
function Get-PaAdmin {
        Pulls locally configured Administrator accounts for a Palo Alto Device.
        Pulls locally configured Administrator accounts for a Palo Alto Device.

        Returns all locally configured Administrator accounts.

        Get-PaAdmin -Name "myadmin"

        Returns a single Administrator account named "myadmin".

        Name of desired Administrator account to query.

        Specifies the Vsys to query Administrator accounts in.
    .PARAMETER Device
        Specifies the Device to query accounts from in Panorama.

    Param (


    $VerbosePrefix = "Get-PaAdmin:"

    if ($global:PaDeviceObject.Connected) {
        $InfoObject        = New-Object PaAdmin
        $InfoObject.Name   = $Name
        $InfoObject.Vsys   = $Vsys
        $InfoObject.Device = $Device
        $Response          = Get-PaConfig $InfoObject.GetXpath()

        $ReturnObject = @()
        foreach ($entry in $Response.response.result.users.entry) {
            $NewEntry      = New-Object PaAdmin
            $ReturnObject += $NewEntry

            $NewEntry.Vsys   = $Vsys
            $NewEntry.Device = $Device
            # Regular Properties
            $NewEntry.Name            = $
            $NewEntry.AuthProfile     = $entry.'authentication-profile'
            $NewEntry.VsysAccess      = $entry.permissions.'role-based'.vsysadmin.entry.vsys.member
            $NewEntry.PasswordProfile = $entry.'password-profile'

            # Client Certificate
            if ($entry.'client-certificate-only' -eq 'yes') {
                $NewEntry.ClientCert = $true
            # Public Key
            if ($entry.'public-key') {
                $NewEntry.PublicKey = $true

            # AdminProfile
            if ($entry.permissions.'role-based'.custom) {
                $NewEntry.AdminType    = "RoleBased"
                $NewEntry.AdminProfile = $entry.permissions.'role-based'.custom.profile
            } else {
                $NewEntry.AdminType    = "Dynamic"
                $NewEntry.AdminProfile = ($entry.permissions.'role-based' | Get-Member -MemberType Property)[0].Name

        return $ReturnObject
    } else {
        Throw "$VerbosePrefix Not Connected, please use Get-PaConfig to connect before using other cmdlets."