function Get-ModuleUpdates { <# .Synopsis Check powershell modules for updates .Description Check powershell modules for updates .Example Check-ModuleUpdates Check imported modules for updates .Example Check-ModuleUpdates -all Check all available modules for updates .Example Check-ModuleUpdates PowershellGet -all Check module PowershellGet for updates .Example Check-ModuleUpdates -update -skipUpdate "PSReadLine" Will update all imported modules except module PSReadLine .Example Check-ModuleUpdates PackageManagement -all -update Will check and update module PackageManagement .Example Check-ModuleUpdates -all -update Will try to update all available modules .Example Check-ModuleUpdates -all -update -skipUpdate "PSReadLine|PSWindowsUpdate" Will update all modules available except modules PSReadLine and PSWindowsUpdate .Example Check-ModuleUpdates -all -skipUpdate "VMware.VimAutomation.Srm|VMware.VimAutomation.Storage" For PowerCLI, only VMware.PowerCLI should be installed .Example Check-ModuleUpdates -allowPrerelease -all Will check also prerelease versions .Example Check-ModuleUpdates -allowPrerelease -update "PSReadLine" Will update PSReadLine to higher prerelease .Example Check-ModuleUpdates -all -sendToast Will check all modules for updates and send toast notification to Action center .Example Check-ModuleUpdates -createSchedTask Will create scheduled task to run the script every Friday at 5am. SchedTask will be created for powershell edition, the command was ran from #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias("cmu","Check-ModuleUpdates")] param([switch]$update,[switch]$all,[switch]$sendToast,[switch]$createSchedTask,$module="",$skipUpdate="",$schedTaskScriptPath="",[switch]$allowPrerelease) begin { $exclude="excludePermanetSomethingIfNeeded" [string[]]$changelist="" # $schedTaskScriptPath=$psScriptRoot+"\"+$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name+".ps1" # Set toast [Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager, Windows.UI.Notifications, ContentType = WindowsRuntime] | Out-Null [Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument, Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument, ContentType = WindowsRuntime] | Out-Null $ToastXml=[Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument]::new() # Get-StartApps | sort name $appID='{1AC14E77-02E7-4E5D-B744-2EB1AE5198B7}\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe' } Process { # Create sched task if ($createSchedTask) { # $actionArgCommandString="-command . $SchedTaskScriptPath; Check-ModuleUpdates -all -sendToast" $actionArgCommandString="-command import-module ps.checkModuleUpdates; Check-ModuleUpdates -all -sendToast" if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $splatNewSchT=@{ Execute="pwsh" Argument=$actionArgCommandString } $splatArgs=@{ Action=New-ScheduledTaskAction @splatNewSchT Trigger=New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Weekly -DaysOfWeek Friday -At 5am TaskName="RunModuleUpdateScriptCore" } } elseif ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop") { $splatNewSchT=@{ Execute="powershell" Argument=$actionArgCommandString } $splatArgs=@{ Action=New-ScheduledTaskAction @splatNewSchT Trigger=New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Weekly -DaysOfWeek Friday -At 5am TaskName="RunModuleUpdateScript" } } Register-ScheduledTask @splatArgs return } if ($all) {$gModParam=@{ListAvailable=$true}} else {$gModParam=@{ListAvailable=$false}} if ($allowPrerelease) { get-module @gModParam | ? name -notmatch "$exclude" | ? name -match "$module" | select -Unique -pv localModule | %{ "--> $_ --> $($", $( if ($_.PrivateData.psdata.prerelease) {$localPrerel=$_.version.ToString()+"-"+$_.PrivateData.psdata.prerelease;"$localPrerel"} else {$_.version.toString()}), ( find-module -name $_ -ea silent -AllowPrerelease | %{ if ($localPrerel) { if (diff $_.version ($localPrerel)) {$_.version.ToString() + " <--"; [array]$changelist+=$} else {($_.version).tostring()} $localPrerel="" } elseif ($_.version -match '[a-zA-Z]') {if (diff $_.version $localModule.version.toString()) {$_.version.ToString() + " <--"; [array]$changelist+=$} else {($_.version).tostring()}} else {if ([version]$_.version -gt $localModule.version) {$_.version + ' <--'; [array]$changelist+=$} else {($_.version).tostring()} } } ) } } else { get-module @gModParam | ? name -notmatch "$exclude" | ? name -match "$module" | select -Unique -pv localModule | %{"--> $_ --> $($", $_.version.ToString(), (find-module -name $_ -ea silent | %{if ([version]$_.version -gt $localModule.version) {$_.version + ' <--'; [array]$changelist+=$} else {($_.version).tostring()} })} } $changelist=$changelist | ?{$_} if ($skipUpdate) {$changelist=$changelist | ?{$_ -notmatch "$skipUpdate"} | ?{$_}} if (!$changelist -and !$skipUpdate) {write-host "All is up to date." -f green} elseif (!$changelist -and $skipUpdate) {write-host "All is up to date." -f green; write-host "Module(s) skipped: " -f green -nonewline; write-host "$skipUpdate" -f yellow} elseif ($changelist -and $skipUpdate) {Write-Host "Module(s) to update: " -f yellow -nonewline; Write-Host "$changelist" -f red; write-host "Module(s) skipped: " -f green -nonewline; write-host "$skipUpdate" -f yellow} elseif ($update -and $skipUpdate -and !$changelist) {write-host "All is up to date." -f green; write-host "Module(s) skipped: " -f green -nonewline; write-host "$skipUpdate" -f yellow} else {Write-Host "Module(s) to update: " -f yellow -nonewline; Write-Host "$changelist" -f red} if ($update -and $changelist -and $allowPrerelease) { Write-Output "`nWill update: $changelist ..."; foreach ($modName in $changelist) {install-module $modName -force -allowClobber -AllowPrerelease} } elseif ($update -and $changelist) {Write-Output "`nWill update: $changelist ..."; install-module $changelist -force -allowClobber} # Send toast if ($sendToast -and $changelist) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Core") { $XmlString = @" <toast> <visual> <binding template="ToastGeneric"> <text>Module updates (PSCore):</text> <text>$changelist</text> </binding> </visual> </toast> "@ } elseif ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq "Desktop") { $XmlString = @" <toast> <visual> <binding template="ToastGeneric"> <text>Module updates:</text> <text>$changelist</text> </binding> </visual> </toast> "@ } $ToastXml.LoadXml($XmlString) $toast=[Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager]::CreateToastNotifier($appID) $toast.Show($ToastXml) } } } |