function Remove-EmptyLines { <# .Synopsis Remove empty lines from file, string or variable .Description Remove empty lines from file, string or variable .Example Remove-EmptyLines -in (gc c:\file.txt) .Example $var | Remove-EmptyLines .Example help -ex Remove-EmptyLines | Remove-EmptyLines .Example Get-Content *.txt | rmel .Example Get-ClipBoard | rmel .Example dir | oss | rmel .Example dir c:\windows -Recurse | oss | rmel | more .Example get-help dir | oss | rmel | more #> [cmdletbinding()] [Alias("rmel")] param ([parameter(mandatory=$false,position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$true)][array]$in) begin {$err=""} process { if (!$psboundparameters.count) { help -ex Remove-EmptyLines | out-string | Remove-EmptyLines return } try {$in.split("`r`n") | ? {$_.trim() -ne ""}} catch {$err=$_.Exception} } end { if ($err) {Write-Host "ERROR: Use 'out-string -stream' (oss)!" -f red -nonewline; Write-Host "`nExample: dir | oss | rmel. Example: get-help dir | oss | rmel." -f cyan} } } function Get-hashcatBench { <# .Synopsis Get hashcat cracking benchmarks: System: 8xGTX8x1080Ti - Sagitta Brutalis 1080 Ti (SKU N4X48-GTX1080TI-2620-128-2X500). .Description Get hashcat cracking benchmarks: System: 8xGTX8x1080Ti - Sagitta Brutalis 1080 Ti (SKU N4X48-GTX1080TI-2620-128-2X500). .Example Get-hashcatBench -bcrypt Get hashcat cracking benchmarks for bcrypt. .Example Get-hashcatBench -GTX8x1080Ti -online | ? 'Speed.Dev.#*.....' -like "* h/s" Get hashcat cracking benchmarks from Github for 8xGTX1080Ti system, rate is H/s (Hashes/second). .Example Get-hashcatBench -RTX1x2080S -online | ft -a Get hashcat cracking benchmarks from Github for 1 x RTX2080Super FE card with latest hashcat version (Hashcat v5.1.0). .Example ghcbench -GTX8x1080Ti -path "c:\hashcat-stats\" | ? 'Speed.Dev.#*.....' -like "* mh/s" | sort 'Speed.Dev.#*.....' Get hashcat cracking benchmarks from local file, where rate is MH/s (MHashes/second) and sort by speed. .Example Get-hashcatBench -GTX8x1080Ti -online -raw Get file content as is. .Example ghcbench -GTX8x1080Ti -online | select 'Speed.Dev.#*.....',@{n='Speed';e={if ($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....' -match "kH/s"){[int](($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....').trim(" ").split(" ")[0])*1000} elseif ($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....' -match "MH/s"){[int](($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....').trim(" ").split(" ")[0])*1000000} elseif ($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....' -match "GH/s"){[int](($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....').trim(" ").split(" ")[0])*1000000000} else {[int](($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....').trim(" ").split(" ")[0])}}},Hashtype | sort speed | ft -a Convert table for calculation and sorting. .Example ghcbench -GTX8x1080Ti -online | select 'Speed.Dev.#*.....',@{n='Speed';e={if ($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....' -match "kH/s"){[int](($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....').trim(" ").split(" ")[0])*1000} elseif ($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....' -match "MH/s"){[int](($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....').trim(" ").split(" ")[0])*1000000} elseif ($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....' -match "GH/s"){[int](($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....').trim(" ").split(" ")[0])*1000000000} else {[int](($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....').trim(" ").split(" ")[0])}}},Hashtype | ? hashtype -match pbkdf | sort Speed | ft -a Search for certain hashtypes. #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("ghcbench")] param ([switch]$BCrypt,[switch]$GTX8x1080Ti,[switch]$RTX1x2080S,[switch]$Online,[switch]$Raw,$Path) process { if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "core") {Write-Host "`nCan't run on Powershell Core. Use Windows Powershell instead.