$IsConstProgram = & $PSScriptRoot\IsConstAst.ps1 $AST if (!$SepcArgsHandling -and $IsConstProgram) { $timeoutSeconds = 7 # 设置超时限制(秒) Write-Verbose "constant program, using constexpr program frame" Write-Verbose "Evaluation of constants..." $pwshBase = if (Get-Command powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { 'powershell' } elseif (Get-Command pwsh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { 'pwsh' } $pwshCommand = $Content.Replace('"', '""""') $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { param($pwshBase, $pwshCommand, $Content) if ($pwshBase) { &$pwshBase -NoProfile -NoLogo -NonInteractive -Command "`"$pwshCommand`"" } else { (Invoke-Expression $Content) -join "`n" } } -ArgumentList $pwshBase, $pwshCommand, $Content Wait-Job -Job $job -Timeout $timeoutSeconds | Out-Null Stop-Job -Job $job | Out-Null $ConstResult = Receive-Job -Job $job if ($Verbose) { RollUp -InVerbose } if ($job.State -eq "Completed") { Write-Verbose "Done evaluation of constants -> $(bytesOfString $ConstResult) bytes" if ($ConstResult.Length -gt 19968) { Write-Verbose "Const result is too long, fail back to normal program frame" } else { #_if PSEXE #这是该脚本被ps12exe编译时使用的预处理代码 #_include_as_value programFrame "$PSScriptRoot/programFrames/constexpr.cs" #将constexpr.cs中的内容内嵌到该脚本中 #_else #否则正常读取cs文件 [string]$programFrame = Get-Content $PSScriptRoot/programFrames/constexpr.cs -Raw -Encoding UTF8 #_endif $programFrame = $programFrame.Replace("`$ConstResult", $ConstResult.Replace('\', '\\').Replace('"', '\"').Replace("`n", "\n").Replace("`r", "\r")) } } else { Write-Verbose "Evaluation timed out after $timeoutSeconds seconds, fail back to normal program frame" } Remove-Job -Job $job } |