
param($ResetStorage = $false)

#M�dulo para o powershell!
$ErrorActionPreference= "Stop";

## Global Var storing important values!
if($Global:PowerZabbix_Storage -eq $null -or $ResetStorage){
    $Global:PowerZabbix_Storage = @{
            SESSIONS = @()
            DEFAULT_SESSION = $null    
            SESSION_NAME = @{}

. (JoinPath $PSSCriptRoot "lib" "util.ps1")
Set-Alias PowerZabbixHttp InvokeHttp

#Make calls to a zabbix server url api.
Function CallZabbixURL {
        [object]$data     = $null
        ,$url             = $null
        ,$method         = "POST"
        ,$contentType     = "application/json-rpc"
    verbose "CallZabbixURL: URL param is: $Url";
        $DefaultSession = Get-DefaultZabbixSession
        $URL = $DefaultSession.URL;
    if($url -NotLike "*api_jsonrpc.php" ){
        if($url -NotLike "*/"){
            $url += "/"
        $url += "api_jsonrpc.php"

    if($Global:PowerZabbix_ZabbixUrl -and !$url){
        $url = $Global:PowerZabbix_ZabbixUrl;
    $ReqParams = @{
        method         = $method 
        contentType = $contentType
        url         = $url 
        data         = $data 
    $resp = Invoke-Http @ReqParams
    return $resp.text;

#Gets file for backing connections
Function GetPowerZabbixBackingFile {
    $DirPath = $PsHome+'\power-zabbix'
    if( ![IO.Directory]::Exists($Pshome) ){
        $F = mkdir -force $DirPath;
    $File = $DirPath+'\backing.xml';
    return $File;
#Handle the zabbix server answers.
#If the repsonse represents a error, a exception will be thrown. Otherwise, a object containing the response will be returned.
Function TranslateZabbixJson {
    #Converts the response to a object.
    $ZabbixResponseO = ConvertFromJson $ZabbixResponse;
    #If the "error" property is set, then a error is build.
        $ZabbixError = $ZabbixResponseO.error;
        $MessageException = "[$($ZabbixError.code)]: $($ZabbixError.data). Details: $($ZabbixError.data)";
        $Exception = New-Object System.Exception($MessageException)
        $Exception.Source = "ZabbixAPI"
        throw $Exception;
    #If not error, then return response result.
    return $ZabbixResponseO.result;

#Generate a id for be used in each request to the API.
Function  GetNewZabbixApiId {
    return [System.Guid]::NewGuid().Guid.ToString()

#Gets a authentication token to be used in calls to API.
#Cmdlets that implements api methods must calls this in order to get a valid token.
Function GetZabbixApiAuthToken {
    param([switch]$FrontEnd = $false)
    verbose "Getting token from the default Zabbix Session..."
    $DefaultSession = Get-DefaultZabbixSession;


        return $DefaultSession.FrontendSession;
    } else{
        return $DefaultSession.SessionID;

#This is a generic API builder. This builds a hashtable with all common information to call api methods.
Function New-ZabbixApiParams {
            Cria um novo objeto que representa parâmetros da API.

        [string]$token = GetZabbixApiAuthToken;
    [string]$NewId = GetNewZabbixApiId;
    $APIParams =  @{
                    jsonrpc = "2.0"
                    id         = $NewId
                    method    = $method
                    params     =  @{}
        $APIParams["auth"] = $token;
    return $APIParams
Set-Alias ZabbixAPI_NewParams New-ZabbixApiParams
#This functions builds all commons *.get API methods parameters.
#You can use this to generate some basic structure for a get operation of any object type.
Function ZabbixAPI_Get {
        ,$APIParams = @{}
    #Determinando searchByAny
        $Options.params.add("searchByAny", $true);
        $Options.params.add("startSearch", $true);
        $Options.params.add("limit", $APIParams.common.limit);
        $Options.params.add("output", $APIParams.common.output);
    #Determinando se iremos usar search ou filter pra buscar...
    elseif($APIParams.props.name) {
        $Options.params.filter["name"] = $APIParams.props.name

#Convert a datetime object to a unix time representation.
Function Datetime2Unix {
    return $Datetime.toUniversalTime().Subtract([datetime]'1970-01-01').totalSeconds;

#Converts a unixtime representation to a datetime in local time.
Function UnixTime2LocalTime {
    return ([datetime]'1970-01-01').toUniversalTime().addSeconds($unixts).toLocalTime();
#Returns a value formatted to the zabbix datetime
function MakeZabbixDatetime {
    [string]$TimeFilter = "";
    if($datetime -is [int]){
        $TimeFilter = $datetime;
    } else {
        $TimeFilter = Datetime2Unix $datetime;
    return $TimeFilter
#Get a list of names and converts it to ids.
#This is a auxliary function that contains common steps to convert a name of some object (hosts, hostgroups, etc.) to the respective id.
#It handles names not founds, etc.
#You must supply the original names and a scriptblock used to cast the name to the id.
Function ZabbixAPI_List2Ids {
        #This is the names list!
        ,[switch]$NoValidate = $false    

    $Ids = @();
    $Names = @();
    $SourceList | %{
        if($_ -as [int]){
            $Ids += @{id=$_;name=$null};
        } else {
            $Names += $_.toString()
        #NameToId must return a array of objects, where each object contains id of entity and the associated name in name property.
        $Founded += & $NamesToId $Names;
            #Gera um array com a lista de nomes encontrados...
            $NamesFound = @($Founded | %{$_.name});
            #Obt�m os nomes que n�o foram encontrados...
            $NamesNotFound  = @();
            $NamesNotFound = $SourceList | ? {  $NamesFound  -NotContains $_  } | %{$_};
                throw "NAMES_NOT_FOUND: $NamesNotFound"
        $Ids += $Founded;
    return $Ids;
############# DEBUGGING CMDLETS.
##### This cmdlets are provided to allows externals calls debug of the module. To be used by module developers only.
#Debugging purposes
    Function Get-NewZabbixParams {
        return ZabbixAPI_NewParams $method

    Function Invoke-ZabbixURL {
        param($APIParams, [switch]$Translate)
        write-host "Converting APIParams to JSON..."
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        write-host "JSON:`r`n" $APIString
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
            $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
            if($resultado -is [object[]]){
                $ResultsObjects = @();
                    $resultado | %{
                        $ResultsObjects += NEw-Object PSObject -Prop $_;    

        return @{RawResponse=$resp;RawTranslate=$Resultado;ResultObjects=$ResultsObjects};
############# NON-API Cmdlets
######This cmdlets are provided to allwos use supply or get information that module needs to talk with api, like usernames, urls, etc.

    #Auths a user on the zabbix server.
    #The authentication information (like auth token generated by the server) is saved on credential cache and marked as last used URL.
    #THus, every call that needs a authentication token, will be get from cache.
    Function Connect-Zabbix {
                Conecta com um Zabbix e cria uma nova sessão para invocar os demais comandos
                Este é o ponto de partida para começar a usar o power zabbix.
                Este comando faz a autenticação com o servidor zabbix especificado e, se a autenticação for feita com sucesso, cria uma sessão.
                Uma sessão é um objeto na memória do power-zabbix que contém tudo o que é necessário para invocar as demais APIs. É onde fica o token de autenticação.
                Você pode se autenticar usando uma API token, basta informar a mesma no campo "Password"

        [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "UserPass")]
                 #A URL do zabbix!
                 #Pode ser servidor:porta (assume http por padrao)
                 #pode ser https://servidor:porta
                 #Formato: [http[s]://]host[:porta][/path]
                 $URL         = $null

                ,#Nome do usuário (Criado no zabbix)
                    $User = $null
                ,#Senha do usuáro
                    $Password = $null
                ,#Autentica usando uma API Token
                ,#Especifica a api token direto como parâmetro.
                 #Especificar este, implicitamente, habilita -UseApiToken
                    $ApiToken = $null
                ,[switch]$Frontend = $false
                ,#Nome único que identifica esta conexão
                    $Name = $null
                ,#Forçar recriar a conexão mesmo que já exista uma em aberto
                    [switch]$Force = $False

