
        FileName: Calc.ps1
        Author: brand
        Created On: 2022/04/18
        Last Updated: 2022/04/18
        Version: v0.1

# ScriptBlock to Execute in STA Runspace
$sbGUI = {
Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class psd {
public static void SetCompat()
// SetProcessDPIAware();
public static extern bool SetProcessDPIAware();
  -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms,System.Drawing,System.Drawing.Primitives,System.Net.Primitives,System.ComponentModel.Primitives,Microsoft.Win32.Primitives
$script:tscale = 1

    #region Functions

    $vscreen = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::VirtualScreen.height
    $screen = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::VirtualScreen.height
    $script:tscale = ($screen/$vscreen)
    function Update-ErrorLog {

        if ( $Message -ne '' ) {[void][System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("$($Message)`r`n`r`nCheck '$($BaseDir)\exceptions.txt' for details.",'Exception Occurred')}

        $date = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss'
        $ErrorRecord | Out-File "$($BaseDir)\tmpError.txt"

        Add-Content -Path "$($BaseDir)\exceptions.txt" -Value "$($date): $($(Get-Content "$($BaseDir)\tmpError.txt") -replace "\s+"," ")"

        Remove-Item -Path "$($BaseDir)\tmpError.txt"

        if ( $Promote ) {throw $ErrorRecord}

    function ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML {

        try {
            if ( $Xml.GetType().Name -eq 'String' ) {$Xml = ([xml]$Xml).ChildNodes}

            if ( $Xml.ToString() -ne 'SplitterPanel' ) {$newControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$($Xml.ToString())}

            if ( $ParentControl ) {
                if ( $Xml.ToString() -eq 'ToolStrip' ) {
                    $newControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$($Xml.ToString() $ParentControl.Controls.Add($newControl))
                else {
                if ( $Xml.ToString() -match "^ToolStrip" ) {
                    if ( $ParentControl.GetType().Name -match "^ToolStrip" ) {[void]$ParentControl.DropDownItems.Add($newControl)} else {[void]$ParentControl.Items.Add($newControl)}
                } elseif ( $Xml.ToString() -eq 'ContextMenuStrip' ) {$ParentControl.ContextMenuStrip = $newControl}
                elseif ( $Xml.ToString() -eq 'SplitterPanel' ) {$newControl = $ParentControl.$($Xml.Name.Split('_')[-1])}
                else {$ParentControl.Controls.Add($newControl)}

            $Xml.Attributes | ForEach-Object {
                $attrib = $_
                $attribName = $_.ToString()
                $attrib = $_
                $attribName = $_.ToString()
                if ($attribName -eq 'Size'){
                    $n = $attrib.Value.split(',')
                    $n[0] = ($n[0]/1) * $tscale
                    $n[1] = ($n[1]/1) * $tscale
                if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                    $attrib.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
                if ($attribName -eq 'Location'){
                    $n = $attrib.Value.split(',')
                    $n[0] = ($n[0]/1) * $tscale
                    $n[1] = ($n[1]/1) * $tscale
                if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                    $attrib.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
                if ($attribName -eq 'MaximumSize'){
                    $n = $attrib.Value.split(',')
                    $n[0] = ($n[0]/1) * $tscale
                    $n[1] = ($n[1]/1) * $tscale
                if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                    $attrib.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"
                if ($attribName -eq 'MinimumSize'){
                    $n = $attrib.Value.split(',')
                    $n[0] = ($n[0]/1) * $tscale
                    $n[1] = ($n[1]/1) * $tscale
                if ("$($n[0]),$($n[1])" -ne ",") {
                    $attrib.Value = "$($n[0]),$($n[1])"

                if ( $Script:specialProps.Array -contains $attribName ) {
                    if ( $attribName -eq 'Items' ) {
                        $($_.Value -replace "\|\*BreakPT\*\|","`n").Split("`n") | ForEach-Object{[void]$newControl.Items.Add($_)}
                    } else {
                            # Other than Items only BoldedDate properties on MonthCalendar control
                        $methodName = "Add$($attribName)" -replace "s$"

