function Remove-GitRepo { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a git repository. .DESCRIPTION Removes a git repository. The function can remove either the repository directory and all of its files and subdirectories, or just the .git directory. Optionally, the path can be removed from the $Powdrgit.Path module variable. .PARAMETER Repo The name, or a relative or absolute path, to the git repository to remove. .PARAMETER RemoveGitFilesOnly When applied to a regular (not bare) repository, removes only the .git directory, leaving the working files intact. Note: Bare repositories will always have the repository directory and all of its files and subdirectories removed. .PARAMETER RemovePowdrgitPath Removes the path of the deleted repository from the $Powdrgit.Path module variable. .EXAMPLE ## Call with no parameters ## PS C:\> Remove-GitRepo PS C:\> # When called without any parameters, nothing happens. .EXAMPLE ## Call for non-existent repository ## PS C:\> $repoDir = 'C:\NonExistentRepo' PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = $repoDir PS C:\> $Powdrgit.ShowWarnings = $true # to ensure warnings are visible PS C:\> Remove-GitRepo -Repo $repoDir -Confirm:$false WARNING: [Remove-GitRepo]Repository 'C:\NonExistentRepo' not found. Check the repository directory exists and has been added to the $Powdrgit.Path module variable. .EXAMPLE ## Call from outside a repository ## PS C:\> $repoDir = 'C:\RemoveMe' PS C:\> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo $repoDir -AppendPowdrgitPath # first create a repo PS C:\> Test-Path -Path $repoDir True PS C:\> Remove-GitRepo -Repo $repoDir -Confirm:$false PS C:\> Test-Path -Path $repoDir False .EXAMPLE ## Call from inside a repository ## PS C:\> $Powdrgit.ShowWarnings = $true # to ensure warnings are visible PS C:\> $repoDir = 'C:\RemoveMe' PS C:\> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo $repoDir -AppendPowdrgitPath # first create a repo PS C:\> Test-Path -Path $repoDir True PS C:\> Set-Location -Path $repoDir PS C:\RemoveMe> Remove-GitRepo -Repo $repoDir -Confirm:$false WARNING: [Remove-GitRepo]Location was changed from inside a repository that was removed. Please check the current location. PS C:\> Test-Path -Path $repoDir False # When calling from inside a repository, the location changes to the parent of the repository. .EXAMPLE ## Call matching multiple repos ## PS C:\> $Powdrgit.ShowWarnings = $true # to ensure warnings are visible PS C:\> $repoDirs = 'C:\RemoveMe1','C:\RemoveMe2' PS C:\> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo $repoDirs -AppendPowdrgitPath # first create the repos PS C:\> Test-Path -Path $repoDirs True True PS C:\> Remove-GitRepo -Repo 'C:\RemoveMe' -Confirm:$false WARNING: [Remove-GitRepo]Repo argument 'C:\RemoveMe' matched multiple repositories. Please confirm any results or actions are as expected. PS C:\> Test-Path -Path $repoDirs False False .EXAMPLE ## Call with RemovePowdrgitPath ## PS C:\> $repoDir = 'C:\RemoveMe' PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = $null PS C:\> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo $repoDir -AppendPowdrgitPath # first create a repo PS C:\> Test-Path -Path $repoDir True PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path C:\RemoveMe PS C:\> Remove-GitRepo -Repo $repoDir -RemovePowdrgitPath -Confirm:$false PS C:\> Test-Path -Path $repoDir False PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path PS C:\> .EXAMPLE ## Call with RemoveGitFilesOnly ## PS C:\> $repoDir = 'C:\KeepMe' PS C:\> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo $repoDir -AppendPowdrgitPath # first create a repo PS C:\> $f = New-Item -Path "$repoDir\SomeFile.txt" -ItemType File -Value 'Some text.' # create a file in the repo PS C:\> Test-Path -Path $repoDir True PS C:\> Test-Path -Path "$repoDir\.git" True PS C:\> Test-Path -Path $f.FullName True PS C:\> Remove-GitRepo -Repo $repoDir -RemoveGitFilesOnly -Confirm:$false PS C:\> Test-Path -Path $repoDir True PS C:\> Test-Path -Path "$repoDir\.git" False PS C:\> Test-Path -Path "$repoDir\SomeFile.txt" True .EXAMPLE ## Pipe