        #Gets a reference for the cache!
        $AllSessions         = $Global:PowerZabbix_Storage.SESSIONS;
        $SessionNameIndex     = $Global:PowerZabbix_Storage.SESSION_NAME;
        $URI = [Uri]$URL;
        if($URI.scheme -notin 'http','https'){
            $URL = 'http://' + $URL;
        #Check if api is accessbile!
        try {
            $APIVersion = Get-ZabbixApiInfoVersion -URL $URL
        } catch {
            verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Error testing access to the $URL"
                verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Ignoring due to -Force!"
            } else {
                verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Use -Force to try any way!"
                throw "URL_NOT_ACESSIBLE: $URL. Error: $_";
        #Find a session with same name and url!
            $Session = $SessionNameIndex[$Name]
            $UseApiToken = $true;

            if($UseApiToken ){
                    $Creds = Get-Credential "API TOKEN";
                    $ApiToken = $Creds.GetNetworkCredential().Password
            } else {
                #Promtps for credentials!
                if($User -and $password){
                    $PassSecure    = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force;
                    $Creds        = New-Object Management.Automation.PSCredential($User, $PassSecure)
                else {
                    $Creds         = Get-Credential
                    $User        = $Creds.GetNetworkCredential().UserName
                    $Password     = $Creds.GetNetworkCredential().Password
                $Session = $AllSessions | ? {  $_.Url -eq $Url -and $_.User -eq $User };

        $PendingAuth = @();
        if(!$Session.SessionID -or $Force){
            $PendingAuth += "API"

        if($FrontEnd -and (!$Session.FrontendSession -or $Force)){
            $PendingAuth += "Frontend"

            verbose "Getting from cache!"
            return $Session;

        if(!$Session) {
            verbose "Session object dont exist. Create new!"
            $Session = [PsCustomObject]@{
                    Url                 = $Url
                    User                 = $User
                    SessionID            = $null
                    FrontendSession        = $null
                    AuthTime            = $null
                    FrontEndAuthTime    = $null
                    Name                = $null

            $Session | Add-Member -Type ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Force -Value {
                $SessionInfo = @()

                    $SessionInfo += "NAME=$($this.Name)";
                $SessionString += @(

                return $SessionString -Join " ";

            $IsNewSession = $true;

            $Session.Name = $Name;
            $SessionNameIndex[$Name] = $Session;
        #Authenticates on API URL!
        if($PendingAuth -Contains "API"){
            verbose "Auth on API"
            $v5 = [Version]"5.0.0"
            $ApiParams = New-ZabbixApiParams -NoAuth;
                verbose "Using Api Token Auth"
                $ApiParams.method = "user.checkAuthentication"
                $ApiParams.params = @{
                    token  = $ApiToken
                verbose "Testing token..."
                $resp                 = CallZabbixURL -data $ApiParams -url $URL;
                $Result             = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
                    throw "POWERZABBIX_AUTH_TOKEN_FAIL: Auth failed. Check credentials! (UserId = $($Result.userid))";
                $AuthToken = $ApiToken;
            } else {
                verbose "Using user/pass auth flow..."
                $Params = @{
                    password = [string]$password
                if($APIVersion -le $v5){
                    $Params.user = [string]$User;
                } else {
                    $Params.username = [string]$User;

                $ApiParams.params     = $Params;
                $ApiParams.method    = "user.login"

                #Chama a Url
                verbose "Checking user/pass..."
                $resp                 = CallZabbixURL -data $ApiParams -url $URL;
                $AuthToken             = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
                throw "POWERZABBIX_NO_AUTHTOKEN: Authentication failed. No auth token returned!"
            $Session.SessionID     = $AuthToken;
            $Session.AuthTime     = Get-Date

        #If users wants login in frontend, then do this.
        #This is useful for invoking some method that api dont support, like graphics.
        if($PendingAuth -Contains "Frontend"){
            verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Auth on Frontend"
            $AuthPage = $URL;
            if($AuthPage -NotLike '*/'){
                $AuthPage = $AuthPage + '/'
            verbose "Login into frontend. Ivoking the the page $AuthPage...";
            $LoginPage = InvokeHttp -URL $AuthPage;
            #At this point, we can setup all information need to send to zabbix login page.
            $LoginData = @{
                name = $User
                password = $Password
                enter = 'Sign in'
                autologin = 1
            #Just call using our function to invoke http request...
            $LoginResult = InvokeHttp -URL $AuthPage -data $LoginData -Headers @{"Authorization" = "Bearer "}
            #If the login result was a 302, means sucessfully login.
            #This is because when login is sucessfully, zabbix frontend redirects the user to another page.
            #HTTP CODE 302 means redirections.
            if($LoginResult.httpResponse.statusCode -eq 302){
                $Session.FrontendSession = $LoginResult.session;
                $Session.FrontEndAuthTime = Get-Date;
            } else {
                #If return code was another thant 302, then somehting wrong occured.
                #We must try find in html response possible error messages expected...
                $AllErrorMsgs = @();
                    $AllErrorMsgs += $LoginResult.html.DocumentNode.SelectNodes('//div[@class="article"]//div[@class="red"]/text()') | %{$_.InnerText};
                    throw "AUTH_FRONTEND_ERROR: $($AllErrorMsgs -Join '`r`n')"

                throw "AUTH_FRONTEND_UNKOWN! StatusCode: $([int]$LoginResult.httpResponse.statusCode)"

            verbose "Inserting on sessions cache"
            $Global:PowerZabbix_Storage.SESSIONS += $Session;

        return $Session;
    Set-Alias Auth-Zabbix Connect-Zabbix;
    Set-Alias ZabbixLogin Connect-Zabbix;

    Function Remove-ZabbixSession {
            [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
            ,[switch]$NoLogout = $false
        begin {
            $Sessions2Remove = @()
        process {
            $Sessions2Remove += $Session;
        end {
            $Default = $Global:PowerZabbix_Storage.DEFAULT_SESSION
            $Sessions2Remove | %{
                $Sess2Remove = $_;
                verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Removing $Sess2Remove";

                #If is default, removes!
                if($Default -and $Default.Equals($Sess2Remove)){
                    verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Removing from default!";
                    $Global:PowerZabbix_Storage.DEFAULT_SESSION = $null;
                    $Default = $null;

                    verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Removing from index";
                    try {
                        verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Invokking logout api...";
                        $out = Invoke-LogoutUser -token $Sess2Remove.SessionID;
                    } catch {
                        verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Error in logout user: $_";

                verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Removing from SESSIONS list...";
                    $Global:PowerZabbix_Storage.SESSIONS  = @($Global:PowerZabbix_Storage.SESSIONS | ?{

    Function Set-DefaultZabbixSession {
            [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        begin {}
        process {}
        end {
            $Global:PowerZabbix_Storage.DEFAULT_SESSION = $Session;
    Function Get-DefaultZabbixSession {
        if(@($Global:PowerZabbix_Storage.SESSIONS).count -eq 1){
            return @($Global:PowerZabbix_Storage.SESSIONS)[0];
        } else {
            return $Global:PowerZabbix_Storage.DEFAULT_SESSION

    Function Get-DefaultZabbixSessionId {
        $d = Get-DefaultZabbixSession;
        if($d){return $d.SessionID};

    Function Get-ZabbixSessions {

            return $Global:PowerZabbix_Storage.SESSION_NAME[$Name];
        } else {
            return $Global:PowerZabbix_Storage.SESSIONS


    #Returns a hashtable with a host interface to be used with cmdlet Create-Zabbixhost
    Function Get-InterfaceConfig {
            #Pode ser um nome DNS ou IP. O que vai determinar o tipo � a presen�a ou n�o do par�metro -IsIP
            $Address = $null
            ,#Porta da interface.
                [int]$Port = 10050
            ,#Indica que a interface n�o � a padr�o!
             #Neste caso, a propriedade main ser� marcada como 0.
                [switch]$NoMain     = $false

