############################################################################## # PREVIEW VERSION OF PSAKE SCRIPT FOR MODULE BUILD & PUBLISH TO THE PSGALLERY ############################################################################## # # We are hoping to add support for publishing modules to the PowerShell gallery # and private repositories in a future release of this extension. This is an # early look at the approach we are considering which is to supply a # PSake-based script that will: # # 1. Create a directory from which to publish your module. # 2. Copy the appropriate module files to that directory excluding items like # the .vscode directory, Pester tests, etc. These are configurable in Build.ps1. # 3. Verify all existing Pester tests pass. # 4. Publish the module to the desired repository (defaulting to the PSGallery). # # Requirements: PSake. If you don't have this module installed use the following # command to install it: # # PS C:\> Install-Module PSake -Scope CurrentUser # ############################################################################## # This is a PSake script that supports the following tasks: # clean, build, test and publish. The default task is build. # # The publish task uses the Publish-Module command to publish # to either the PowerShell Gallery (the default) or you can change # the $Repository property to the name of an alternate repository. # # The test task invokes Pester to run any Pester tests in your # workspace folder. Name your test scripts <TestName>.Tests.ps1 # and Pester will find and run the tests contained in the files. # # You can run this build script directly using the invoke-psake # command which will execute the build task. This task "builds" # a temporary folder from which the module can be published. # # PS C:\> invoke-psake build.ps1 # # You can run your Pester tests (if any) by running the following command. # # PS C:\> invoke-psake build.ps1 -taskList test # # You can execute the publish task with the following command. Note that # the publish task will run the test task first. The Pester tests must pass # before the publish task will run. The first time you run the publish # command, you will be prompted to enter your PowerShell Gallery NuGetApiKey. # After entering the key, it is encrypted and stored so you will not have to # enter it again. # # PS C:\> invoke-psake build.ps1 -taskList publish # # You can verify the stored and encrypted NuGetApiKey by running the following # command. This will display your NuGetApiKey in plain text! # # PS C:\> invoke-psake build.ps1 -taskList showKey # # You can store a new NuGetApiKey with this command. You can leave off # the -properties parameter and you'll be prompted for the key. # # PS C:\> invoke-psake build.ps1 -taskList storeKey -properties @{NuGetApiKey='test123'} # ############################################################################### # Customize these properties for your module. ############################################################################### Properties { $ManifestPath = (Get-Item $PSScriptRoot\*.psd1)[0] # The name of your module should match the basename of the PSD1 file. $ModuleName = $ManifestPath.BaseName # Path to the release notes file. Set to $null if the release notes reside in the manifest file. $ReleaseNotesPath = "$PSScriptRoot\" # The directory used to publish the module from. If you are using Git, the # $PublishDir should be ignored if it is under the workspace directory. $PublishDir = "$PSScriptRoot\Release\$ModuleName" # The following items will not be copied to the $PublishDir. # Add items that should not be published with the module. $Exclude = @( 'Release', 'Tests', '.git*', '.vscode', '*.png', 'poshspecdemo.ps1', (Split-Path $PSCommandPath -Leaf) ) # Name of the repository you wish to publish to. Default repo is the PSGallery. $PublishRepository = 'PSGallery' # Your NuGet API key for the PSGallery. Leave it as $null and the first time # you publish you will be prompted to enter your API key. The build will # store the key encrypted in a file, so that on subsequent publishes you # will no longer be prompted for the API key. $NuGetApiKey = $null $EncryptedApiKeyPath = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\vscode-powershell\PSGalleryApiKey.clixml" } ############################################################################### # Customize