
function Get-PaDevice {
        Establishes initial connection to Palo Alto API.
        The Get-PaDevice cmdlet establishes and validates connection parameters to allow further communications to the Palo Alto API. The cmdlet needs at least two parameters:
         - The device IP address or FQDN
         - A valid API key or PSCredential object
        The cmdlet returns an object containing details of the connection, but this can be discarded or saved as desired; the returned object is not necessary to provide to further calls to the API.
        Get-PaDevice -DeviceAddress "" -ApiKey "LUFRPT1asdfPR2JtSDl5M2tjfdsaTktBeTkyaGZMTURasdfTTU9BZm89OGtKN0F"
        Connects to Palo Alto Device using the default port (443) over SSL (HTTPS) using an API Key
        Get-PaDevice -DeviceAddress "" -Credential (Get-Credential)

        Prompts the user for username and password and connects to the Palo Alto Device with those creds. This will generate a keygen call and the user's API Key will be used for all subsequent calls.
    .PARAMETER DeviceAddress
        Fully-qualified domain name for the Palo Alto Device. Don't include the protocol ("https://" or "http://").

        ApiKey used to access Palo Alto Device.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        PSCredental object to provide as an alternative to an API Key.
        The port the Palo Alto Device is using for management communicatins. This defaults to port 443 over HTTPS, and port 80 over HTTP.
    .PARAMETER HttpOnly
        When specified, configures the API connection to run over HTTP rather than the default HTTPS. Not recommended!
    .PARAMETER SkipCertificateCheck
        When used, all certificate warnings are ignored.

    .PARAMETER Quiet
        When used, the cmdlet returns nothing on success.

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ApiKey')]

    Param (



        [int]$Port = 443,



    BEGIN {
        $VerbosePrefix = "Get-PaDevice:"

        if ($HttpOnly) {
            $Protocol = "http"
            if (!$Port) { $Port = 80 }
        } else {
            $Protocol = "https"
            if (!$Port) { $Port = 443 }
            $global:PaDeviceObject = New-Object PaDevice
            $global:PaDeviceObject.Protocol = $Protocol
            $global:PaDeviceObject.Port     = $Port

            if ($ApiKey) {
                $global:PaDeviceObject.ApiKey = $ApiKey

        if (!($ApiKey)) {
            Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix Attempting to generate API Key."
            Write-Verbose "$VerbosePrefix API Key successfully generated."

        $TestConnection = $global:PaDeviceObject.testConnection()

        if (!($Quiet)) {
            return $global:PaDeviceObject