            ,#Indica se o valor em Address � um IP. Se sim, a interface ser� configurada como IP.
                [switch]$IsIP        = $False
            ,#Tipo da interface. Pode se usar o nome ou id. Verifique o link para os ids!
                $Type = "Agent"
        $Config = @{dns="";ip="";main=1;port=$Port;type=[int]$null;useip=1};
        #Transforma o tipo em n�mero!
        if($Type -is [string]){
            $i = 1;
            $Type = @("Agent","SNMP","IPMI","JMX") |  ? { if($Type -eq $_){return $true} else {$i++;return $false} } | %{$i};
        $Config.type = $Type;
            $Config.ip = [string]$Address;
        } else {
            $Config.dns = [string]$Address;
            $Config.useip = 0;
            $Config.main = 0;
        return $Config;

    #Converts a lot of host names to respectiv ids!
    #The returned object is a array of hashtable containing the hostid key.
    Function ConvertHostNames2Ids {
        param($Names, [switch]$ReturnNames = $false)
        verbose "ConvertHostNames2Ids: Castings groups to groups ids..."
        $HostIds = ZabbixAPI_List2Ids $Names { 
                                                    $Found = @();
                                                    $Found = Get-ZabbixHost -Name $HostNames -Output @('hostid','name') | %{
                                                        New-Object PSObject -Prop @{id=$_.hostid;name=$_.name};
                                                    return $Found;
        $NewGroups = @();
             $HostIds | %{
                $NewId = @{hostid = [int]$_.id};
                    $NewId['name'] = $_.name;
                $NewGroups += $NewId;
        } else {
            throw "GROUPS_NOT_FOUND: $Names";
        verbose "ConvertHostNames2Ids: Hosts add casted sucessfully!";
        return $NewGroups;
    #Converts a lot of groups names to respectiv ids!
    #The returned object is a array of hashtable containing the groupid key.
    Function ConvertGroupNames2Ids {
        param($Names, [switch]$ReturnNames = $false)
        verbose "ConvertGroupNames2Ids: Castings groups to groups ids..."
        $GroupIds = ZabbixAPI_List2Ids $Names { 
                                                    $Found = @();
                                                    $Found = Get-ZabbixHostGroup -Name $GroupNames -Output @('groupid','name') | %{
                                                        New-Object PSObject -Prop @{id=$_.groupid;name=$_.name};
                                                    return $Found;
        $NewGroups = @();
             $GroupIDs | %{
                $NewId = @{groupid = [int]$_.id};
                    $NewId['name'] = $_.name;
                $NewGroups += $NewId;
        } else {
            throw "GROUPS_NOT_FOUND: $Names";
        verbose "ConvertGroupNames2Ids: Groups add casted sucessfully!";
        return $NewGroups;
    #Converts a lot of map names to respective ids!
    #The returned object is a array of hashtable containing the groupid key.
    Function ConvertMapNames2Ids {
        param($Names, [switch]$ReturnNames = $false)
        verbose "ConvertMapNames2Ids: Castings maps to groups ids..."
        $MapIds = ZabbixAPI_List2Ids $Names { 
                                                    $Found = @();
                                                    $Found = Get-ZabbixMap -Name $MapNames -output @('sysmapid','name') | %{
                                                        New-Object PSObject -Prop @{id=$_.sysmapid;name=$_.name};
                                                    return $Found;
        $NewMaps = @();
             $MapIds | %{
                $NewID = @{sysmapid = [int]$_.id};
                    $NewID['name'] = $_.name;
                $NewMaps += $NewID;
        } else {
            throw "MAPS_NOT_FOUND: $Names";
        verbose "ConvertGroupNames2Ids: Groups add casted sucessfully!";
        return $NewMaps;
    #Generate a copy of object with just properties specified in hashtable and values.
    #This is useful for generating a object ready to be updated and discard other properties.
    Function Get-ObjectForUpdate {
            [string[]]$Properties = @()
        #ID properties!
        [string[]]$IDProperty = @{
            host             = 'hostid'
            template        = 'templateid'
            hostgroup        = 'groupid'
            hostinterface    = 'interfaceid'
            hostinventory    = @()
        #Creates a new empty object!
        $Changed = $Object.psobject.copy();
        #For properties must be changed, and news one, add it.
        $Object.psobject.Properties | ? { -not ( $Properties+@($IDProperty)  -Contains $_.Name) } | %{
        return $Changed;

############# API cmdlets ###############
#######API implementations. Starting at this point, API implementation################

######### API INFO

    Function Get-ZabbixApiInfoVersion {
            #Manually inform a URL. This is useful if you want test access to the URl before, for example, prompting credentials!
            $URL = $null
        #Determinando searchByAny
        $APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "apiinfo.version" -NoAuth;
        #Builds the JSON string!
        verbose "Generating JSON"
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        verbose "JSON: $APIString"
        #Chama a Url
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString -Url $URL;
        $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
        return [Version]$resultado;

######### HOST
    #Get a host object, that represent a host!
    #Based on: https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/3.4/manual/api/reference/host/object#host
    Function Get-ZabbixHostObject {
        return New-Object PsObject -Prop @{
            hostid = [string]$null
            host = [string]$null
            name = [string]$null
            status = [int]$null
    Function Get-ZabbixHost {
                Obtém os hosts do zabbix
                Equivalente a API

             #Id do host. Pode ser 1 ou mais ids separados por vírgula.
                [int[]]$Id = @()
            ,# Filtra pelo nome de exibição (Visible Name). Pode especificar vários separado por vírgula.
                [string[]]$Name = @()
            ,# Filtr por hostname, pode especificar vários separado por vírgula
                [string[]]$Host = @()
            ,# Filtrar por host group. Pode especificar vários separados por vírgula
                [string[]]$Groups         = @()
            ,#Ativa o parâmetro common search
                [switch]$Search        = $false
            ,#Ativa o parâmetro searchByAny da api
                [switch]$SearchByAny  = $false
            ,#ATiva o parâmetro common StartSearch
                [switch]$StartSearch  = $false
            ,#Parâemtro common output
                $output                = $null
            ,#Query para selecionar host groups. Parãmetro selectGroups da api.
                $SelectGroups             = $null
            ,#Query para selecionar interfaces. Parãmetro selectInterfaces da API
                $SelectInterfaces        = $null
            ,#Query para selecionar inventory. Parãmetro selectInventory da API
                $SelectInventory        = $null
            ,$HostStatus            = $null

        #Determinando searchByAny
        $APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "host.get"
        $propsFilter = @{};
            $host | %{
                $filterHost += [string]$_;
            $propsFilter['host'] = $filterHost;
        } else {
            $name | %{
                $filterName += [string]$_;
        ZabbixAPI_Get $APIParams -APIParams @{
                    common = @{
                            search         = $Search 
                            searchByAny = $SearchByAny
                            startSearch = $StartSearch
                            output        = $output
                            "filter"    = $filter
                    props = $propsFilter
        if($Host -and !$Search){
            $APIParams.params.filter["host"] = $Host;

            $APIParams.params.add("hostids", $Id)
            $APIParams.params.add("selectGroups", $SelectGroups)
            $APIParams.params.add("selectInterfaces", $SelectInterfaces)
            $APIParams.params.add("selectInventory", $SelectInventory)
        if($HostStatus -ne $null){
            $APIParams.params.filter.add("status", ([int]$HostStatus) )
        #If groups was specified, convert it to group names...
            verbose "Get-ZabbixHost: About to convert group names to ids"
            [hashtable[]]$GroupsID = ConvertGroupNames2Ids $Groups;
            [int[]]$groupsids = @($GroupsID | %{$_.groupid});
            $APIParams.params.add("groupids", $groupsids )
        #Builds the JSON string!
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        #Chama a Url
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
        $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
        $ResultsObjects = @();
            foreach($item in @($resultado)){
                $ResultsObjects += $item;    

        return $ResultsObjects;

    #Equivalente ao m�todo da API host.create
    Function New-ZabbixHost {
            ,$VisibleName = $null
            ,$Groups = $null
            ,$Templates = $null

