# Copyright 2018, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script New-GraphConnection) . (import-script GraphRequest) . (import-script GraphErrorRecorder) function Invoke-GraphRequest { [cmdletbinding(positionalbinding=$false, supportspaging=$true)] param( [parameter(position=0, mandatory=$true)] [Uri[]] $RelativeUri, [parameter(position=1)] [String] $Verb = 'GET', [parameter(position=2, parametersetname='MSGraphNewConnection')] [String[]] $ScopeNames = $null, [parameter(position=3)] $Payload = $null, [String] $Version = $null, [switch] $JSON, [HashTable] $Headers = $null, [parameter(parametersetname='AADGraphNewConnection', mandatory=$true)] [switch] $AADGraph, [parameter(parametersetname='MSGraphNewConnection')] [GraphCloud] $Cloud = [GraphCloud]::Public, [parameter(parametersetname='ExistingConnection', mandatory=$true)] [PSCustomObject] $Connection = $null ) $::.GraphErrorRecorder |=> StartRecording $defaultVersion = $null $graphType = if ($Connection -ne $null ) { $Connection.GraphEndpoint.Type } elseif ( $AADGraph.ispresent ) { ([GraphType]::AADGraph) } else { ([GraphType]::MSGraph) } $MSGraphScopeNames = if ( $ScopeNames -ne $null ) { if ( $Connection -ne $null ) { throw "Scopes may not be specified via -ScopeNames if an existing connection is supplied with -Connection" } $ScopeNames } else { @('User.Read') } switch ($graphType) { ([GraphType]::AADGraph) { $defaultVersion = '1.6' } ([GraphType]::MSGraph) { $defaultVersion = 'v1.0' } default { throw "Unexpected identity type '$graphType'" } } $apiVersion = if ( $Version -eq $null -or $version.length -eq 0 ) { $defaultVersion } else { $Version } $graphConnection = if ( $Connection -eq $null ) { $::.GraphConnection |=> GetDefaultConnection $graphType $cloud $MSGraphScopeNames } else { $Connection } $tenantQualifiedVersionSegment = if ( $graphType -eq ([GraphType]::AADGraph) ) { $graphConnection |=> Connect $graphConnection.Identity.Token.TenantId } else { $apiVersion } $firstIndex = if ( $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.Skip -ne $null -and $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.skip -ne 0 ) { write-verbose "Skipping the first '$($pscmdlet.pagingparameters.skip)' parameters" $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.Skip } $maxResultCount = if ( $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.first -ne $null -and $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.first -lt [Uint64]::MaxValue ) { $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.First } $skipCount = $firstIndex $results = @() $graphRelativeUri = $tenantQualifiedVersionSegment, $RelativeUri[0] -join '/' $query = $null $countError = $false $optionalCountResult = $null if ( $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.includetotalcount.ispresent -eq $true ) { write-verbose 'Including the total count of results' $query = '$count' } while ( $graphRelativeUri -ne $null -and ($graphRelativeUri.tostring().length -gt 0) -and ($maxResultCount -eq $null -or $results.length -lt $maxResultCount) ) { if ( $graphType -eq ([GraphType]::AADGraph) ) { $graphRelativeUri = $graphRelativeUri, "api-version=$apiVersion" -join '?' } $request = new-so GraphRequest $graphConnection $graphRelativeUri $Verb $Headers $null $request |=> SetBody $Payload $graphResponse = $request |=> Invoke $skipCount $skipCount = $null $content = if ( $graphResponse.Entities -ne $null ) { $graphRelativeUri = $graphResponse.Nextlink if (! $JSON.ispresent) { $entities = if ( $graphResponse.entities -is [Object[]] -and $graphResponse.entities.length -eq 1 ) { @([PSCustomObject] $graphResponse.entities) } elseif ($graphResponse.entities -is [HashTable]) { @([PSCustomObject] $graphResponse.Entities) } else { $graphResponse.Entities } if ( $pscmdlet.pagingparameters.includetotalcount.ispresent -eq $true -and $results.length -eq 0 ) { try { $optionalCountResult = $graphResponse.RestResponse.value.count } catch { $countError = $true } } $entities } else { $graphResponse |=> Content } } else { $graphRelativeUri = $null $graphResponse |=> Content } $results += $content } if ($pscmdlet.pagingparameters.includetotalcount.ispresent -eq $true) { $accuracy = [double] 1.0 $count = if ( $optionalCountResult -eq $null ) { $accuracy = [double] .1 $results.length } else { if ( $countError ) { $accuracy = [double] .5 } $optionalCountResult } $PSCmdlet.PagingParameters.NewTotalCount($count, $accuracy) } $results } |