function ConvertTo-GitParsableResults { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts git output with line breaks into parsable form. .DESCRIPTION Converts git output with line breaks into parsable form. .PARAMETER Line Line of text. .PARAMETER StartOfText Marker indicating the start of a line of text. .PARAMETER EndOfText Marker indicating the end of a line of text. .INPUTS [System.String] Accepts string objects via the Line parameter. .OUTPUTS [System.String] Returns String objects. .NOTES Author : nmbell .LINK about_powdrgit .LINK #> # Use cmdlet binding [CmdletBinding()] # Declare output type [OutputType([System.String])] # Declare parameters Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false , Position = 0 , ValueFromPipeline = $true , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $Line , [Parameter( Mandatory = $true , Position = 1 , ValueFromPipeline = $false , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $StartOfText , [Parameter( Mandatory = $true , Position = 2 , ValueFromPipeline = $false , ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $EndOfText ) BEGIN { $bk = 'B' # Common BEGIN: Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0 $thisFunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand $start = Get-Date $indent = ($Powdrgit.DebugIndentChar[0]+' ')*($PowdrgitCallDepth++) $PSDefaultParameterValues += @{ '*:Verbose' = $(If ($DebugPreference -notin 'Ignore','SilentlyContinue') { $DebugPreference } Else { $VerbosePreference }) } # turn on Verbose with Debug Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Start: $($start.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff'))" # Function BEGIN: $parseLine = $null } PROCESS { $bk = 'P' If ($Line -like "$StartOfText*") { $parseLine = $Line } Else { $parseLine += $Line } If ($parseLine -like "*$EndOfText") { Write-Output $parseLine.Replace($StartOfText,'').Replace($EndOfText,'') $parseLine = $null } } END { $bk = 'E' # Function END: # Common END: $end = Get-Date $duration = New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End $end Write-Debug " $(ts)$indent[$thisFunctionName][$bk]Finish: $($end.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff')) ($($duration.ToString('d\d\ hh\:mm\:ss\.fff')))" $PowdrgitCallDepth-- } } |