        $APIPArams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "host.create";
        $AllGroups = @();
        if($Groups)    {
            $Groups | %{
                $AllGroups += @{groupid=$_.groupid};
            $APIParams.params.add("groups", $AllGroups );

        $AllTemplates = @();
            $Templates | %{
                $AllTemplates += @{templateid=$_.templateid};
            $APIParams.params.add("templates", $AllTemplates );
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        #Chama a Url
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
        $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
        return $resultado
    Set-Alias Create-ZabbixHost New-ZabbixHost

    #Equivalent to the method host.update.
    #In addition, added the option "Append". This option not exist in original API and is just a facility provided by this module.
    #You must pipe this from result of Get-ZabbixHost in order to use them.
    Function Update-ZabbixHost {
            $Groups = $null
            ,$Templates = $null
            ,#If specified, the cmdlet will get existent groups and add to the list informed!
                [switch]$Append = $false

            ,#If piped with Get-Zabibx host, get the returned object from it!
             #Note that this cmdlet expects a object returned by Get-Zabbixhost cmdlet!
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)]

        begin {
            $AllHosts = @{};
            [hashtable[]]$NewsGroup = @();
            [hashtable[]]$NewTemplates = @();
            #If groups was specified, convert it to group names...
                verbose "Update-ZabbixHost: About to convert group names to ids"
                [hashtable[]]$NewsGroup = ConvertGroupNames2Ids $Groups;
                verbose "Update-ZabbixHost: Converted Groups: $($NewsGroup.values)"
                $NewTemplates = $Templates | % { @{templateid=$_.templateid} }
        process {
                $ZabbixHost | %{
                    $CurrentHost = $_;
                    #Converts the object to a hashtable in order to avoid circular reference problem...
                    $ObjectHashTable = @{};
                    $CurrentHost.psobject.properties | %{ $ObjectHashTable.add($_.Name,$CurrentHost.psobject.properties[$_.Name].Value)  };
                    #Add the groupids property if exists...
                        $ObjectHashTable.add("templates", $NewTemplates);
                    $AllHosts.add($CurrentHost.hostid, $ObjectHashTable);
            } else {
                throw "INVALID_ZABBIX_HOST"
        end {
            #If appends specified, gets the groups for the hosts...
                #Gets the groups for each host id!
                $Ids = $AllHosts.Values | %{$_.hostid};
                verbose "Update-ZabbixHost: Getting host info for append"
                $HostInfo = Get-ZabbixHost -SelectGroups @("groupid") -Id $Ids -Output @("hostid");
                    throw "NO_HOSTS_FOUND: Getting groups for appending not returned any host object. Ids: $Ids"
                verbose "Update-ZabbixHost: Hosts objects: $HostInfo"
                #Adds groups for each host!
                $HostInfo | %{
                    $CurrentHost = $AllHosts[$_.hostid];
                    $CurrentGroups = $_.groups;
                    $CurrentHost.groups += @( $CurrentGroups | %{ @{groupid=$_.groupid}  }  )
            $APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "host.update";
            $APIParams.params = @($AllHosts.Values);
            verbose "Update-ZabbixHost: APIParams, before convert $APIParams"
            $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
            verbose "Update-ZabbixHost: APIString, before convert $APISTring"
            #Chama a Url
            $ConfirmMsg = @(
                "Hosts to be updated: $($AllHosts.count)"
                "JSON: "+(ConvertToJson @($AllHosts.Values))
            ) -Join "`r`n"

                $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
                $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;

            return $resultado;

    #Equivalente ao m�todo da API host.massremove
    Function Remove-ZabbixHostMass {
            $Groups = $null
            ,#If piped with Get-Zabibx host, get the returned object from it!
             #Note that this cmdlet expects a object returned by Get-Zabbixhost cmdlet!
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
        begin {
            $FUN = $MyInvocation.InvocationName;
            [int[]]$AllHosts = @();
            [int[]]$GroupsRemoveFrom = @();
            #If groups was specified, convert it to group names...
                verbose "$($FUN): About to convert group names to ids"
                [hashtable[]]$ConvertedGroups = ConvertGroupNames2Ids $Groups;
                verbose "$($FUN): Converted Groups: $($ConvertedGroups.values)"
                    $GroupsRemoveFrom = @($ConvertedGroups.Values)
        process {
                $ZabbixHost | %{
                        throw "INVALID_HOSTOBJECT_NOHOSTID";
                    $AllHosts += [int]$_.hostid;
            } else {
                throw "INVALID_ZABBIX_HOST"
        end {

            $APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "host.massremove";
            $APIParams.params = @{
                    hostids = $AllHosts
            verbose "$($FUN): APIParams, before convert $APIParams"
            $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
            verbose "$($FUN): APIString, before convert $APISTring"
            #Chama a Url
            $ConfirmMsg = @(
                "Hosts to be updated: $($AllHosts.count)"
                "JSON: "+(ConvertToJson @($AllHosts))

                $ConfirmMsg += "Group Ids To remove: "+(ConvertToJson @($GroupsRemoveFrom))
            $ConfirmMsg = $ConfirmMsg -Join "`r`n";
                $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
                $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;

            return $resultado;
######### HOSTGROUP
    #Equivalente ao m�todo da API hostgroup.get
    Function Get-ZabbixHostGroup {
            [string[]]$Name = @()
            ,[switch]$Search        = $false
            ,[switch]$SearchByAny  = $false
            ,[switch]$StartSearch  = $false
            ,[object]$selectHosts               = $null
            ,$Output               = $null

        #Determinando searchByAny
        $APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "hostgroup.get"
        ZabbixAPI_Get $APIParams -APIParams @{
                    common = @{
                            search         = $Search 
                            searchByAny = $SearchByAny
                            startSearch = $StartSearch
                            output        = $output
                    props = @{
                        name = $Name 
            $APIParams.params.add("selectHosts", $selectHosts);
        verbose "Get-ZabbixHostGroup: APIParams, before convert $APIParams"
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        verbose "Get-ZabbixHostGroup: APIString, before convert $APISTring"
        #Chama a Url
        verbose "Get-ZabbixHostGroup: calling zabbix url function..."
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
        verbose "Get-ZabbixHostGroup: response received! Calling translate..."
        $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
        verbose "Get-ZabbixHostGroup: Translated!"

        verbose "Objects generated = $($resultado.count)"
        return $resultado;

    #Equivalente ao m�todo da API hosgroup.create
    Function New-ZabbixHostGroup {

        $APIPArams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "hostgroup.create";
        $AllHostGroups = @();
        $Name | %{
            $AllHostGroups += @{name = [string]$_};
        $APIParams.params = $AllHostGroups;
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        verbose "Create-ZabbixHostGroup: APIString: $APIString"
        #Chama a Url
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
        $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
        return $resultado
    Set-Alias Create-ZabbixHostGroup  New-ZabbixHostGroup
    #Equivalente ao m�todo da API hostgroup.massremove
    Function Remove-ZabbixHostGroupMass {
            $Groups = $null
            ,#If piped with Get-Zabibx host, get the returned object from it!
             #Note that this cmdlet expects a object returned by Get-Zabbixhost cmdlet!
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
        begin {
            $FUN = $MyInvocation.InvocationName;
            [int[]]$AllHosts = @();
            [int[]]$GroupsRemoveFrom = @();
            #If groups was specified, convert it to group names...
                verbose "$($FUN): About to convert group names to ids"
                [hashtable[]]$ConvertedGroups = ConvertGroupNames2Ids $Groups;
                verbose "$($FUN): Converted Groups: $($ConvertedGroups.values)"
                    $GroupsRemoveFrom = @($ConvertedGroups.Values)
        process {
                $ZabbixHost | %{
                        throw "INVALID_HOSTOBJECT_NOHOSTID";
                    $AllHosts += [int]$_.hostid;
            } else {
                throw "INVALID_ZABBIX_HOST"
        end {

