+)\s+(?<rest>.+)\s*") { $valuename = $Matches["valuename"] $file = GetIncludeFilePath $Matches["rest"] $IncludeContent = BaseReadFile $file $IncludeContent = $IncludeContent -join "`n" $IncludeContent = $IncludeContent.Replace("'", "''") "`$$valuename = '$IncludeContent'" } else { if ($_ -match '^\s*(?<assign>\$\w+\s*\=\s*)?(?<callopt>\.|&)\s*(?<rest>(\"|)\$PSScriptRoot.+)\s*') { $assign = $Matches["assign"] $rest = $Matches["rest"] $callopt = $Matches["callopt"] if ($rest -match "^(?<file>\`"[^\`"]*\`")(?<args>.+)") { $callargs = $Matches["args"] $rest = $Matches["file"] } elseif ($rest.IndexOf(' ') -gt 0) { $callargs = $rest.Substring($rest.IndexOf(' ') + 1) $rest = $rest.Substring(0, $rest.IndexOf(' ')) } $file = GetIncludeFilePath $rest if ($file) { if (!$callargs -and !$assign -and $callopt -eq '.') { return ReadScriptFile $file } return @("$assign$callopt{", $(ReadScriptFile $file), "}$callargs") } } $_ } } $LoadModuleScript = if ($requiredModules.Count -gt 1) { (PSObjectToString $requiredModules -OneLine) + '|%{if(!(gmo $_ -ListAvailable -ea SilentlyContinue)){Install-Module $_ -Scope CurrentUser -Force -ea Stop}}' } elseif ($requiredModules.Count -eq 1) { "if(!(gmo $requiredModules -ListAvailable -ea SilentlyContinue)){Install-Module $requiredModules -Scope CurrentUser -Force -ea Stop}" } if ($LoadModuleScript) { $Content = $Content | ForEach-Object { # 在第一次#_require的前方加入$LoadModuleScript if ($_ -is [bigint]) { $LoadModuleScript } else { $_ } } } $Content -join "`n" } |