these tasks for performing operations before and/or after publish. ############################################################################### Task PrePublish { } Task PostPublish { } ############################################################################### # Core task implementations - this possibly "could" ship as part of the # vscode-powershell extension and then get dot sourced into this file. ############################################################################### Task default -depends Build Task Publish -depends Test, PrePublish, PublishImpl, PostPublish { } Task PublishImpl -depends Test -requiredVariables PublishDir, EncryptedApiKeyPath { $NuGetApiKey = Get-NuGetApiKey $NuGetApiKey $EncryptedApiKeyPath $publishParams = @{ Path = $PublishDir NuGetApiKey = $NuGetApiKey } if ($PublishRepository) { $publishParams['Repository'] = $PublishRepository } # Consider not using -ReleaseNotes parameter when Update-ModuleManifest has been fixed. if ($ReleaseNotesPath) { $publishParams['ReleaseNotes'] = @(Get-Content $ReleaseNotesPath) } "Calling Publish-Module..." Publish-Module @publishParams } Task Test -depends Build { Import-Module Pester Invoke-Pester $PSScriptRoot } Task Build -depends Clean -requiredVariables PublishDir, Exclude, ModuleName { if ((Get-Command -Name Step-ModuleVersion -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Source) { Step-ModuleVersion -Path $ManifestPath } else { Write-Warning "'Step-ModuleVersion' command is not available." } Copy-Item $PSScriptRoot\* -Destination $PublishDir -Recurse -Exclude $Exclude # Get contents of the ReleaseNotes file and update the copied module manifest file # with the release notes. # DO NOT USE UNTIL UPDATE-MODULEMANIFEST IS FIXED - HORRIBLY BROKEN RIGHT NOW. # if ($ReleaseNotesPath) { # $releaseNotes = @(Get-Content $ReleaseNotesPath) # Update-ModuleManifest -Path $PublishDir\${ModuleName}.psd1 -ReleaseNotes $releaseNotes # } } Task Clean -depends Init -requiredVariables PublishDir { # Sanity check the dir we are about to "clean". If $PublishDir were to # inadvertently get set to $null, the Remove-Item commmand removes the # contents of \*. That's a bad day. Ask me how I know? :-( if ($PublishDir.Contains($PSScriptRoot)) { Remove-Item $PublishDir\* -Recurse -Force } } Task Init -requiredVariables PublishDir { if (!(Test-Path $PublishDir)) { $null = New-Item $PublishDir -ItemType Directory } } Task StoreKey -requiredVariables EncryptedApiKeyPath { if (Test-Path $EncryptedApiKeyPath) { Remove-Item $EncryptedApiKeyPath } $null = Get-NuGetApiKey $NuGetApiKey $EncryptedApiKeyPath "The NuGetApiKey has been stored in $EncryptedApiKeyPath" } Task ShowKey -requiredVariables EncryptedApiKeyPath { $NuGetApiKey = Get-NuGetApiKey $NuGetApiKey $EncryptedApiKeyPath "The stored NuGetApiKey is: $NuGetApiKey" } Task ? -description 'Lists the available tasks' { "Available tasks:" $psake.context.Peek().tasks.Keys | Sort } ############################################################################### # Helper functions ############################################################################### function Get-NuGetApiKey($NuGetApiKey, $EncryptedApiKeyPath) { $storedKey = $null if (!$NuGetApiKey) { if (Test-Path $EncryptedApiKeyPath) { $storedKey = Import-Clixml $EncryptedApiKeyPath | ConvertTo-SecureString $cred = New-Object -TypeName PSCredential -ArgumentList 'kh',$storedKey $NuGetApiKey = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password Write-Verbose "Retrieved encrypted NuGetApiKey from $EncryptedApiKeyPath" } else { $cred = Get-Credential -Message "Enter your NuGet API Key in the password field (or nothing, this isn't used yet in the preview)" -UserName "user" $apiKeySS = $cred.Password $NuGetApiKey = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password } } if (!$storedKey) { # Store encrypted NuGet API key to use for future invocations if (!$apiKeySS) { $apiKeySS = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $NuGetApiKey -AsPlainText -Force } $parentDir = Split-Path $EncryptedApiKeyPath -Parent if (!(Test-Path -Path $parentDir)) { $null = New-Item -Path $parentDir -ItemType Directory } $apiKeySS | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Export-Clixml $EncryptedApiKeyPath Write-Verbose "Stored encrypted NuGetApiKey to $EncryptedApiKeyPath" } $NuGetApiKey } |