#$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path #$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.' #. "$here\$sut" $modulePath = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent $modulepath = Join-Path -Path $modulePath -ChildPath posharm.psd1 Import-Module $modulePath Describe "New-ARMparameter" { $ExpectedParm = @{ Name = 'Resource' Type = 'string' DefaultValue = 'meh' AllowedValues = @("meh", "det","foo") MinValue = 1 MaxValue = 3 MinLength = '3' MaxLength = '99' Description = 'Description' Metadata = @{Comment="yalla"} } $actualParameter = New-ARMparameter @ExpectedParm Context "Create object" { $actual = $actualParameter.($ExpectedParm.Name) It "Should create a new parameter object" { $actualParameter | Should not Be $null } It "Should be of type [PScustomObject]" { $actualParameter.GetType().Name | Should be "PScustomObject" } It "Should create a PSCustomObject with PStypeName 'ARMparameter'" { $actualParameter.pstypenames[0] | Should be "ARMparameter" } It "Should create a property with name [$($ExpectedParm.Name)]" { $actual | Should not be $null } it "Should have a type with value [$($ExpectedParm.Type)]" { $actual.Type | Should be $ExpectedParm.Type } It "Should have an DefaultValue of [$($ExpectedParm.DefaultValue)]" { $actual.DefaultValue | Should be $ExpectedParm.DefaultValue } $actualValue = $actual.AllowedValues -join "" $expectedValue = $ExpectedParm.AllowedValues -join "" It "Should have AllowedValues equal [$expectedValue]" { $actualValue | Should be $expectedValue } It "Should have an MinValue of [$($ExpectedParm.MinValue)]" { $actual.MinValue | Should be $ExpectedParm.MinValue } It "Should have an MaxValue [$($ExpectedParm.MaxValue)]" { $actual.MaxValue | Should be $ExpectedParm.MaxValue } It "Should have an MinLength [$($ExpectedParm.MinLength)]" { $actual.MinLength | Should be $ExpectedParm.MinLength } It "Should have an MaxLength [$($ExpectedParm.MaxLength)]" { $actual.MaxLength | Should be $ExpectedParm.MaxLength } $meta = $actual.MetaData It "Should have a MetaData property [$(($meta | Out-HashString) -replace [environment]::NewLine,'')]" { $meta | should not be $null } It "MetaData should be of type [PScustomObject]" { $meta.GetType().Name | Should be "PScustomObject" } It "MetaData should have an Comment property with value [$($ExpectedParm.Metadata.Comment)]" { $meta.Comment | Should be $ExpectedParm.Metadata.Comment } It "MetaData should have an Description property with value [$($ExpectedParm.Description)]" { $meta.Description | Should be $ExpectedParm.Description } } } Remove-Module -name posharm -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |