
function Get-GitBranch
    Gets a list of branches for the specified repository.
    Gets a list of branches for the specified repository.
    By default, branches are returned in branch name (alphabetical) order, as they are with native git commands.
    The name of a git repository, or the path or a substring of the path of a repository directory or any of its subdirectories or files.
    If the Repo parameter is omitted, the current repository will be used if currently inside a repository; otherwise, nothing is returned.
    For examples of using the Repo parameter, refer to the help text for Get-GitRepo.
    .PARAMETER BranchName
    The names of the branches to be checked out.
    Wildcard characters are allowed. The pattern will match against existing branches in the specified repository.
    A warning will be generated for any values that do not match the name of an existing branch.
    Branches can be suppressed from results on either a global, local only, or remote only basis by adding filters to $Powdrgit.BranchExcludes value (see examples).
    RepoPattern is a regular expression evaluated against RepoName to identify repositories that the filter will be applied to.
    BranchPattern is a regular expression evaluated against BranchFullName to identify branches that will be excluded from results.
    ApplyTo can be used to limit the filtering to either local branches, remote branches, or either.
    Valid ApplyTo values are: 'Local', 'Remote', or 'Global. An empty string or $null is equivalent to 'Global'. Any other value will cause the filter to be ignored.
    Multiple filters can be defined, and all filters that match a given repository will be applied.
    By default, when a filter causes exclusion of branches from the results a warning will be displayed. This can be suppressed by setting $Powdrgit.BranchExcludesNoWarn = $true.
    .PARAMETER Current
    Limits the results to the current branch of the specified repository; otherwise, all matching branch names will be returned.
    Implies Force.
    .PARAMETER CurrentFirst
    Forces the current branch to be the first returned item.
    All other branches will be returned in branch name (alphabetical) order.
    .PARAMETER CurrentLast
    Forces the current branch to be the last returned item.
    All other branches will be returned in branch name (alphabetical) order.
    .PARAMETER IncludeRemote
    Includes remote branches in the output.
    .PARAMETER ExcludeLocal
    Excludes local branches from the output.
    .PARAMETER SetLocation
    Sets the working directory to the top-level directory of the specified repository.
    In the case where multiple Repo values are passed in, the location will reflect the repository that was specified last.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Return all branches even when a matching filter in $Powdrgit.BranchExcludes exists.
    ## Call from outside a repository without parameters ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> Get-GitBranch
    # Nothing was returned because a Repo was not provided.
    ## Call from outside a repository for non-existent repository ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.ShowWarnings = $true # to ensure warnings are visible
    PS C:\> Get-GitBranch -Repo NonExistentRepo
    WARNING: [Get-GitBranch]Repository 'NonExistentRepo' not found. Check the repository directory exists and has been added to the $Powdrgit.Path module variable.
    ## Call from outside a repository with Repo parameter ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> Get-GitBranch -Repo MyToolbox | Format-Table -Property RepoName,BranchName,IsCheckedOut,IsRemote
    RepoName BranchName IsCheckedOut IsRemote
    -------- ---------- ------------ --------
    MyToolbox feature1 False False
    MyToolbox feature3 False False
    MyToolbox main True False
    MyToolbox release False False
    # The branches were returned even though the command was issued from outside the repository directory.
    ## Call from outside a repository with Repo and SetLocation parameters ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> Get-GitBranch -Repo MyToolbox -SetLocation | Format-Table -Property RepoName,BranchName,IsCheckedOut,IsRemote
    RepoName BranchName IsCheckedOut IsRemote
    -------- ---------- ------------ --------
    MyToolbox feature1 False False
    MyToolbox feature3 False False
    MyToolbox main True False
    MyToolbox release False False
    PS C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox>
    # The branches were returned and the current location (reflected in the prompt) changed to the repository's top-level directory.
    ## Call from outside a repository with Repo and IncludeRemote parameters ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> Get-GitBranch -Repo MyToolbox -IncludeRemote | Format-Table -Property RepoName,BranchName,IsCheckedOut,IsRemote
    RepoName BranchName IsCheckedOut IsRemote
    -------- ---------- ------------ --------
    MyToolbox feature1 False False
    MyToolbox feature3 False False
    MyToolbox main True False
    MyToolbox release False False
    MyToolbox feature2 False True
    # Remote branches were also included in the results. Note that remotes that are also the upstream of a local branch are omitted.
    ## Call from outside a repository with Repo, IncludeRemote and ExcludeLocal parameters ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> Get-GitBranch -Repo MyToolbox -IncludeRemote -ExcludeLocal | Format-Table -Property RepoName,BranchName,IsCheckedOut,IsRemote
    RepoName BranchName IsCheckedOut IsRemote
    -------- ---------- ------------ --------
    MyToolbox feature2 False True
    # Only remote branches were included in the results. Note that remotes that are also the upstream of a local branch are omitted.
    ## Call from outside a repository with Repo and ExcludeLocal parameters ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> Get-GitBranch -Repo MyToolbox -ExcludeLocal
    PS C:\>
    # Use of the ExcludeLocal switch without the IncludeRemote switch returns no results because the function returns only local branches by default.