from Get-GitRepo ## PS C:\> $repoDir = 'C:\RemoveMe' PS C:\> $r = New-GitRepo -Repo $repoDir -AppendPowdrgitPath # first create a repo PS C:\> Test-Path -Path $repoDir True PS C:\> Get-GitRepo -Repo $repoDir | Remove-GitRepo -Confirm:$false PS C:\> Test-Path -Path $repoDir False .INPUTS [System.String[]] Accepts string objects via the Repo parameter. .OUTPUTS [System.Void] The function does not return anything. .NOTES Author : nmbell .LINK Find-GitRepo .LINK Get-GitRepo .LINK Set-GitRepo .LINK New-GitRepo .LINK Invoke-GitClone .LINK Add-PowdrgitPath .LINK Remove-PowdrgitPath .LINK Test-PowdrgitPath .LINK about_powdrgit .LINK #> # Function alias [Alias('rgr')] # Use cmdlet binding [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $true , ConfirmImpact = 'High' , HelpURI = '' )] # Declare output type [OutputType([System.Void])] # Declare parameters Param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false , Position = 0 , ValueFromPipeline = $false , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [Alias('FullName','Path','RepoName','RepoPath')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String[]] $Repo , [Switch] $RemoveGitFilesOnly , [Switch] $RemovePowdrgitPath ) BEGIN { $bk = 'B' # Common BEGIN: Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0 $thisFunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand $start = Get-Date $indent = ($Powdrgit.DebugIndentChar[0]+' ')*($PowdrgitCallDepth++) $PSDefaultParameterValues += @{ '*:Verbose' = $(If ($DebugPreference -notin 'Ignore','SilentlyContinue') { $DebugPreference } Else { $VerbosePreference }) } # turn on Verbose with Debug $warn = $Powdrgit.ShowWarnings -and !($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WarningAction') -and $PSBoundParameters.WarningAction -eq 'Ignore') # because -WarningAction:Ignore is not implemented correctly Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Start: $($start.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff'))" # Function BEGIN: Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Storing current location" $startLocation = $PWD.Path } PROCESS { $bk = 'P' # Get the repository info $validRepos = Get-ValidRepo -Repo $Repo # Remove repo ForEach ($validRepo in $validRepos) { # Determine path to remove $removePath = $($validRepo.RepoPath) If ($RemoveGitFilesOnly -and !$validRepo.IsBare) { $removePath += '\.git' } # Determine procession $shouldText = If ($RemoveGitFilesOnly) { 'git files' } Else { 'repository' } $shouldText = "Removing $shouldText`: $removePath" If ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Host } $shouldProcess = $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($shouldText,$null,$null) # If ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Host "What if: $shouldText" } # handled by ShouldProcess If ($shouldProcess) { # Make sure we move to a parent directory While (Test-SubPath -Parent $validRepo.RepoPath -ChildPath $PWD.Path) { Set-Location -Path (Split-Path -Path $PWD.Path -Parent) } If ($PWD.Path -ne $startLocation) { If ($warn) { Write-Warning "[$thisFunctionName]Location was changed from inside a repository that was removed. Please check the current location." } } # Remove the repo Write-Verbose "$(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]$shouldText" Remove-Item -Path $removePath -Recurse -Force -Verbose:$false -WhatIf:$false -Confirm:$false } # Remove from $Powdrgit.Path If ($RemovePowdrgitPath) { $shouldText = 'Removing path from `$Powdrgit.Path' If ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Host "What if: $shouldText" } If ($shouldProcess) { Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]$shouldText" Remove-PowdrgitPath -Path $validRepo.RepoPath -WhatIf:$false -Confirm:$false } } } } END { $bk = 'E' # Function END: If ($WhatIfPreference) { Write-Host } # Common END: $end = Get-Date $duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End $end Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Finish: $($end.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff')) ($($duration.ToString('d\d\ hh\:mm\:ss\.fff')))" $PowdrgitCallDepth-- } } |