                        $($_.Value -replace "\|\*BreakPT\*\|","`n").Split("`n") | ForEach-Object{$newControl.$attribName.$methodName($_)}
                } else {
                    switch ($attribName) {
                        FlatAppearance {
                            $attrib.Value.Split('|') | ForEach-Object {$newControl.FlatAppearance.$($_.Split('=')[0]) = $_.Split('=')[1]}
                        default {
                            if ( $null -ne $newControl.$attribName ) {
                                if ( $newControl.$attribName.GetType().Name -eq 'Boolean' ) {
                                    if ( $attrib.Value -eq 'True' ) {$value = $true} else {$value = $false}
                                } else {$value = $attrib.Value}
                            } else {$value = $attrib.Value}
                            switch ($xml.ToString()) {
                                "FolderBrowserDialog" {
                                    if ($xml.Description)
                                        {$newControl.Description = $xml.Description}
                                    if ($xml.Tag)
                                        {$newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag}
                                    if ($xml.RootFolder)
                                        {$newControl.RootFolder = $xml.RootFolder}
                                    if ($xml.SelectedPath)
                                        {$newControl.SelectedPath = $xml.SelectedPath}
                                    if ($xml.ShowNewFolderButton)
                                        {$newControl.ShowNewFolderButton = $xml.ShowNewFolderButton}
                                "OpenFileDialog" {
                                    if ($xml.AddExtension)
                                        {$newControl.AddExtension = $xml.AddExtension}
                                    if ($xml.AutoUpgradeEnabled)
                                        {$newControl.AutoUpgradeEnabled = $xml.AutoUpgradeEnabled}
                                    if ($xml.CheckFileExists)
                                        {$newControl.CheckFileExists = $xml.CheckFileExists}
                                    if ($xml.CheckPathExists)
                                        {$newControl.CheckPathExists = $xml.CheckPathExists}
                                    if ($xml.DefaultExt)
                                        {$newControl.DefaultExt = $xml.DefaultExt}
                                    if ($xml.DereferenceLinks)
                                        {$newControl.DereferenceLinks = $xml.DereferenceLinks}
                                    if ($xml.FileName)
                                        {$newControl.FileName = $xml.FileName}
                                    if ($xml.Filter)
                                        {$newControl.Filter = $xml.Filter}
                                    if ($xml.FilterIndex)
                                        {$newControl.FilterIndex = $xml.FilterIndex}
                                    if ($xml.InitialDirectory)
                                        {$newControl.InitialDirectory = $xml.InitialDirectory}
                                    if ($xml.Multiselect)
                                        {$newControl.Multiselect = $xml.Multiselect}
                                    if ($xml.ReadOnlyChecked)
                                        {$newControl.ReadOnlyChecked = $xml.ReadOnlyChecked}
                                    if ($xml.RestoreDirectory)
                                        {$newControl.RestoreDirectory = $xml.RestoreDirectory}
                                    if ($xml.ShowHelp)
                                        {$newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp}
                                    if ($xml.ShowReadOnly)
                                        {$newControl.ShowReadOnly = $xml.ShowReadOnly}
                                    if ($xml.SupportMultiDottedExtensions)
                                        {$newControl.SupportMultiDottedExtensions = $xml.SupportMultiDottedExtensions}
                                    if ($xml.Tag)
                                        {$newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag}
                                    if ($xml.Title)
                                        {$newControl.Title = $xml.Title}
                                    if ($xml.ValidateNames)
                                        {$newControl.ValidateNames = $xml.ValidateNames}
                                "ColorDialog" {
                                    if ($xml.AllowFullOpen)
                                        {$newControl.AllowFullOpen = $xml.AllowFullOpen}
                                    if ($xml.AnyColor)