    ## Call from outside a repository with Repo and ExcludeLocal parameters ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> Get-GitRepo | Get-GitBranch | Format-Table -Property RepoName,BranchName,IsCheckedOut,IsRemote
    RepoName BranchName IsCheckedOut IsRemote
    -------- ---------- ------------ --------
    MyToolbox feature1 False False
    MyToolbox feature3 False False
    MyToolbox main True False
    MyToolbox release False False
    Project1 main False False
    Project1 newfeature True False
    # By piping the results of Get-GitRepo into Get-GitBranch we can get a list of branches for multiple repositories in a single command.
    ## Get all local branches of the current repository ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> Set-GitRepo -Repo MyToolbox # move to the repository directory
    PS C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox> Get-GitBranch | Format-Table -Property RepoName,BranchName,IsCheckedOut,IsRemote
    RepoName BranchName IsCheckedOut IsRemote
    -------- ---------- ------------ --------
    MyToolbox feature1 False False
    MyToolbox feature3 False False
    MyToolbox main True False
    MyToolbox release False False
    ## Call with -CurrentFirst switch ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> Set-GitRepo -Repo MyToolbox # move to the repository directory
    PS C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox> Get-GitBranch -CurrentFirst | Format-Table -Property RepoName,BranchName,IsCheckedOut,IsRemote
    RepoName BranchName IsCheckedOut IsRemote
    -------- ---------- ------------ --------
    MyToolbox main True False
    MyToolbox feature1 False False
    MyToolbox feature3 False False
    MyToolbox release False False
    # The CurrentFirst switch caused the checked out branch to be returned in the first position.
    # This may be useful when piping to Set-GitBranch so that the script block is applied to the current branch before checking out another.
    ## Call with -CurrentLast switch ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> Set-GitRepo -Repo MyToolbox # move to the repository directory
    PS C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox> Get-GitBranch -CurrentLast | Format-Table -Property RepoName,BranchName,IsCheckedOut,IsRemote
    RepoName BranchName IsCheckedOut IsRemote
    -------- ---------- ------------ --------
    MyToolbox feature1 False False
    MyToolbox feature3 False False
    MyToolbox release False False
    MyToolbox main True False
    # The CurrentLast switch caused the checked out branch to be returned in the last position.
    # This may be useful when piping to Set-GitBranch so that when the prompt returns, the same branch is checked out as when the command was executed.
    ## Call with -Current switch ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> Set-GitRepo -Repo MyToolbox # move to the repository directory
    PS C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox> Get-GitBranch -Current | Format-Table -Property RepoName,BranchName,IsCheckedOut,IsRemote
    RepoName BranchName IsCheckedOut IsRemote
    -------- ---------- ------------ --------
    MyToolbox main True False
    # The Current switch caused only the checked out branch to be returned.
    ## Call with Repo value matching multiple repositories ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.ShowWarnings = $true # to ensure warnings are visible
    PS C:\> Get-GitBranch -Repo PowdrgitExamples -BranchName *feature* | Format-Table -Property RepoName,BranchName,IsCheckedOut,IsRemote,RepoPath
    WARNING: [Get-GitBranch]Repo argument 'PowdrgitExamples' matched multiple repositories. Please confirm any results or actions are as expected.
    RepoName BranchName IsCheckedOut IsRemote RepoPath
    -------- ---------- ------------ -------- --------
    MyToolbox feature1 False False C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox
    MyToolbox feature3 False False C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox
    Project1 newfeature True False C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1
    ## Hide branches from results using $Powdrgit.BranchExcludes ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.ShowWarnings = $true # to ensure warnings are visible
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.BranchExcludesNoWarn = $false # to ensure warnings are visible
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.BranchExcludes = [PSCustomObject]@{ RepoPattern = '.*'; BranchPattern = 'feature\d'; ApplyTo = 'Local' }
    PS C:\> Get-GitBranch -Repo MyToolbox | Format-Table -Property RepoName,BranchName,IsCheckedOut,IsRemote
    WARNING: [Get-GitBranch]Branches excluded due to conditions in $Powdrgit.BranchExcludes: 4
    RepoName BranchName IsCheckedOut IsRemote
    -------- ---------- ------------ --------
    MyToolbox main True False
    MyToolbox release False False
    ## Show all branches including branches usually hidden from results with $Powdrgit.BranchExcludes ##
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.Path = 'C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox;C:\PowdrgitExamples\Project1' # to ensure the repository paths are defined
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.ShowWarnings = $true # to ensure warnings are visible
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.BranchExcludesNoWarn = $false # to ensure warnings are visible
    PS C:\> $Powdrgit.BranchExcludes = [PSCustomObject]@{ RepoPattern = '.*'; BranchPattern = 'feature\d'; ApplyTo = 'Local' }
    PS C:\> Get-GitBranch -Repo MyToolbox -Force | Format-Table -Property RepoName,BranchName,IsCheckedOut,IsRemote
    RepoName BranchName IsCheckedOut IsRemote
    -------- ---------- ------------ --------
    MyToolbox feature1 False False
    MyToolbox feature3 False False
    MyToolbox main True False
    MyToolbox release False False
    Accepts string objects via the Repo parameter. The output of Get-GitRepo can be piped into Get-GitBranch.
    Returns a custom GitBranch object. For details use Get-Member at a command prompt e.g.:
    PS C:\PowdrgitExamples\MyToolbox> Get-GitBranch | Get-Member -MemberType Properties
    Author : nmbell