            $APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "hostgroup.massremove";
            $APIParams.params = @{
                    groupids = $GroupsRemoveFrom
                    hostids = $AllHosts
            verbose "$($FUN): APIParams, before convert $APIParams"
            $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
            verbose "$($FUN): APIString, before convert $APISTring"
            #Chama a Url
            $ConfirmMsg = @(
                "Hosts to be updated: $($AllHosts.count)"
                "JSON: "+(ConvertToJson @($AllHosts))
                "Group ids: "+(ConvertToJson @($GroupsRemoveFrom))
            ) -Join "`r`n"

                $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
                $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;

            return $resultado;
######### TEMPLATE
    #Equivalente ao m�todo da API template.get
    Function Get-ZabbixTemplate {
            $Name = @()
            ,[switch]$Search        = $false
            ,[switch]$SearchByAny  = $false
            ,[switch]$StartSearch  = $false

        #Determinando searchByAny
        $APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "template.get"
        ZabbixAPI_Get $APIParams -APIParams @{
                    common = @{
                            search         = $Search 
                            searchByAny = $SearchByAny
                            startSearch = $StartSearch
                    props = @{
                        name = $Name 
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        #Chama a Url
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
        $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
        return $resultado;

######### EVENT
    #Equivalente ao m�todo da API event.get
    Function Get-ZabbixEvent {
             [int[]]$Id    = @()
            ,[string[]]$Hosts     = @()        
            ,[string[]]$Groups      = @()
            ,[string[]]$ObjectId    = @()    
            ,$TimeFrom     = $null
            ,$TimeTill    = $null
                [ValidateSet("trigger","discovered host","discovered service","auto-registered host","item","LLD rule",0,1,2,3,4,5)]
                $Object                = $null
            ,$Value                    = '1' #PROBLEM
            ,$selectHosts             = $null
            ,$selectRelatedObject    = $null
                $selectAcknowledges    = $null
            ,$limit                    = $null
            ,$acknowledged            = $null
            ,#Specify api params manually. It overrides any other defined here.
                $ManualParams            = @{}
            ,#Try gets correlated event with this one.
             #A correlated event is the event the OK or PROBLEM event associated with this.
             #If passed object is a PROBLEM, the correlated is a OK.
             #If passed object is a OK, the correlated is a PROBLEM. This always must exists (if not deleted by zabbix internal)
             #YOu must pass a object or array of objects returned by this cmdlet.
             #The cmdlet will add the property "correlated" to each object.
             #This parameter is not provided by Zabbix API, and just it a enchament provided by this cmdlet.
             #Note that for each object passed in this parameter, the cmdlet will make a call to zabbix. The number of calls to zabbix will be equals to number of objects.
             #This can be slow.
                $Correlate = $null

        #Determinando searchByAny
        [hashtable]$APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "event.get"
        ZabbixAPI_Get $APIParams -APIParams @{
                    common = @{
                            search         = $false 
                            searchByAny = $false
                            startSearch = $false
                            limit        = $limit
            $Correlate  | %{
                if($_.value -eq 1) {
                    #finds the OK. It must be a clock after this clock.
                    $C = Get-ZabbixEvent -ObjectId $_.objectid -TimeFrom ([int]$_.clock + 1) -Value 0 -Limit 1
                } else {
                    #finds the PROBLEM, It must be a clock current.
                    $C = Get-ZabbixEvent -ObjectId $_.objectid -TimeTill ([int]$_.clock - 1) -Value 1 -Limit 1
                $_ | Add-Member -Type Noteproperty -Name "correlated" -Value $C -force;
        else {
                $APIParams.params.add("eventids", $Id ); 
                $APIParams.params.add('objectids', $ObjectId);
                [string]$TimeFromFilter = "";
                if($TimeFrom -is [int]){
                    $TimeFromFilter = $TimeFrom;
                } else {
                    $TimeFromFilter = Datetime2Unix $TimeFrom;
                $APIParams.params.add("time_from", $TimeFromFilter); 
                [string]$TimeTillFilter = "";
                if($TimeTill -is [int]){
                    $TimeTillFilter = $TimeTill;
                } else {
                    $TimeTillFilter = Datetime2Unix $TimeTill;
                $APIParams.params.add("time_till", $TimeTillFilter ); 
                $APIParams.params.add('value', $Value);
                verbose "Get-ZabbixEvent: Castings hosts to groups ids..."
                [hashtable[]]$HostsIds = ConvertHostNames2Ids $Hosts;
                [int[]]$hostids = @($HostsIds | %{$_.hostid});
                $APIParams.params.add("hostids", $hostids )
                verbose "Get-ZabbixEvent: Groups add casted sucessfully!"
                verbose "Get-ZabbixEvent: Castings groups to groups ids..."
                [hashtable[]]$GroupsID = ConvertGroupNames2Ids $Groups;
                [int[]]$groupsids = @($GroupsID | %{$_.groupid});
                $APIParams.params.add("groupids", $groupsids )
                verbose "Get-ZabbixEvent: Groups add casted sucessfully!"
                $APIParams.params.add("select_acknowledges", $selectAcknowledges);
            if($acknowledged -ne $null){
                $APIParams.params.add("acknowledged", [bool]$acknowledged);
                if($Object -is [string]){
                    $i = 0;
                    $Object = 'trigger','discovered host','discovered service','auto-registered host','item','LLD rule' | ?{
                        if($_ -eq $Object){
                            return $true;
                        } else {
                            $i++;return $false;
                    } | %{$i}
                $APIParams.params.add("object", $object )
                $APIParams.params.add("selectHosts", $selectHosts);
                $APIParams.params.add("selectRelatedObject", $selectRelatedObject);

            $ManualParams.GetEnumerator() | %{
                $APIParams.params[$_.Key] = $_.Value;
        verbose "Get-ZabbixEvent: About to generate json from apiparams!"
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        verbose "JSON is: $APIString";
        #Chama a Url
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
        $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
        $ResultsObjects = @();
            $resultado | %{
                $r = $_
                #Adiciona o datetime local...
                if($r | gm "clock"){
                    $r | Add-Member -Type Noteproperty -Name "datetime" -Value (UnixTime2LocalTime $r.clock)
                #Adiciona as informa��es da trigger...
                if($r.object -eq 0 -and $r.relatedObject.description){
                    $r | Add-Member -Type Noteproperty -Name "TriggerName" -Value $r.relatedObject.description
                #Adiciona as informa��es da trigger...
                if($r.object -eq 0 -and $r.relatedObject.priority){
                    $r | Add-Member -Type Noteproperty -Name "TriggerSeverity" -Value $r.relatedObject.priority
                #Adiciona as informa��es do host...
                if($r.object -eq 0 -and $r.hosts.count -ge 1){
                        $r | Add-Member -Type Noteproperty -Name "HostName" -Value $r.hosts[0].name
                $ResultsObjects += $r;

        return $ResultsObjects;

    Function Confirm-ZabbixEvent {
                Equivalente ao método da API event.acknowledge

        begin  {
            [int[]]$EventsIds = @();
        process {
            $EventsIds += $EventId;
        end {
            [hashtable]$AckParams = @{eventids=$EventsIds;message=$Message};
            [hashtable]$APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "event.acknowledge"
            $APIParams.params = $AckParams;
            $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
            verbose "Ack-ZabbixEvent: APIString: $APIString";
            #Chama a Url
                verbose 'Ack-ZabbixEvent: Calling url...'
                $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
                $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
                verbose 'Ack-ZabbixEvent: Translatio finished...'

            return $resultado;
    Set-Alias Ack-ZabbixEvent Confirm-ZabbixEvent 

######### TRIGGER

    Function Get-ZabbixTrigger {
                Equivalente ao método da API trigger.get

             [int[]]$Id    = @()
            ,[string[]]$Hosts     = @()        
            ,[string[]]$Groups = @()    
            ,[string[]]$Name = @()
            ,[switch]$Search        = $false
            ,[switch]$SearchByAny  = $false
            ,[switch]$StartSearch  = $false
            ,$limit = $null
            ,$output                = $null
            ,[switch]$Trigged        = $false
            ,[switch]$NoExpand        = $false