                                        {$newControl.AnyColor = $xml.AnyColor}
                                    if ($xml.Color)
                                        {$newControl.Color = $xml.Color}
                                    if ($xml.FullOpen)
                                        {$newControl.FullOpen = $xml.FullOpen}
                                    if ($xml.ShowHelp)
                                        {$newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp}
                                    if ($xml.SolidColorOnly)
                                        {$newControl.SolidColorOnly = $xml.SolidColorOnly}
                                    if ($xml.Tag)
                                        {$newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag}                                    
                                "FontDialog" {
                                    if ($xml.AllowScriptChange)
                                        {$newControl.AllowScriptChange = $xml.AllowScriptChange}
                                    if ($xml.AllowSimulations)
                                        {$newControl.AllowSimulations = $xml.AllowSimulations}
                                    if ($xml.AllowVectorFonts)
                                        {$newControl.AllowVectorFonts = $xml.AllowVectorFonts}
                                    if ($xml.Color)
                                        {$newControl.Color = $xml.Color}
                                    if ($xml.FixedPitchOnly)
                                        {$newControl.FixedPitchOnly = $xml.FixedPitchOnly}
                                    if ($xml.Font)
                                        {$newControl.Font = $xml.Font}
                                    if ($xml.FontMustExists)
                                        {$newControl.FontMustExists = $xml.FontMustExists}        
                                    if ($xml.MaxSize)
                                        {$newControl.MaxSize = $xml.MaxSize}
                                    if ($xml.MinSize)
                                        {$newControl.MinSize = $xml.MinSize}
                                    if ($xml.ScriptsOnly)
                                        {$newControl.ScriptsOnly = $xml.ScriptsOnly}
                                    if ($xml.ShowApply)
                                        {$newControl.ShowApply = $xml.ShowApply}
                                    if ($xml.ShowColor)
                                        {$newControl.ShowColor = $xml.ShowColor}
                                    if ($xml.ShowEffects)
                                        {$newControl.ShowEffects = $xml.ShowEffects}
                                    if ($xml.ShowHelp)
                                        {$newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp}
                                    if ($xml.Tag)
                                        {$newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag}                                            
                                "PageSetupDialog" {
                                    if ($xml.AllowMargins)
                                        {$newControl.AllowMargins = $xml.AllowMargins}
                                    if ($xml.AllowOrientation)
                                        {$newControl.AllowOrientation = $xml.AllowOrientation}
                                    if ($xml.AllowPaper)
                                        {$newControl.AllowPaper = $xml.AllowPaper}
                                    if ($xml.Document)
                                        {$newControl.Document = $xml.Document}
                                    if ($xml.EnableMetric)
                                        {$newControl.EnableMetric = $xml.EnableMetric}
                                    if ($xml.MinMargins)
                                        {$newControl.MinMargins = $xml.MinMargins}
                                    if ($xml.ShowHelp)
                                        {$newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp}        
                                    if ($xml.ShowNetwork)
                                        {$newControl.ShowNetwork = $xml.ShowNetwork}
                                    if ($xml.Tag)
                                        {$newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag}                                
                                "PrintDialog" {
                                    if ($xml.AllowCurrentPage)
                                        {$newControl.AllowCurrentPage = $xml.AllowCurrentPage}
                                    if ($xml.AllowPrintToFile)
