# Copyright 2018, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. . (import-script common/SegmentHelper) . (import-script ../common/PreferenceHelper) . (import-script ../common/GraphUtilities) function Get-GraphUri { [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(parametersetname='FromUriParents', position=0, mandatory=$true)] [parameter(parametersetname='FromUriChildren', position=0, mandatory=$true)] [parameter(parametersetname='FromUri', position=0, mandatory=$true)] [Uri] $Uri, [parameter(parametersetname='FromUriChildren', mandatory=$true)] [parameter(parametersetname='FromObjectChildren', mandatory=$true)] [Switch] $Children, [parameter(parametersetname='FromUriChildren')] [parameter(parametersetname='FromObjectChildren')] [Switch] $LocatableChildren, [parameter(parametersetname='FromUriChildren')] [parameter(parametersetname='FromObjectChildren')] [uint16] $RecursionDepth = 1, [parameter(parametersetname='FromUriChildren')] [parameter(parametersetname='FromObjectChildren')] [Switch] $IncludeVirtualChildren, [parameter(parametersetname='FromUriParents', mandatory=$true)] [parameter(parametersetname='FromObjectParents', mandatory=$true)] [Switch] $Parents, [parameter(parametersetname='FromUriChildren')] [parameter(parametersetname='FromObjectChildren')] [Switch] $NoCycles, [Switch] $IgnoreMissingMetadata, [parameter(parametersetname='FromObject')] [String] $GraphScope = $null, [parameter(parametersetname='FromObjectParents', valuefrompipeline=$true, mandatory=$true)] [parameter(parametersetname='FromObjectChildren', valuefrompipeline=$true, mandatory=$true)] [parameter(parametersetname='FromObject', valuefrompipeline=$true, mandatory=$true)] [PSCustomObject[]]$GraphItems ) # This is not very honest -- we're using valuefrompipeline, but # only to signal the presence of input -- we use $input because # unless you use BEGIN, END, PROCESS blocks, you can't actually # iterate the parameter -- $input is a way around that $inputs = if ( $graphItems ) { $input } else { $Uri } $results = @() $nextUris = new-object System.Collections.Generic.Queue[object[]] $inputs | foreach { $nextUris.Enqueue(@(0, $_)) } $DisallowedLocationClasses = if ( ! $IncludeVirtualChildren.IsPresent ) { @('EntityType') } else { @() } $validLocationClasses = if ( $LocatableChildren.ispresent ) { $allLocationClasses = $::.SegmentHelper.GetValidLocationClasses() $allLocationClasses | where { $_ -notin $DisallowedLocationClasses } } else { $null } $disallowVirtualChildren = $Children.ispresent -and ! $IncludeVirtualChildren.ispresent $context = if ( $GraphScope ) { $::.Logicalgraphmanager.Get().contexts[$GraphScope].context } while ( $nextUris.Count -gt 0 ) { $currentItem = $nextUris.Dequeue() $currentDepth = $currentItem[0] + 1 $currentUri = $currentItem[1] $graphItem = if ($GraphItems) { $currentUri } $uriSource = $currentUri $inputUri = if ( $graphItem ) { $unparsedUri = if ( $graphItem | gm -membertype scriptmethod '__ItemContext' ) { [Uri] ($graphItem |=> __ItemContext | select -expandproperty RequestUri) } elseif ( $graphItem | gm uri ) { $uriSource = $graphItem.uri [Uri] $uriSource } else{ throw "Object type does not support Graph URI source" } $parsedUri = $::.GraphUtilities |=> ParseGraphUri $unparsedUri $context = $parsedUri.MatchedContext $parsedUri.GraphRelativeUri } else { $parsedLocation = $::.GraphUtilities |=> ParseGraphRelativeLocation $currentUri $context = $parsedLocation.context $parsedLocation.GraphRelativeUri } $parser = new-so SegmentParser $context $null ($graphItems -ne $null) write-verbose "Uri '$uriSource' translated to '$inputUri'" $mustIgnoreMissingMetadata = $IgnoreMissingMetadata.IsPresent -or (__Preference__MustWaitForMetadata) $contextReady = ($::.GraphContext |=> GetMetadataStatus $context) -eq [MetadataStatus]::Ready if ( $mustIgnoreMissingMetadata -and ! $contextReady ) { return $::.SegmentHelper |=> ToPublicSegment $parser $::.GraphSegment.NullSegment } $segments = $::.SegmentHelper |=> UriToSegments $parser $inputUri $lastSegment = $segments | select -last 1 $segmentTable = $null if ( $NoCycles.IsPresent ) { $segmentTable = @{} $segments | foreach { $segmentTable.Add($_.graphElement, $_) } } $instanceId = if ( $GraphItem ) { $typeData = ($lastSegment.graphElement |=> GetEntity).typedata if ( $typeData.IsCollection ) { if ( $graphItem | gm -membertype noteproperty id ) { $ } else { $null } } } $lastPublicSegment = $::.SegmentHelper |=> ToPublicSegment $parser $lastSegment $count = if ( $Parents.ispresent ) { if ( $segments -is [Object[]] ) { $segments.length } else { 1 } } else { if ( $instanceId -or $Children.ispresent ) { 0 } else { 1 } } $segments | select -last $count | foreach { $results += ($::.SegmentHelper |=> ToPublicSegment $parser $_) } $childSegments = $null if ( $instanceId ) { $idSegment = $lastSegment |=> NewNextSegments ($context |=> GetGraph) $instanceId $validLocationClasses $additionalSegments = if ( $Children.IsPresent ) { $childSegments = $parser |=> GetChildren $idSegment $validLocationClasses | sort Name } else { # Create a new public segment since we are going to modify it $instanceSegment = ($::.SegmentHelper |=> ToPublicSegment $parser $idSegment $lastPublicSegment).psobject.copy() if ( $graphItem ) { $::.SegmentHelper.AddContent($instanceSegment, $graphItem) } $instanceSegment } $additionalSegments | foreach { if ( ! $segmentTable -or $segmentTable[$_.graphElement] ) { if ( $::.SegmentHelper.IsValidLocationClass($_.Class) -and ( $_.class -ne 'EntityType' ) ) { $nextUris.Enqueue(@($currentDepth, $_.GraphUri)) } } else { write-verbose "$($ already exists in hierarchy $($_.GraphUri)" } } $results += $additionalSegments } elseif ( $Children.ispresent ) { $childSegments = $parser |=> GetChildren $lastSegment $validLocationClasses | sort Name } else { if ( $GraphItem ) { # Create a new public segment since we are going to modify it $lastOutputSegment = ($results | select -last 1).psobject.copy() $::.SegmentHelper.AddContent($lastOutputSegment, $graphItem) # Replace the segment in the collection with a new one # This is a rather convoluted approach :( -- needs a rewrite $results[$results.length - 1] = $lastOutputSegment } } if ( $childSegments ) { $publicChildSegments = @() $childSegments | foreach { $meetsLocationRequirement = ! $LocatableChildren.IsPresent -or $::.SegmentHelper.IsValidLocationClass(($_.graphElement |=> GetEntity).Type) $meetsNonvirtualRequirement = ! $disallowVirtualChildren -or ! $_.isVirtual $skipSegment = ! $meetsLocationRequirement -or ! $meetsNonvirtualRequirement if ( ! $skipSegment ) { $publicChildSegments += ($::.SegmentHelper |=> ToPublicSegment $parser $_ $lastPublicSegment) } } if ( $currentDepth -lt $RecursionDepth ) { $publicChildSegments | foreach { if ( ! $segmentTable -or ( ! $segmentTable[$_.details.graphElement] ) ) { if ( $::.SegmentHelper.IsValidLocationClass($_.Class) -and ( $_.class -ne 'entitytype') ) { $nextUris.Enqueue(@($currentDepth, $_.GraphUri)) } } else { write-verbose "$($ already exists in hierarchy $($_.GraphUri)" } } } $results += $publicChildSegments } } $results } |