    # Function alias

    # Use cmdlet binding
      DefaultParameterSetName = 'Remote'
    , HelpURI                 = ''

    # Declare output type
    [OutputType('GitBranch', ParameterSetName = ('Current','CurrentFirst','CurrentLast','Remote'))]

    # Declare parameters

          Mandatory                       = $false
        , Position                        = 0
        , ValueFromPipeline               = $false
        , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
    # [ArgumentCompleter()]

    ,    [Parameter(
          Mandatory                       = $false
        , Position                        = 1
        , ValueFromPipeline               = $false
        , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
    # [ArgumentCompleter()]
        $BranchName = '*'

    ,    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Current')]

    ,    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CurrentFirst')]

    ,    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CurrentLast')]

    ,    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CurrentFirst')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CurrentLast' )]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Remote'      )]

    ,    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Remote')]

    ,    [Switch]

    ,    [Switch]


        $bk = 'B'

        # Common BEGIN:
        Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0
        $thisFunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand
        $start            = Get-Date
        $indent           = ($Powdrgit.DebugIndentChar[0]+' ')*($PowdrgitCallDepth++)
        $PSDefaultParameterValues += @{ '*:Verbose' = $(If ($DebugPreference -notin 'Ignore','SilentlyContinue') { $DebugPreference } Else { $VerbosePreference }) } # turn on Verbose with Debug
        $warn             = $Powdrgit.ShowWarnings -and !($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WarningAction') -and $PSBoundParameters.WarningAction -eq 'Ignore') # because -WarningAction:Ignore is not implemented correctly
        Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Start: $($start.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff'))"

        # Function BEGIN:
        Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Finding current location"
        $startLocation = $PWD.Path