                                        {$newControl.AllowPrintToFile = $xml.AllowPrintToFile}
                                    if ($xml.AllowSelection)
                                        {$newControl.AllowSelection = $xml.AllowSelection}
                                    if ($xml.AllowSomePages)
                                        {$newControl.AllowSomePages = $xml.AllowSomePages}
                                    if ($xml.Document)
                                        {$newControl.Document = $xml.Document}
                                    if ($xml.PrintToFile)
                                        {$newControl.PrintToFile = $xml.PrintToFile}
                                    if ($xml.ShowHelp)
                                        {$newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp}        
                                    if ($xml.ShowNetwork)
                                        {$newControl.ShowNetwork = $xml.ShowNetwork}
                                    if ($xml.Tag)
                                        {$newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag}
                                    if ($xml.UseEXDialog)
                                        {$newControl.UseEXDialog = $xml.UseEXDialog}
                                "PrintPreviewDialog" {
                                    if ($xml.AutoSizeMode)
                                        {$newControl.AutoSizeMode = $xml.AutoSizeMode}
                                    if ($xml.Document)
                                        {$newControl.Document = $xml.Document}
                                    if ($xml.MainMenuStrip)
                                        {$newControl.MainMenuStrip = $xml.MainMenuStrip}
                                    if ($xml.ShowIcon)
                                        {$newControl.ShowIcon = $xml.ShowIcon}
                                    if ($xml.UseAntiAlias)
                                        {$newControl.UseAntiAlias = $xml.UseAntiAlias}
                                "SaveFileDialog" {
                                    if ($xml.AddExtension)
                                        {$newControl.AddExtension = $xml.AddExtension}
                                    if ($xml.AutoUpgradeEnabled)
                                        {$newControl.AutoUpgradeEnabled = $xml.AutoUpgradeEnabled}
                                    if ($xml.CheckFileExists)
                                        {$newControl.CheckFileExists = $xml.CheckFileExists}
                                    if ($xml.CheckPathExists)
                                        {$newControl.CheckPathExists = $xml.CheckPathExists}
                                    if ($xml.CreatePrompt)
                                        {$newControl.CreatePrompt = $xml.CreatePrompt}
                                    if ($xml.DefaultExt)
                                        {$newControl.DefaultExt = $xml.DefaultExt}
                                    if ($xml.DereferenceLinks)
                                        {$newControl.DereferenceLinks = $xml.DereferenceLinks}
                                    if ($xml.FileName)
                                        {$newControl.FileName = $xml.FileName}
                                    if ($xml.Filter)
                                        {$newControl.Filter = $xml.Filter}
                                    if ($xml.FilterIndex)
                                        {$newControl.FilterIndex = $xml.FilterIndex}
                                    if ($xml.InitialDirectory)
                                        {$newControl.InitialDirectory = $xml.InitialDirectory}
                                    if ($xml.Multiselect)
                                        {$newControl.OverwritePrompt = $xml.OverwritePrompt}
                                    if ($xml.RestoreDirectory)
                                        {$newControl.RestoreDirectory = $xml.RestoreDirectory}
                                    if ($xml.ShowHelp)
                                        {$newControl.ShowHelp = $xml.ShowHelp}
                                    if ($xml.SupportMultiDottedExtensions)
                                        {$newControl.SupportMultiDottedExtensions = $xml.SupportMultiDottedExtensions}
                                    if ($xml.Tag)
                                        {$newControl.Tag = $xml.Tag}
                                    if ($xml.Title)
                                        {$newControl.Title = $xml.Title}
                                    if ($xml.ValidateNames)
                                        {$newControl.ValidateNames = $xml.ValidateNames}
                                default {
                                    $newControl.$attribName = $value

