Set-StrictMode -Version latest $script:currentDir = $pwd $script:currentEnvDir = $null $global:autoenv = New-Object PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{ AUTH_FILE = '~/.autoenv_authorized' ENV_FILENAME = '.autoenv' ENV_LEAVE_FILENAME = '.autoenv.leave' ENABLE_LEAVE = $true ASSUME_YES = $false }) function AuthorizeFile($filePath) { if (-not (Test-Path $autoenv.AUTH_FILE)) { New-Item $autoenv.AUTH_FILE } if ((Get-Content $autoenv.AUTH_FILE) -contains $filePath) { return $true } Write-Warning 'PS-AutoEnv wants to authorize the following script:' Write-Host ('=' * 60) -ForegroundColor Red Get-Content $filePath | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host ('=' * 60) -ForegroundColor Red if ($autoenv.ASSUME_YES -eq $true) { Write-Host "$([char]0x2713) Auto authorized `n" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow $filePath >> $autoenv.AUTH_FILE return $true } switch (Read-Host "Authorize file ($filePath) ( y / n )") { "y" { $filePath >> $autoenv.AUTH_FILE return $true } Default { return $false } } } function RunScript($scriptFile) { if (AuthorizeFile $scriptFile.FullName) { Write-Verbose "Running script: $scriptFile" #Set $PSScriptRoot for convenience $block = "param (`$PSScriptRoot)`n" + (Get-Content $scriptFile.FullName -Raw) $output = Invoke-Command ` -ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create(($block))) ` -ArgumentList $scriptFile.DirectoryName Write-Host $output } } function LeaveDirectory($dir) { Write-Verbose "Leaving directory: $dir" if ( $autoenv.ENABLE_LEAVE -and ( $leaveFile = Get-ChildItem $dir $autoenv.ENV_LEAVE_FILENAME)) { RunScript $leaveFile $script:currentEnvDir = $null } } function EnterDirectory($dir) { Write-Verbose "Entered directory: $dir" if ($enterFile = Get-ChildItem $dir $autoenv.ENV_FILENAME) { RunScript $enterFile $script:currentEnvDir = $dir } } function AutoEnv($newDir) { try { if ($newDir.Path -eq $currentDir.Path) { return } LeaveDirectory $currentDir EnterDirectory $newDir $script:currentDir = $newDir } catch { Write-Warning "Could not execute autoenv script. `n$_.Exception.Message" } } $validateAttr = (new-object ValidateScript { AutoEnv $_; return $true }) (Get-Variable PWD).Attributes.Add($validateAttr) $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.OnRemove = { $null = (Get-Variable pwd).attributes.Remove($validateAttr) $global:autoenv = $null } Export-ModuleMember -Variable $autoenv |