@{ ModuleVersion = '0.3.28' AliasesToExport = @() PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ IconUri = '' ProjectUri = '' LicenseUri = '' Tags = @('Executable', 'Compiler', 'ps2exe', 'exe', 'ps12exe', 'Windows') } } PowerShellVersion = '5.0' GUID = '0bdadd0c-4365-422a-b7d4-62c2ea6d2d14' CmdletsToExport = @() Description = 'better pwsh code 2 exe repo: - Use `ps12exe a.ps1` to convert `a.ps1` into `a.exe`; - Use `ps12exeGUI` for a graphical interface that simplifies compilation; - Use `Set-ps12exeContextMenu` to add a context menu item for quick compilation or GUI access on `.ps1` files; - Use `Start-ps12exeWebServer` to launch a web server that allows users to compile scripts online; All commands in this module support the `-help` option for detailed assistance in your language.' VariablesToExport = @() NestedModules = @() RootModule = 'ps12exe.psm1' HelpInfoURI = '' Author = 'steve02081504' Copyright = '(c) steve02081504.' CompanyName = 'Unknown' FunctionsToExport = @('ps12exe', 'ps12exeGUI', 'Set-ps12exeContextMenu', 'Start-ps12exeWebServer') DotNetFrameworkVersion = '4.0' } |