        # Initialize variables
        $matchingBranchesTotal = 0
        $sortRepoName          = @{ Expression = 'RepoName'    ; Ascending  = $true }
        $sortBranchName        = @{ Expression = 'BranchName'  ; Ascending  = $true }
        $sortIsCheckedOutFirst = @{ Expression = 'IsCheckedOut'; Descending = $true }
        $sortIsCheckedOutLast  = @{ Expression = 'IsCheckedOut'; Ascending  = $true }
        $sortIsRemote          = @{ Expression = 'IsRemote'    ; Ascending  = $true }
        If ($Current) { $Force = $true }

        $bk = 'P'

        # Find the repository path from current location if necessary
        If (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Repo')) { $Repo = Get-GitRepo -Current | Select-Object -ExpandProperty RepoPath }

        # Get the repository info
        $validRepos = Get-ValidRepo -Repo $Repo

        # Get the branches
        $matchingBranches = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
        ForEach ($validRepo in $validRepos)
             # Keep track of which BranchName patterns don't match any branches
            $unmatchedBranchNames = @{}
            ForEach ($_branchName in $BranchName) { $unmatchedBranchNames.$_branchName = $null }

            # Get branch filters for this repository
            $branchExcludeFilters = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
            ForEach ($bep in $Powdrgit.BranchExcludes | Where-Object { $_.RepoPattern -and $_.BranchPattern -and $validRepo.RepoName -match $_.RepoPattern -and ($_.ApplyTo -in 'Local','Remote','Global','',$null) }) { $branchExcludeFilters += $bep }
            $branchExcludeFiltersCount = If ($branchExcludeFilters) { $branchExcludeFilters.Count } Else { 0 }
            Write-Verbose "$(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Found branch exclusion filters: $('{0,3}' -f $branchExcludeFiltersCount)"

            # Move to the repository directory
            Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Moving to the repository directory: $($validRepo.RepoPath)"
            Set-GitRepo -Repo $validRepo.RepoPath -WarningAction Ignore

            # Get local branch info
            Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Finding local branch info"
            $gitCommand = 'git for-each-ref "refs/heads" --format="%(objectname)\%(refname)\%(HEAD)\%(upstream)\%(upstream:short)\%(upstream:remotename)"' # separate with \ as this is not allowed in branch names
            $gitResults = Invoke-GitExpression -Command $gitCommand -SuppressGitErrorStream
            $localBranchNames = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.arrayList
            $branchExcludeCountLocal = 0
            Write-Verbose "$(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Found local branches: $('{0,3}' -f ($gitResults | Measure-Object).Count)"
            ForEach ($line in $gitResults | Where-Object { $_.Trim() })
                $lineSplit = $line.Split('\')

                $branchFullName    = $lineSplit[1]
                $thisBranchName    = $branchFullName.Replace('refs/heads/','')
                $localBranchNames += $thisBranchName

                ForEach ($_branchName in $BranchName)
                    If ($thisBranchName -like $_branchName)
                        $branchExcluded = $false
                        If (!$Force)
                            ForEach ($pattern in ($branchExcludeFilters | Where-Object { $_.ApplyTo -in 'Local','Global','',$null } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BranchPattern))
                                If ($branchFullName -match $pattern)
                                    Write-Debug "$(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Branch excluded by filter: $thisBranchName"
                                    $branchExcluded = $true

                        If (!$branchExcluded)
                            $matchingBranches += [GitBranch]@{
                                'RepoName'         = $validRepo.RepoName
                                'RepoPath'         = $validRepo.RepoPath
                                'SHA1Hash'         = $lineSplit[0]
                                'BranchName'       = $thisBranchName
                                'IsCheckedOut'     = $lineSplit[2] -eq '*'
                                'IsRemote'         = $false
                                'BranchLeafName'   = Split-Path -Path $branchFullName -Leaf
                                'BranchFullName'   = $branchFullName
                                'Upstream'         = $lineSplit[4]
                                'UpstreamFullName' = $lineSplit[3]
                                'RemoteName'       = $lineSplit[5]

            # Warn if any local branches were excluded by filters
            If ($branchExcludeCountLocal -and !$ExcludeLocal)
                If ($warn -and !$Powdrgit.BranchExcludesNoWarn) { Write-Warning "[$thisFunctionName]Local branches excluded due to conditions in `$Powdrgit.BranchExcludes: $branchExcludeCountLocal" }

