Import-Module -Name PesterMatchArray Import-Module -Name PesterMatchHashtable $here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".tests.", ".") $sut = Resolve-Path $sut Write-Host $sut . $sut function ConvertTo-Hashtable($value){ $value.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object ` -begin { $hash = @{} } ` -process { $hash[$_.Name]=$_.Value } ` -end { $hash } } Describe "No input rows" { It "returns no results" { $testInput = @( "CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES" ) $result = @($testInput | ConvertFrom-Tabular) $result.Length | Should Be 0 } } Describe "Single input row" { It "returns single result" { $testInput = @( "CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES", "IdOne theImage theCommand foo Running 12345 Bob,Alice" ) $result = @($testInput | ConvertFrom-Tabular) $result.Length | Should Be 1 } It "returns single result with correct property names" { $testInput = @( "CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES", "IdOne theImage theCommand foo Running 12345 Bob,Alice" ) $result = @($testInput | ConvertFrom-Tabular) $propertyNames = $result[0].PSObject.Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Sort-Object ,$propertyNames | Should MatchArrayUnOrdered @('ContainerId', 'Image', 'Command', 'Created', 'Status', 'Ports', 'Names') } It "returns single result with correct property values" { $testInput = @( "CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES", "IdOne theImage theCommand foo Running 12345 Bob,Alice" ) $result = @($testInput | ConvertFrom-Tabular) $expected = @{ "ContainerId"="IdOne" "Image"="theImage" "Command"="theCommand" "Created"="foo" "Status"="Running" "Ports"="12345" "Names"="Bob,Alice" } $resultHash = ConvertTo-Hashtable $result[0] $resultHash | Should MatchHashtable $expected } } Describe "Multiple input rows" { It "returns the correct data"{ $testInput = @( "PROPERTY A SECOND", "123 abc", "456 asd", "789 qwe" ) $result = @($testInput | ConvertFrom-Tabular) $expected = @( @{ "PropertyA" = "123" "Second" = "abc" }, @{ "PropertyA" = "456" "Second" = "asd" }, @{ "PropertyA" = "789" "Second" = "qwe" } ) $result.Length | Should Be $expected.Count for ($i = 0; $i -lt $result.Count; $i++) { ConvertTo-Hashtable $result[$i] | Should MatchHashtable $expected[$i] } } } |