        #Determinando searchByAny
        [hashtable]$APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "trigger.get"
        ZabbixAPI_Get $APIParams -APIParams @{
                    common = @{
                            search         = $Search 
                            searchByAny = $SearchByAny
                            startSearch = $StartSearch
                            limit        = $limit
                            output        = $output
                    props = @{
                        description = $Name 

            $APIParams.params.add("triggerids", $Id ); 

        #If groups was specified, convert it to group names...
            verbose "Get-ZabbixTrigger: About to convert host names to ids"
            [hashtable[]]$HostIDsObject = ConvertHostNames2Ids $Hosts;
            [int[]]$hostsids = @($HostIDsObject | %{$_.hostid});
            $APIParams.params.add("hostids", $hostsids )

        #If groups was specified, convert it to group names...
            verbose "Get-ZabbixTrigger: About to convert group names to ids"
            [hashtable[]]$GroupsID = ConvertGroupNames2Ids $Groups;
            [int[]]$groupsids = @($GroupsID | %{$_.groupid});
            $APIParams.params.add("groupids", $groupsids )

        verbose "Get-ZabbixTrigger: About to generate json from apiparams!"
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        verbose "JSON is: $APIString";

        #Chama a Url
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
        TranslateZabbixJson $resp;

    Function Update-ZabbixTrigger {
                Equivalente ao método trigger.update.
                Utilize com Get-ZabbixTrigger:
                $MinhaTrigger = Get-ZabbixTrigger
                $MinhaTrigger.prop = newval
                $MinhaTrigger | Update-ZabbixTrigger

            #If piped with Get-ZabbixTrigger, get the returned object from it!
             #Note that this cmdlet expects a object returned by Get-ZabbixTrigger cmdlet!
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)]

        begin {
            $AllTriggers = @{};
        process {
                $ZabbixTrigger | %{
                    $CurrentTrigger = $_;
                    #Converts the object to a hashtable in order to avoid circular reference problem...
                    $ObjectHashTable = @{};
                    $CurrentTrigger.psobject.properties | %{ $ObjectHashTable.add($_.Name,$CurrentTrigger.psobject.properties[$_.Name].Value)  };
                    $AllTriggers.add($CurrentTrigger.triggerid, $ObjectHashTable);
            } else {
                throw "INVALID_ZABBIX_TRIGGER"
        end {

            $APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "trigger.update";
            $APIParams.params = @($AllTriggers.Values);
            verbose "APIParams, before convert $APIParams"
            $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
            verbose "APIString, before convert $APISTring"
            #Chama a Url
            $ConfirmMsg = @(
                "Triggers to be updated: $($AllTriggers.count)"
                "JSON: "+(ConvertToJson @($AllTriggers.Values))
            ) -Join "`r`n"

                $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
                $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
                return $resultado;

######### MAP

    Function Get-ZabbixMap {
                Método map.get

             [int[]]$Id         = @()
            ,[string[]]$Name = @()
            ,[switch]$Search        = $false
            ,[switch]$SearchByAny  = $false
            ,[switch]$StartSearch  = $false
            ,$Output               = $null

        #Determinando searchByAny
        $APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "map.get"
        ZabbixAPI_Get $APIParams -APIParams @{
                    common = @{
                            search         = $Search 
                            searchByAny = $SearchByAny
                            startSearch = $StartSearch
                            output        = $output
                    props = @{
                        name = $Name 
            $APIParams.params.add('sysmapids', $Id);
        verbose "APIParams, before convert $APIParams"
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        verbose "APIString, before convert $APISTring"
        #Chama a Url
        verbose "Get-ZabbixMap: calling zabbix url function..."
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
        verbose "Get-ZabbixMap: response received! Calling translate..."
        TranslateZabbixJson $resp;

######### ALERT

    Function Get-ZabbixAlert {
                Método alert.get

             $name = $null
            ,[int[]]$Id                = @()
            ,$Hosts                 = @()        
            ,$Groups                  = @()
            ,$selectHosts             = $null
            ,$selectMediaTypes        = $null
            ,$selectUsers            = $null
            ,$limit                    = $null
            ,$timeFrom                = $null
            ,$timeTill                = $null
            ,$eventSource            = $null
            ,$eventObject            = $null
            ,[switch]$Search        = $false
            ,[switch]$SearchByAny  = $false
            ,[switch]$StartSearch  = $false
            ,$output                = $null

        #Determinando searchByAny
        [hashtable]$APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "alert.get"
        ZabbixAPI_Get $APIParams -APIParams @{
                    common = @{
                            search         = $Search 
                            searchByAny = $SearchByAny
                            startSearch = $StartSearch
                            limit        = $limit
                            output        = $output

            $APIParams.params.add("alertids", $Id ); 
            $NamesToConvert = @();
            [int[]]$hostids =  $Hosts | %{
                    return $_.hostid;
                } else {
                    if ($_ -is [string]){
                        $NamesToConvert += $_;
                    } else {
                        return [int]$_;
                verbose "Get-ZabbixItem: Castings hosts to groups ids..."
                [hashtable[]]$ConvertedHosts = ConvertHostNames2Ids $NamesToConvert;
                $hostids += @($ConvertedHosts | %{$_.hostid});
            $APIParams.params.add("hostids", $hostids )
            verbose "Get-ZabbixItem: Groups add casted sucessfully!"
            $NamesToConvert = @();
            [int[]]$groupsids =  $Groups | %{
                    return $_.groupid;
                } else {
                    if ($_ -is [string]){
                        $NamesToConvert += $_;
                    } else {
                        return [int]$_;
                verbose "Get-ZabbixItem: Castings hosts to groups ids..."
                [hashtable[]]$ConvertedGroups = ConvertGroupNames2Ids $NamesToConvert;
                $groupsids += @($ConvertedGroups | %{$_.groupid});
            $APIParams.params.add("groupids", $groupsids )
            verbose "Get-ZabbixItem: Groups add casted sucessfully!"

            $APIParams.params.add("selectHosts", $selectHosts);
            $APIParams.params.add("selectMediaTypes", $selectMediaTypes);
            $APIParams.params.add("selectUsers", $selectUsers);
            $APIPArams.params.add("time_from", (MakeZabbixDatetime $timeFrom))
            $APIPArams.params.add("time_till", (MakeZabbixDatetime $timeTill))
        if($eventSource -ne $null){
            $APIPArams.params.add("eventsource", $eventSource)
        if($eventobject -ne $null){
            $APIPArams.params.add("eventobject", $eventobject)
        verbose "Get-ZabbixAlert: About to generate json from apiparams!"
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        verbose "JSON is: $APIString";
        #Chama a Url
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
        $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
        $ResultsObjects = @();
            $Actions = @{}
                $AllActions = $resultado | %{$_.actionid}
                Get-ZabbixAction -Id $AllActions -output 'id','name' | % {
                    $Actions[$_.actionid] = $_;
            $resultado | %{
                $r = $_;
                    $r | Add-Member -Type Noteproperty -Name "ActionName" -Value $Actions[$_.actionid].name    
                if($r | gm "clock"){
                    $r | Add-Member -Type Noteproperty -Name "datetime" -Value (UnixTime2LocalTime $r.clock)
                #Adiciona as informa��es do host...
                if($r.hosts.count -ge 1){
                        $r | Add-Member -Type Noteproperty -Name "HostName" -Value $r.hosts[0].name
                $ResultsObjects += $r;

        return $ResultsObjects;

######### ACTION

    Function Get-ZabbixAction {
                Método action.get

             [int[]]$Id                = @()
            ,$Hosts                 = @()        
            ,$Groups                  = @()
            ,$selectFilter                     = $null
            ,$selectOperations                = $null
            ,$selectRecoveryOperations        = $null
            ,$selectAcknowledgeOperations    = $null
            ,$limit                    = $null
            ,[switch]$Search        = $false
            ,[switch]$SearchByAny  = $false
            ,[switch]$StartSearch  = $false
            ,$output                = $null

