$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path | Split-Path -Parent | Join-Path -ChildPath Functions function Measure-String { [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]]$InputObject , [string]$SearchString , [switch]$SkipComments ) Begin { $count = 0 $inCommentSection = $false $PreviousStr = "" } Process { if ($SearchString.Length -gt 1) { foreach ($str in $InputObject) { if($SkipComments.IsPresent) { if ($Str.Contains("<#")) { $inCommentSection = $true Write-Verbose "in commentssection" } $trimmed = $str.TrimStart() if ($PreviousStr.Contains("#>")) { Write-Verbose "end of commentssection" $inCommentSection = $false } $PreviousStr = $str if ($trimmed.StartsWith("#") -or $inCommentSection -eq $true) { continue } } Write-Verbose "Searching [$str] for [$SearchString]" $stringlength = $str.length $searchTextLength = $SearchString.Length $replaced = $str.ToLower().Replace($SearchString.ToLower(),"") $foundCount = ($stringlength - $replaced.length) / $searchTextLength $count += $foundCount } } else { foreach ($str in $InputObject) { if($SkipComments.IsPresent) { if ($Str.Contains("<#")) { $inCommentSection = $true Write-Verbose "Start of comment ssection" } $trimmed = $str.TrimStart() if ($PreviousStr.Contains("#>")) { Write-Verbose "End of comment ssection" $inCommentSection = $false } $PreviousStr = $str if ($trimmed.StartsWith("#") -or $inCommentSection -eq $true) { Write-Verbose "Skipping searching [$str] for [$SearchString]" continue } } Write-Verbose "Searching [$str] for [$SearchString]" foreach ($char in $str.ToCharArray()) { if ($char -eq $SearchString) { $count++ } } } } } END { [Pscustomobject]@{ SearchString = $SearchString Count = $count } } } Describe "Powershell Syntax Tests" { $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $here | Where-Object Name -notlike "*.Tests.ps1" #$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $here | Where-Object Name -eq "New-DynamicParam.ps1" foreach ($file in $files) { $content = Get-Content -Path $file.fullname -Encoding UTF8 -ReadCount 0 -Raw $fileName = $file.FileName $name = $file.BaseName.Replace(".Tests","") $functionNameCount = Measure-String -InputObject $content -SearchString $name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count $quotes = Measure-String -InputObject $content -SearchString "'" -SkipComments | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count $doubleQuotes = Measure-String -InputObject $content -SearchString '"' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count $doubleDollar = Measure-String -InputObject $content -SearchString '$$' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count $ifFormatting = Measure-String -InputObject $content -SearchString "if(" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count $foreachFormatting = Measure-String -InputObject $content -SearchString "foreach(" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count $cmdletbindingCount = Measure-String -InputObject $content -SearchString "cmdletbinding(" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count $aliasExceptions = @("foreach","h","r","type") $aliases = Get-Alias | Where Name -notin $aliasExceptions | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name $fixmeCount = Measure-String -InputObject $content -SearchString "FIXme" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count foreach ($alias in $aliases) { $aliasCount = (Measure-String -InputObject $content -SearchString " $alias " -SkipComments).Count if ($aliasCount -ne 0) { It "[$name] should not use Alias [$alias]" { $aliasCount | Should Be 0 } } } It "[$name] should not be null" { $content | Should Not Be $null } It "[$name] should match function Name" { $functionNameCount | Should Not Be 0 } It "[$name] Quotes count should be even" { $quotes % 2 | Should Be 0 } It "[$name] doubleQuotes count should be even" { $doubleQuotes % 2 | Should Be 0 } It "[$name] double dollar count should be 0" { $doubleDollar | Should Be 0 } It "[$name] should not have if() formatting" { $ifFormatting | Should Be 0 } It "[$name] should not have foreach() formatting" { $foreachFormatting | Should Be 0 } It "[$name] should have cmdletbinding specified" { $cmdletbindingCount | should BeGreaterThan 0 } It "[$name] should not have [FIXme] comment" { $fixmeCount | should be 0 } $aliasCount = 0 } } |