class PaDevice { [ValidateRange(1,65535)] [int]$Port = 443 [string]$ApiKey [ValidateSet('http','https')] [string]$Protocol = "https" [string]$Name [string]$IpAddress [string]$Model [string]$Serial [string]$OsVersion [string]$GpAgent [string]$AppVersion [string]$ThreatVersion [string]$WildFireVersion [string]$UrlVersion # DeviceAddress hidden [string]$DeviceAddress setDeviceAddress([string]$deviceAddress) { $this.DeviceAddress = [HelperRegex]::isFqdnOrIpv4($deviceAddress,"DeviceAddress must be a valid FQDN or IPv4 Address.") } [string] getDeviceAddress() { $returnValue = [HelperRegex]::isFqdnOrIpv4($this.DeviceAddress,"DeviceAddress must be a valid FQDN or IPv4 Address.") return $returnValue } # Track usage hidden [bool]$Connected [array]$UrlHistory [array]$RawQueryResultHistory [array]$QueryHistory $LastError $LastResult # Error handling [bool] checkConnectionStatus([string]$errorPrefix) { if ($this.Connected) { return $true } else { throw "$errorPrefix Not Connected, please use Get-PaConfig to connect before using other cmdlets." } } # Function for created the base API Url [String] getApiUrl() { if ($this.DeviceAddress) { $url = $this.Protocol + "://" + $this.getDeviceAddress() + ":" + $this.Port + "/api/" return $url } else { return $null } } ############################################################################################ # Api Query Functions # Base API Query [Xml] invokeApiQuery([hashtable]$queryString) { if ($queryString.type -ne "keygen") { $queryString.key = $this.ApiKey } $formattedQueryString = [HelperWeb]::createQueryString($queryString) $url = $this.getApiUrl() + $formattedQueryString if ($queryString.type -ne "keygen") { $this.UrlHistory += $url $this.QueryHistory += $queryString } else { $formattedQueryString = [HelperWeb]::createQueryString($queryString) $this.UrlHistory += $url.Replace($queryString.password,"PASSWORDREDACTED") } try { #$ProgressPreferenceRemember = $ProgressPreference $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" $rawResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -SkipCertificateCheck #$env:ProgressPreference = $ProgressPreferenceRemember } catch { Throw "$($error[0].ToString()) $($error[0].InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)" } $this.RawQueryResultHistory += $rawResult $result = [xml]($rawResult.Content) $this.LastResult = $result # Handle Errors if ($result.response.status -ne "success") { $errorMessage = "PaDevice: " + $result.response.status + " " + $result.response.code + ": " if ($result.response.msg.line) { if ($result.response.msg.line."#cdata-section") { $errorMessage += "Too Many errors, check `$global:PaDeviceObject.LastError for more details." $this.LastError = $result.response.msg.line."#cdata-section" } else { $errorMessage += $result.response.msg.line $this.LastError = $result.response.msg.line } } else { $errorMessage += $result.response.result.msg $this.LastError = $result.response.result.msg } switch ($errorMessage) { { $_ -match "No such node" } { Write-Warning $errorMessage break } default { Throw $errorMessage } } } return $result } # Config API Query [Xml] invokeConfigQuery([string]$xPath,[string]$action) { $queryString = @{} $queryString.type = "config" $queryString.action = $action $queryString.xpath = $xPath $result = $this.invokeApiQuery($queryString) return $result } [Xml] invokeConfigQuery([string]$xPath,[string]$action,[string]$element) { $queryString = @{} $queryString.type = "config" $queryString.action = $action $queryString.xpath = $xPath $queryString.element = $element $result = $this.invokeApiQuery($queryString) return $result } # Keygen API Query [xml] invokeKeygenQuery([PSCredential]$credential) { $queryString = @{} $queryString.type = "keygen" $queryString.user = $credential.UserName $queryString.password = $Credential.getnetworkcredential().password $result = $this.invokeApiQuery($queryString) $this.ApiKey = $result.response.result.key return $result } # Operational API Query [xml] invokeOperationalQuery([string]$cmd) { $queryString = @{} $queryString.type = "op" $queryString.cmd = $cmd $result = $this.invokeApiQuery($queryString) return $result } # Test Connection [bool] testConnection() { $result = $this.invokeOperationalQuery('<show><system><info></info></system></show>') $this.Connected = $true $this.Name = $result.response.result.system.devicename $this.IpAddress = $result.response.result.system.'ip-address' $this.Model = $result.response.result.system.model $this.Serial = $result.response.result.system.serial $this.OsVersion = $result.response.result.system.'sw-version' $this.GpAgent = $result.response.result.system.'global-protect-client-package-version' $this.AppVersion = $result.response.result.system.'app-version' $this.ThreatVersion = $result.response.result.system.'threat-version' $this.WildFireVersion = $result.response.result.system.'wildfire-version' $this.UrlVersion = $result.response.result.system.'url-filtering-version' return $true } } |