        #Determinando searchByAny
        [hashtable]$APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "action.get"
        ZabbixAPI_Get $APIParams -APIParams @{
                    common = @{
                            search         = $Search 
                            searchByAny = $SearchByAny
                            startSearch = $StartSearch
                            limit        = $limit
                            output        = $output

            $APIParams.params.add("actionids", $Id ); 
            $NamesToConvert = @();
            [int[]]$hostids =  $Hosts | %{
                    return $_.hostid;
                } else {
                    if ($_ -is [string]){
                        $NamesToConvert += $_;
                    } else {
                        return [int]$_;
                verbose "Get-ZabbixItem: Castings hosts to groups ids..."
                [hashtable[]]$ConvertedHosts = ConvertHostNames2Ids $NamesToConvert;
                $hostids += @($ConvertedHosts | %{$_.hostid});
            $APIParams.params.add("hostids", $hostids )
            verbose "Get-ZabbixItem: Groups add casted sucessfully!"
            $NamesToConvert = @();
            [int[]]$groupsids =  $Groups | %{
                    return $_.groupid;
                } else {
                    if ($_ -is [string]){
                        $NamesToConvert += $_;
                    } else {
                        return [int]$_;
                verbose "Get-ZabbixItem: Castings hosts to groups ids..."
                [hashtable[]]$ConvertedGroups = ConvertGroupNames2Ids $NamesToConvert;
                $groupsids += @($ConvertedGroups | %{$_.groupid});
            $APIParams.params.add("groupids", $groupsids )
            verbose "Get-ZabbixItem: Groups add casted sucessfully!"

            $APIParams.params.add("selectFilter", $selectFilter);
            $APIParams.params.add("selectOperations", $selectOperations);
            $APIParams.params.add("selectRecoveryOperations", $selectRecoveryOperations);
            $APIParams.params.add("selectAcknowledgeOperations", $selectAcknowledgeOperations);
        verbose "Get-ZabbixAction: About to generate json from apiparams!"
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        verbose "JSON is: $APIString";
        #Chama a Url
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
        TranslateZabbixJson $resp;

######### ITEM

    Function Get-ZabbixItem {
                Equivalente ao método da API item.get

             $name = $null
            ,[int[]]$Id                = @()
            ,$Hosts                 = @()        
            ,$Groups                  = @()
            ,$selectHosts             = $null
            ,$selectTriggers        = $null
            ,$limit                    = $null
            ,[switch]$Search        = $false
            ,[switch]$SearchByAny  = $false
            ,[switch]$StartSearch  = $false
            ,$output                = $null

        #Determinando searchByAny
        [hashtable]$APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "item.get"
        ZabbixAPI_Get $APIParams -APIParams @{
                    common = @{
                            search         = $Search 
                            searchByAny = $SearchByAny
                            startSearch = $StartSearch
                            limit        = $limit
                            output        = $output
                    props = @{
                        name = $Name 

            $APIParams.params.add("itemids", $Id ); 
            $NamesToConvert = @();
            [int[]]$hostids =  $Hosts | %{
                    return $_.hostid;
                } else {
                    if ($_ -is [string]){
                        $NamesToConvert += $_;
                    } else {
                        return [int]$_;
                verbose "Get-ZabbixItem: Castings hosts to groups ids..."
                [hashtable[]]$ConvertedHosts = ConvertHostNames2Ids $NamesToConvert;
                $hostids += @($ConvertedHosts | %{$_.hostid});
            $APIParams.params.add("hostids", $hostids )
            verbose "Get-ZabbixItem: Groups add casted sucessfully!"
            $NamesToConvert = @();
            [int[]]$groupsids =  $Groups | %{
                    return $_.groupid;
                } else {
                    if ($_ -is [string]){
                        $NamesToConvert += $_;
                    } else {
                        return [int]$_;
                verbose "Get-ZabbixItem: Castings hosts to groups ids..."
                [hashtable[]]$ConvertedGroups = ConvertGroupNames2Ids $NamesToConvert;
                $groupsids += @($ConvertedGroups | %{$_.groupid});
            $APIParams.params.add("groupids", $groupsids )
            verbose "Get-ZabbixItem: Groups add casted sucessfully!"

            $APIParams.params.add("selectHosts", $selectHosts);
            $APIParams.params.add("selectTriggers", $selectTriggers);

        verbose "Get-ZabbixItem: About to generate json from apiparams!"
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        verbose "JSON is: $APIString";
        #Chama a Url
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
        TranslateZabbixJson $resp;

    Function New-ZabbixItem {
                Equivalente ao método da API item.create

            ,$Name = $null
            ,#The type.
            ,#The params
             [string]$Params = $null

            ,$ManualParams = $null

        #Parsing type...
        if($Type -is [string]){
            $i = 0;
            $Type = @("Agent","SNMPv1","Trapper","Simple","SNMPv1","Internal","SNMPv3","Active","Aggregate"
            ,"Calculated","JMX","SNMPTrap","Dependent") | ? { if($Type -eq $_){return $true} else {$i++;return $false} } | %{$i};

        #Parsing value type...
        if($ValueType -is [string]){
            $i = 0;
            $ValueType = @("Float","Char","Log","Unsigned","Text") | ? { if($ValueType -eq $_){return $true} else {$i++;return $false} } | %{$i};
        $APIPArams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "item.create";

        if($HostName -is [string]){
            verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Castings host to ids..."
            [hashtable[]]$ConvertedHosts = ConvertHostNames2Ids $HostName;
            verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Groups add casted sucessfully!"
            $APIParams.params.add("hostid", $ConvertedHosts[0].hostid);
        } else {
            $APIParams.params.add("hostid", [int]$HostName);


        $Suffix2SecondMultiplier = @{
            "s" = 1
            "m"    = 60
            "h"    = 3600
            "d"    = 86400
            "w"    = 604800


            #If contains a unit, convert to seconds!
            if( $Delay -match "(\d+)([smhdw])" ){
                $DelayNumber     = [int]$matches[1];
                $Multiplier      = [int]$Suffix2SecondMultiplier[$matches[2]]
                $DelaySeconds     = $DelayNumber * $Multiplier;
            } else {
                $DelaySeconds = [int]$Delay;


            $ManualParams.GetEnumerator() | %{
                $APIParams.params[$_.Key] = $_.Value;
        verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): About to generate json from apiparams!"
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Generated!"
        #Chama a Url
        $ConfirmMsg = @(
            "Item to be created: $($AllHosts.count)"+(ConvertToJson @($APIParams.params))
        ) -Join "`r`n";

            $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
            $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
            return $resultado;
    Set-Alias Create-ZabbixItem  New-ZabbixItem 
    #Properties: https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/3.4/manual/api/reference/item/object#host
    Function Remove-ZabbixItem {
                Equivalente ao método da API item.delete

            [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
            ,[switch]$Force = $false
        begin {
            $AllItems = @()
        process {
            $AllItems += [int]$ZabbixItem.itemid;
        end {
            $APIPArams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "item.delete";
            $APIPArams.params = $AllItems;
            verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): About to generate json from apiparams!"
            $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
            verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Generated!"
            #Chama a Url
            $ConfirmMsg = @(
                "Items to be deleted: $($AllItems.count)"+(ConvertToJson @($APIParams.params))
                "ZABBIX JSON: $APIString"
            ) -Join "`r`n";

            if($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($ConfirmMsg) -and $Force){
                $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
                $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
                return $resultado;
    Set-Alias Delete-ZabbixItem Remove-ZabbixItem
######### HISTORY
    Function Get-ZabbixHistory {
                Equivalente ao método da API history.get

             [int]$history     = $null
            ,$Hosts     = @()        
            ,$Items        = @()
            ,$TimeFrom     = $null
            ,$TimeTill    = $null
            ,$limit        = $null