               if ($newControl.Name){
                     New-Variable -Name $newControl.Name -Scope Script -Value $newControl | Out-Null
                if (( $attrib.ToString() -eq 'Name' ) -and ( $Reference -ne '' )) {
                    try {$refHashTable = Get-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope Script -ErrorAction Stop}
                    catch {
                        New-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope Script -Value @{} | Out-Null
                        $refHashTable = Get-Variable -Name $Reference -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


            if ( $Xml.ChildNodes ) {$Xml.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object {ConvertFrom-WinformsXML -Xml $_ -ParentControl $newControl -Reference $Reference -Suppress}}

            if ( $Suppress -eq $false ) {return $newControl}
        } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered adding $($Xml.ToString()) to $($ParentControl.Name)"}

    #endregion Functions

    #region Environment Setup

    try {
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing

    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered during Environment Setup."}

    #endregion Environment Setup

    #region Dot Sourcing of files

    $dotSourceDir = $BaseDir

    #endregion Dot Sourcing of files

    #region Form Initialization

    try {
        ConvertFrom-WinFormsXML -Reference refs -Suppress -Xml @"
  <Form Name="MainForm" FormBorderStyle="FixedToolWindow" MaximumSize="148, 229" Size="148, 229" Tag="DPIAware, VisualStyle" Text="Admin Calculator">
    <TextBox Name="TextBox1" Location="5, 5" MaxLength="0" Size="101, 20" TextAlign="Right" />
    <ComboBox Name="ComboBox1" Location="5, 5" Size="120, 21" />
    <Button Name="ButtonCE" Location="5, 30" Size="30, 30" Text="CE" />
    <Button Name="ButtonBSP" Location="35, 30" Size="30, 30" Text="&lt;x" />
    <Button Name="ButtonXSQ" Location="65, 30" Size="30, 30" Text="x sq" />
    <Button Name="ButtonDiv" Location="95, 30" Size="30, 30" Text="/" />
    <Button Name="Button7" Location="5, 60" Size="30, 30" Text="7" />
    <Button Name="Button8" Location="35, 60" Size="30, 30" Text="8" />
    <Button Name="Button9" Location="65, 60" Size="30, 30" Text="9" />
    <Button Name="ButtonMult" Location="95, 60" Size="30, 30" Text="*" />
    <Button Name="Button4" Location="5, 90" Size="30, 30" Text="4" />
    <Button Name="Button5" Location="35, 90" Size="30, 30" Text="5" />
    <Button Name="Button6" Location="65, 90" Size="30, 30" Text="6" />
    <Button Name="ButtonMinus" Location="95, 90" Size="30, 30" Text="-" />
    <Button Name="Button1" Location="5, 120" Size="30, 30" Tag="Scale" Text="1" />
    <Button Name="Button2" Location="35, 120" Size="30, 30" Text="2" />
    <Button Name="Button3" Location="65, 120" Size="30, 30" Text="3" />
    <Button Name="ButtonPlus" Location="95, 120" Size="30, 30" Text="+" />
    <Button Name="ButtonRv" Location="5, 150" Size="30, 30" Text="+/-" />
    <Button Name="Button0" Location="35, 150" Size="30, 30" Text="0" />
    <Button Name="ButtonDot" Location="65, 150" Size="30, 30" Text="." />
    <Button Name="ButtonEq" Location="95, 150" Size="30, 30" Text="=" />

    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered during Form Initialization."}

    #endregion Form Initialization

    . "$($dotSourceDir)\Events.ps1"
    #region Other Actions Before ShowDialog

    try {
        Remove-Variable -Name eventSB
    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered before ShowDialog."}

    #endregion Other Actions Before ShowDialog

        # Show the form

    try {[void]$Script:refs['MainForm'].ShowDialog()} catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered unexpectedly at ShowDialog."}

    #region Actions After Form Closed
    try {
    } catch {Update-ErrorLog -ErrorRecord $_ -Message "Exception encountered after Form close."}
    #endregion Actions After Form Closed


#region Start Point of Execution

    # Initialize STA Runspace
$rsGUI = [Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace()
$rsGUI.ApartmentState = 'STA'
$rsGUI.ThreadOptions = 'ReuseThread'

    # Create the PSCommand, Load into Runspace, and BeginInvoke
$cmdGUI = [Management.Automation.PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($sbGUI).AddParameter('BaseDir',$PSScriptRoot)
$cmdGUI.RunSpace = $rsGUI
$handleGUI = $cmdGUI.BeginInvoke()

    # Hide Console Window
Add-Type -Name Window -Namespace Console -MemberDefinition '
public static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow();
public static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 nCmdShow);

[Console.Window]::ShowWindow([Console.Window]::GetConsoleWindow(), 0)

    #Loop Until GUI Closure
while ( $handleGUI.IsCompleted -eq $false ) {Start-Sleep -Seconds 5}

    # Dispose of GUI Runspace/Command


#endregion Start Point of Execution