#Requires -Version 7 #Requires -Module @{ModuleName='Pester';ModuleVersion='5.2.0'} Describe 'powershell-devops.psm1' { BeforeAll { Import-Module $PSCommandPath.Replace('.tests.ps1','.psm1') $env:TF_BUILD=$null $env:GITHUB_ACTIONS=$null } BeforeEach { $env:ENV_VARIABLE=$null } Context 'Test-AdoPipeline' { It 'when TF_BUILD is not defined should return false' { Test-AdoPipeline | Should -Be $false } } Context 'Test-GitHubWorkflow' { It 'when GITHUB_ACTIONS is not defined should return false' { Test-GitHubWorkflow | Should -Be $false } } Context 'Set-EnvironmentVariable' { It 'when Set-EnvironmentVariable then the environment variable should be set' { Set-EnvironmentVariable ENV_VARIABLE VALUE $env:ENV_VARIABLE | Should -Be VALUE } } Context 'Get-EnvironmentVariable' { It 'when an environment variable is defined then the value should be returned' { $env:ENV_VARIABLE = 'VALUE' Get-EnvironmentVariable ENV_VARIABLE | Should -Be VALUE } It 'when an environment variable not defined and -Require is true then should throw' { { Get-EnvironmentVariable ENV_VARIABLE -Require } | Should -Throw } } Context 'Azure DevOps' { BeforeEach { $env:TF_BUILD=1 } AfterEach { $env:TF_BUILD=$null } Context 'Test-AdoPipeline' { It 'when TF_BUILD is defined should return true' { Test-AdoPipeline | Should -Be $true } } Context 'Set-EnvironmentVariable' { It 'should write command ##vso[task.setvariable]' { Set-EnvironmentVariable ENV_VARIABLE VALUE *>&1 | Should -BeLike '##vso`[task.setvariable *' } It 'with -Secret then should write command ##vso[task.setvariable issecret=true`]' { Set-EnvironmentVariable ENV_VARIABLE VALUE -Secret *>&1 | Should -BeLike '##vso`[task.setvariable *;issecret=true;*' } It 'with -Output then should write command ##vso[task.setvariable isoutput=true`]' { Set-EnvironmentVariable ENV_VARIABLE VALUE -Output *>&1 | Should -BeLike '##vso`[task.setvariable *;isoutput=true;*' } } Context 'Enter-Group' { It 'should write command ##[group]' { Enter-Group GROUP *>&1 | Should -BeLike '##`[group`]*' } } Context 'Exit-Group' { It 'should write command ##[endgroup]' { Exit-Group *>&1 | Should -BeLike '##`[endgroup`]*' } } Context 'Add-Path' { It 'should write command ##vso[task.prependpath]' { Add-Path /path *>&1 | Should -BeLike '##vso`[task.prependpath`]*' } } } Context 'GitHub' { BeforeEach { $env:GITHUB_ACTIONS=1 $env:GITHUB_ENV = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() $env:GITHUB_PATH = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() } AfterEach { $env:GITHUB_ACTIONS=$null Remove-Item -Path $env:GITHUB_ENV -Force Remove-Item -Path $env:GITHUB_PATH -Force } Context 'Test-GitHubWorkflow' { It 'when GITHUB_ACTIONS is defined should return true' { Test-GitHubWorkflow | Should -Be $true } } Context 'Set-EnvironmentVariable' { It 'should put name=value in GITHUB_ENV' { Set-EnvironmentVariable ENV_VARIABLE VALUE Get-Content -Path $env:GITHUB_ENV | Should -BeLike 'ENV_VARIABLE=*' } It 'with -Secret then should write command ::add-mask::' { Set-EnvironmentVariable ENV_VARIABLE VALUE -Secret *>&1 | Should -BeLike '::add-mask::*' } It 'with -Output then should write command ::set-output name=' { Set-EnvironmentVariable ENV_VARIABLE VALUE -Output *>&1 | Should -BeLike '::set-output name=*' } } Context 'Enter-Group' { It 'should write command ::group::' { Enter-Group GROUP *>&1 | Should -BeLike '::group::*' } } Context 'Exit-Group' { It 'should write command ::endgroup::' { Exit-Group *>&1 | Should -BeLike '::endgroup::*' } } Context 'Add-Path' { It 'should put value in GITHUB_PATH' { Add-Path /path Get-Content -Path $env:GITHUB_PATH | Should -Be '/path' } } } } |