        #Determinando searchByAny
        [hashtable]$APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "history.get"
        ZabbixAPI_Get $APIParams -APIParams @{
                    common = @{
                            search         = $false 
                            searchByAny = $false
                            startSearch = $false
                            limit        = $limit
            [string]$TimeFromFilter = "";
            if($TimeFrom -is [int]){
                $TimeFromFilter = $TimeFrom;
            } else {
                $TimeFromFilter = Datetime2Unix $TimeFrom;
            $APIParams.params.add("time_from", $TimeFromFilter); 
            [string]$TimeTillFilter = "";
            if($TimeTill -is [int]){
                $TimeTillFilter = $TimeTill;
            } else {
                $TimeTillFilter = Datetime2Unix $TimeTill;
            $APIParams.params.add("time_till", $TimeTillFilter ); 

            $NamesToConvert = @();
            [int[]]$hostids =  $Hosts | %{
                    return $_.hostid;
                } else {
                    if ($_ -is [string]){
                        $NamesToConvert += $_;
                    } else {
                        return [int]$_;
                verbose "Get-ZabbixHistory: Castings hosts to groups ids..."
                [hashtable[]]$ConvertedHosts = ConvertHostNames2Ids $NamesToConvert;
                $hostids += @($ConvertedHosts | %{$_.hostid});
            $APIParams.params.add("hostids", $hostids )
            verbose "Get-ZabbixHistory: Groups add casted sucessfully!"
            [int[]]$itemids = @();
            $Items | %{
                    $itemids += $_.itemid
                } else {    
                    $itemids += [int]$_;
            $APIParams.params.add("itemids", $itemids )
            $APIParams.params.add("history", $history )

        verbose "Get-ZabbixHistory: About to generate json from apiparams!"
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        verbose "JSON is: $APIString";
        #Chama a Url
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
        TranslateZabbixJson $resp;

######### SCRIPT

    Function Get-ZabbixScript {
                Equivqles the API script.get

             [int[]]$Id    = @()
            ,$Hosts     = @()        
            ,$Groups      = @()
            ,$limit        = $null
            ,$output    = $null
            ,$ManualParams = $null

        #Determinando searchByAny
        [hashtable]$APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "script.get"
        ZabbixAPI_Get $APIParams -APIParams @{
                    common = @{
                            search         = $false 
                            searchByAny = $false
                            startSearch = $false
                            limit        = $limit
                            output        = $output
            $APIParams.params.add("scriptids", $Id); 

            $NamesToConvert = @();
            [int[]]$hostids =  $Hosts | %{
                    return $_.hostid;
                } else {
                    if ($_ -is [string]){
                        $NamesToConvert += $_;
                    } else {
                        return [int]$_;
                verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Castings hosts to groups ids..."
                [hashtable[]]$ConvertedHosts = ConvertHostNames2Ids $NamesToConvert;
                $hostids += @($ConvertedHosts | %{$_.hostid});
            $APIParams.params.add("hostids", $hostids )
            verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Groups add casted sucessfully!"
            $NamesToConvert = @();
            [int[]]$groupsids =  $Groups | %{
                    return $_.groupid;
                } else {
                    if ($_ -is [string]){
                        $NamesToConvert += $_;
                    } else {
                        return [int]$_;
                verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Castings hosts to groups ids..."
                [hashtable[]]$ConvertedGroups = ConvertGroupNames2Ids $NamesToConvert;
                $groupsids += @($ConvertedGroups | %{$_.groupid});
            $APIParams.params.add("groupids", $groupsids )
            verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Groups add casted sucessfully!"

        #Applymanual params!
            $ManualParams.GetEnumerator() | %{
                $APIParams.params[$_.Key] = $_.Value;

        verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): About to generate json from apiparams!"
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        verbose "JSON is: $APIString";
        #Chama a Url
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
        TranslateZabbixJson $resp;

    Function Invoke-ZabbixScript {
                Equivale a API script.execute

            ,$ManualParams = $null

        #Determinando searchByAny
        [hashtable]$APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "script.execute"

            $APIParams.params.add("scriptids", $ScriptID); 

            $NamesToConvert = @();
            [int[]]$hostids =  $ZabbixHost | %{
                    return $_.hostid;
                } else {
                    if ($_ -is [string]){
                        $NamesToConvert += $_;
                    } else {
                        return [int]$_;
                verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Castings hosts to groups ids..."
                [hashtable[]]$ConvertedHosts = ConvertHostNames2Ids $NamesToConvert;
                $hostids += @($ConvertedHosts | %{$_.hostid});
            $APIParams.params.add("hostid", $hostids )
            verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Hosts add casted sucessfully!"

        #Applymanual params!
            $ManualParams.GetEnumerator() | %{
                $APIParams.params[$_.Key] = $_.Value;

        verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): About to generate json from apiparams!"
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        verbose "JSON is: $APIString";
        #Chama a Url
        if($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess("Run script $ScriptID on $ZabbixHost")){
            verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Calling url..."
            $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString;
            $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
            verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Translation finished..."
        $ResultsObjects = @();
            $resultado | %{
                $r = New-Object PSObject -Prop $_;
                $ResultsObjects += $r;

        return $ResultsObjects;

######### User

    #Logouts current session!
    Function Disconnect-Zabbix {
            #Explicity token to be unathenticated! If not specified, uses the default!
            $token = $null
        $APIParams = ZabbixAPI_NewParams "user.logout";
            verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Changing the logout session from $($APIParams.auth) to $token";
            $APIParams.auth = $token
        #Builds the JSON string!
        verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Generating JSON"
        $APIString = ConvertToJson $APIParams;
        verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): JSON: $APIString"
        #Chama a Url
        $resp = CallZabbixURL -data $APIString -Url $URL;
        $resultado = TranslateZabbixJson $resp;
        if($resultado -eq $true){
        } else {
            throw "LOGOUT_ERROR: logout result not expected!";
    Set-Alias Invoke-LogoutUser Disconnect-Zabbix
############# FRONTEND cmdlets ###############
#######Starting at this point, some calls to frontend to workaround some functionality that API dont support.################

######### MAP

    #This allows get a map.
    #The cmdlet must be used in conjuction with the Get-ZabbixMap cmdlet.
    #It will add the property 'mapImage' to the object returned from this cmdlet.
    #This property will contains the following properties:
    # bytes (the bytes of map. Just write to a file)
    # errro (possible errors ocurred when getting map from zabbix)
    Function Add-ZabbixFrontendMapImage {
            #Must return this object with Get-ZabbixMap cmdlet
            #The return objects must include at least sysmapid propertie.
            ,$MinSeverity     = 5

            ,$File            = $null
        begin {
            #Get last authentication of frontned!
            $DefaultSession     = Get-DefaultZabbixSession;
            $FrontendSession     = $DefaultSession.FrontendSession;
            $LastURL            = $DefaultSession.Url;
            #Full URL to the map!
            $AccessURL = "$LastURL/map.php?sysmapid={0}&severity_min=$MinSeverity";
        process  {
            $MapURL = $AccessURL -f $_.sysmapid;
            $MapImage = New-Object PSObject;
            $MapImage | Add-Member -Name bytes -Type Noteproperty -Value $null
            $MapImage | Add-Member -Name error -Type Noteproperty -Value $null
            $Map | Add-Member -Name mapImage -Type Noteproperty -Value $MapImage;
                $MapImage.error = 'sysmapid property not found!';
            verbose "Accessing the map $($_.name) on url $MapURL";
            $HttpResp = InvokeHttp -URL $MapURL -Session $FrontendSession;
            try {
                if($HttpResp.httpResponse.statusCode -eq 200){
                    $MapImage.bytes = $HttpResp.raw;
                } else {
                    $MapImage.error = "HTTP ERROR: StatusCode:$($HttpResp.httpResponse.statusCode)";
            } catch {
                $MapImage.error = $_;

            if($MapImage.bytes -and $File){
                verbose "$($MyInvocation.InvocationName): Writing bytes to file $File";
                [Io.File]::WriteAllBytes($File, $MapImage.bytes);
        end {
            verbose "Done";
    Set-Alias -Name Add-ZabbixMapImage -Value Add-ZabbixFrontendMapImage;

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-* -Alias *