`n" -f red; return} if (!($online -or $path)) {Write-Host "`nERROR: Missing parameters.`n" -f red; sleep 2; Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name; return} if ($bcrypt) { if ($online) {$doc=((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "").content).split("`n")} elseif ($path) {$doc=gc $path} $res1=$doc | Select-String "hashtype|speed|device" | ConvertFrom-String -Delimiter ":" if (!$raw) {$res1} else {$doc} } if ($GTX8x1080Ti) { if ($online) {$doc=((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "").content).split("`n")} elseif ($path) {$doc=gc $path} $res1=($doc).trim(" ") | Select-String "#[1-8]." -NotMatch | Select-String "Hashtype|Speed" | ConvertFrom-String -Delimiter ":" if (!$raw) { $table=$res1 | %{$i=0; if ($props) {$props.clear()}}{ $count=$i%(($res1.p1 | select -Unique).count); $props+=@{$($res1.p1 | select -Unique)[$count]=$_.p2}; if ($count -eq (($res1.p1 | select -Unique).count)-1) {New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Props; $props.clear()}; $i++ } $selectProps=@( @{n='SpeedDev';e={[int64]($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....'.trim() -split " ")[0]}} @{n='Rate';e={($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....'.trim() -split " ")[1]}} @{n='Hash';e={($_.hashtype).trim()}} ) $selectProps1=@( "SpeedDev" "Rate" @{n="Speed";e={if ($_.rate -eq "H/s") {$_.speeddev} elseif ($_.rate -eq 'kH/s') {$_.speeddev*1000} elseif ($_.rate -eq 'MH/s') {$_.speeddev*1000000} elseif ($_.rate -eq 'GH/s') {$_.speeddev*1000000000}}} "hash" ) $table | select -Property $selectProps | select -Property $selectProps1 } else {$doc} } if ($RTX1x2080S) { if ($online) {$doc=((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "").content).split("`n")} elseif ($path) {$doc=gc $path} if (!$raw) { $hashTemp=new-TemporaryFile $doc | sls "hashmode|speed" | ac $hashTemp $table=gc $hashTemp -ReadCount 2 | %{[pscustomobject]@{"Speed"=((([string]$_[1]) -split "Speed.#4.........: ")[1]).trim();"Hash"=($_[0] -split(" - "))[1].trim()}} del $hashTemp $selectProps=@( @{n='SpeedDev';e={[int64]($_.speed -split " ")[0]}} @{n="Rate";e={($_.speed -split " ")[1]}} "Hash" @{n="Details";e={($_.speed -split " ")[2..6] -join " "}} ) $selectProps1=@( "SpeedDev" "Rate" @{n="Speed";e={if ($_.rate -eq "H/s") {$_.speeddev} elseif ($_.rate -eq 'kH/s') {$_.speeddev*1000} elseif ($_.rate -eq 'MH/s') {$_.speeddev*1000000} elseif ($_.rate -eq 'GH/s') {$_.speeddev*1000000000}}} "Hash" "Details" ) $table | select -Property $selectProps | select -Property $selectProps1 } else {$doc} } } } function Out-Hash { <# .Synopsis Output string hash. Supported hash algorithms: SHA,SHA1,MD5,SHA256,SHA-256,SHA384,SHA-384,SHA512,SHA-512. Supported encoding: UTF8,ASCII,UTF7,UTF32,BigEndianUnicode. .Description Output string hash. Supported hash algorithms: SHA,SHA1,MD5,SHA256,SHA-256,SHA384,SHA-384,SHA512,SHA-512. Supported encoding: UTF8,ASCII,UTF7,UTF32,BigEndianUnicode. .Example 'string1','string2' | Out-Hash -Algorithm SHA256 -Encoding UTF8 Get hash .Example (0..20) | %{"string"+(get-random)} | out-hash Get hash .Example gc c:\strings-to-hash.txt | ohash -Algorithm md5 Get hash #> [Alias("ohash")] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True,Position=0)][string]$in, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipeline=$False,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$False)][ValidateSet("SHA","SHA1","MD5","SHA256","SHA-256","SHA384","SHA-384","SHA512","SHA-512")][string]$Algorithm="SHA1", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipeline=$False,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$False)][ValidateSet("UTF8","ASCII","UTF7","UTF32","BigEndianUnicode")][string]$Encoding="UTF8" ) begin {} process { if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name | oss | Remove-EmptyLines; return} $hash=([System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create("$Algorithm").ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::$Encoding.GetBytes("$in")) | % tostring x2).toUpper() -join "" write-verbose "`nAlgorithm: $Algorithm Encoding: $encoding" $hash } } function Test-Password { <# .Synopsis Test a password strength, query HIBP DB ( and print the hashcat benchmarks for various algorithms. System: 8xGTX8x1080Ti - Sagitta Brutalis 1080 Ti (SKU N4X48-GTX1080TI-2620-128-2X500). .Description Test a password strength, query HIBP DB ( and print the hashcat benchmarks for various algorithms. System: 8xGTX8x1080Ti - Sagitta Brutalis 1080 Ti (SKU N4X48-GTX1080TI-2620-128-2X500). .Example Test-Password qwerty | sort SecToCrack | ft -a Test the password strength and print the hashcat benchmarks. .Example Test-Password qwerty -HIBP | sort SecToCrack | ft -a Test the password strength, query HIBP DB ( and print the benchmarks. .Example Test-Password qwerty -HIBP | ? hashtype -match PBKDF2 | sort SecToCrack | ft -a Test the password, query HIBP and get the benchmarks for bcrypt algorithm. .Example gc passlist.txt | ?{$_} | tpass -HIBP | ? hashtype -match pbkdf2 | sort sectocrack,pass | ft -a Test the list of passwords. .Example $passList | ?{$_} | tpass -HIBP | ? hashtype -match pbkdf2 | sort sectocrack,pass | ft -a Test the list of passwords. .Example Test-Password -HIBPListBreaches | sort BreachDate -desc | ft -a | select -first 10 Get list of recent breaches from HIBP. #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("tpass")] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True,Position=0)][string]$pass, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipeline=$False,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$False,Position=1)][ValidateSet("SHA","SHA1","MD5","SHA256","SHA-256","SHA384","SHA-384","SHA512","SHA-512")][string]$algorithm="SHA1", # Default UA for PWS 5.1: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT; Windows NT 10.0; en-US) WindowsPowerShell/5.1.18362.145 # Default UA for PWS 6: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Microsoft Windows 10.0.18362; en-US) PowerShell/6.2.0 # Alternative UA: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.100 Safari/537.36 [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipeline=$False,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$False)][string]$UserAgent, [switch]$HIBP,[switch]$noCrackStats,[switch]$HIBPListBreaches,[switch]$HIBPPastes,[switch]$GTX8x1080Ti,[switch]$RTX1x2080S,[switch]$Online,$Path ) begin {[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12} process { if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "core") {Write-Host "`nCan't run on Powershell Core. Use Windows Powershell instead.`n" -f red; return} if (!