<# .SYNOPSIS Sets properties on a |short| in Netbox .DESCRIPTION This should handle mapping a simple hashtable of values and looking up any references. .EXAMPLE $lookup = @{ device_type='dcim/device-types' device_role='dcim/device-roles' site='organization/sites' status='dcim/_choices' } $|short| = @{ name = 'example' serial = 'aka123457' device_type = 'dl380-g9' device_role = 'oracle' site = 'chicago' status = 'active' } Set-nb|short| -id 22 -lookup $lookup $|short| .EXAMPLE Get-nb|short| | Foreach {$ = 'Seattle'; $_} | Set-nb|short| #> Function Set-nb|short| { Param ( # The |short| to set [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $object, # ID of the |short| to set [Parameter()] [Int] $Id, # List of custom properties [Parameter()] [string[]] $CustomProperties, #List of properties to lookup [Parameter()] [hashtable] $Lookup, #Looks up the current object and only sets changed properties [Parameter()] [switch] $Patch ) $Forward = @{ Id = $id Object = $object CustomProperties = $CustomProperties Lookup = $lookup Patch = $patch } Set-nbObject -Resource '|long|' @forward } |