            # Get remote branch info
            Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Finding remote branch info"
            $gitCommand = 'git for-each-ref "refs/remotes" --format="%(objectname)\%(refname)"' # separate with \ as this is not allowed in branch names
            $gitResults = Invoke-GitExpression -Command $gitCommand -SuppressGitErrorStream
            $branchExcludeCountRemote = 0
            Write-Verbose "$(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Found remote branches: $('{0,3}' -f ($gitResults | Measure-Object).Count)"
            ForEach ($line in $gitResults | Where-Object { $_.Trim() })
                $lineSplit = $line.Split('\')

                $branchFullName = $lineSplit[1]
                $thisBranchName = $branchFullName -replace '^refs/remotes/\w+/',''
                $upstreamName   = $branchFullName.Replace('refs/remotes/','')
                $branchLeafName = Split-Path -Path $branchFullName -Leaf

                If ($localBranchNames.Count -gt 0 -and $thisBranchName -in $localBranchNames) { Continue } # omit remote branches that are the upstream for a local one
                If ($branchLeafName -eq 'HEAD') { Continue }                                               # omit HEAD

                ForEach ($_branchName in $BranchName)
                    If ($thisBranchName -like $_branchName)
                        $branchExcluded = $false
                        If (!$Force)
                            ForEach ($pattern in $branchExcludeFilters | Where-Object { $_.ApplyTo -in 'Remote','Global','',$null } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BranchPattern)
                                If ($branchFullName -match $pattern)
                                    Write-Debug "$(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Branch excluded by filter: $thisBranchName"
                                    $branchExcluded = $true

                        If (!$branchExcluded)
                            $matchingBranches += [GitBranch]@{
                                'RepoName'         = $validRepo.RepoName
                                'RepoPath'         = $validRepo.RepoPath
                                'SHA1Hash'         = $lineSplit[0]
                                'BranchName'       = $thisBranchName
                                'IsCheckedOut'     = $false
                                'IsRemote'         = $true
                                'BranchLeafName'   = $branchLeafName
                                'BranchFullName'   = $branchFullName
                                'Upstream'         = $upstreamName
                                'UpstreamFullName' = $branchFullName
                                'RemoteName'       = $upstreamName -replace '^(\w+)/.*','$1'

            # Warn if any remote branches were excluded by filters
            If ($branchExcludeCountRemote -and $IncludeRemote)
                If ($warn -and !$Powdrgit.BranchExcludesNoWarn) { Write-Warning "[$thisFunctionName]Remote branches excluded due to conditions in `$Powdrgit.BranchExcludes: $branchExcludeCountRemote" }

            # Warn if any BranchName values didn't match a branch
            If ($unmatchedBranchNames.Count)
                If ($warn) { Write-Warning "[$thisFunctionName]The following BranchName patterns did not match any branches in the '$($validRepo.RepoName)' repository: '$($unmatchedBranchNames.Keys -join "','")'" }
        $matchingBranchesTotal += $matchingBranches.Count

        # Set sort order
        Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Setting sort order"
        $sortProperty = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
        $sortProperty += $sortRepoName
        If ($CurrentFirst) { $sortProperty += $sortIsCheckedOutFirst }
        If ($CurrentLast ) { $sortProperty += $sortIsCheckedOutLast  }
        $sortProperty += $sortIsRemote
        $sortProperty += $sortBranchName

        # Output
        Write-Debug "$(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Outputting branches : $('{0,3}' -f $matchingBranches.Count)"
        Write-Output $matchingBranches `
        | Where-Object { ($Current -and $_.IsCheckedOut) -or !$Current } `
        | Where-Object { ($IncludeRemote -and $_.IsRemote) -or (!$ExcludeLocal -and !$_.IsRemote) } `
        | Sort-Object -Property $sortProperty

        $bk = 'E'

        # Function END:
        Write-Verbose "$(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Output branches total: $('{0,3}' -f $matchingBranchesTotal)"
        If (!$SetLocation)
            Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Setting location to original directory"
            Set-Location -Path $startLocation

        # Common END:
        $end      = Get-Date
        $duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End $end
        Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Finish: $($end.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff')) ($($duration.ToString('d\d\ hh\:mm\:ss\.fff')))"