$psboundparameters.count) {Get-Help -ex $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name; return} if ($HIBPListBreaches) {$result=Invoke-RestMethod "" -UserAgent $UserAgent; $result; return} $passComplexity=0 $lowerCaseComplexity=26 $upperCaseComplexity=26 $numbersComplexity=10 $nonAlphaNumComplexity=33 Write-Host "`nPassword: $pass" if (($pass).Length -le 11) {Write-Host "BAD! Password length is only $(($pass).Length) characters. Longer is better. Start from 12" -f red} else {Write-Host "OK. Password length: $(($pass).Length)" -f green} if ($lowerCaseCount=("$pass"[0..1kb] -cmatch "[a-z]").count) {$passComplexity=$lowerCaseComplexity; Write-Host "OK. Lower case: $lowerCaseCount" -f Green} else {Write-Host "BAD! No Lower case" -f Red} if ($upperCaseCount=("$pass"[0..1kb] -cmatch "[A-Z]").count) {$passComplexity+=$upperCaseComplexity; Write-Host "OK. Upper case: $upperCaseCount" -f Green} else {Write-Host "BAD! No Upper case" -f Red} if ($numbersCount=("$pass"[0..1kb] -cmatch "[0-9]").count) {$passComplexity+=$numbersComplexity; Write-Host "OK. Numbers: $numbersCount" -f Green} else {Write-Host "BAD! No Numbers" -f Red} if ($nonAlphaNumCount=("$pass"[0..1kb] -match "[^a-zA-Z0-9]").count) {$passComplexity+=$nonAlphaNumComplexity; Write-Host "OK. NonAlphaNum: $nonAlphaNumCount" -f Green} else {Write-Host "BAD! No NonAlphaNumeric" -f Red} $variantsToCrack=[math]::pow($passComplexity,(($pass).Length)) Write-Host "Total password complexity: " -NoNewline Write-Host "$passComplexity" -f Yellow Write-Host "Total password variants to brute force: " -NoNewline Write-Host "$variantsToCrack" -f Yellow $passSHA1=$hash=$pass | out-hash $query=$hash[0..4] -join "" if ($HIBP) { $result=(Invoke-RestMethod "$query" -UserAgent "$UserAgent").Split("`n") | Select-String $($hash[5..1kb] -join "") | ConvertFrom-String -delimiter ":" | select @{n='Hash';e={$_.P1}},@{n='Occurrence';e={$_.P2}} if ($result) {$passOccurrence=$result.Occurrence} else {$passOccurrence="Not found in HIBP"} if ($noCrackStats) { if ($passOccurrence -eq "Not found in HIBP") {write-host "`nHIBP: $passOccurrence `n" -f green} else {Write-host "`nHIBP: password occurrences: $passOccurrence`n" -f red} return } } if (!$noCrackStats) { # Get-hashcatBench -GTX8x1080Ti -online | select 'Speed.Dev.#*.....',@{n='Speed';e={if ($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....' -match "kH/s"){[long]([float](($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....').trim(" ").split(" ")[0])*1000)} elseif ($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....' -match "MH/s"){[long]([float](($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....').trim(" ").split(" ")[0])*1000000)} elseif ($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....' -match "GH/s"){[long]([float](($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....').trim(" ").split(" ")[0])*1000000000)} else {(($_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....').trim(" ").split(" ")[0])}}},Hashtype,@{n='Variants';e={$variantsToCrack}} | select Variants,@{n='Speed.Dev';e={$_.'Speed.Dev.#*.....'}},speed,@{n='SecToCrack';e={[math]::round($_.variants/$_.speed,0)}},hashtype,@{n='CountInHIBP';e={$passOccurrence}},@{n='Pass';e={$pass}},@{n='PassSHA1';e={$passSHA1}} $selectProps=@( @{n='Variants';e={$variantsToCrack}} "SpeedDev" "Rate" "Speed" # @{n='SecToCrack';e={[math]::round($_.variants/$_.speed,0)}} "Hash" @{n='CountInHIBP';e={$passOccurrence}} @{n='Pass';e={$pass}} @{n='PassSHA1';e={$passSHA1}} ) if ($GTX8x1080Ti) {Get-hashcatBench -GTX8x1080Ti -online | select -Property $selectProps | select Variants,SpeedDev,Rate,Speed,@{n='SecToCrack';e={[math]::round($_.variants/$_.speed,0)}},Hash,CountInHIBP,Pass,PassSHA1} elseif ($RTX1x2080S) {Get-hashcatBench -RTX1x2080S -online | select -Property $selectProps | select Variants,SpeedDev,Rate,Speed,@{n='SecToCrack';e={[math]::round($_.variants/$_.speed,0)}},Hash,CountInHIBP,Pass,PassSHA1} else {Get-hashcatBench -RTX1x2080S -online | select -Property $selectProps | select Variants,SpeedDev,Rate,Speed,@{n='SecToCrack';e={[math]::round($_.variants/$_.speed,0)}},Hash,CountInHIBP,Pass,PassSHA1} } } } |