#$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path #$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.' #. "$here\$sut" #Import-Module "C:\Users\tore\Dropbox\SourceTreeRepros\PoshARM\PoshARM.psd1" $modulePath = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent $modulepath = Join-Path -Path $modulePath -ChildPath posharm.psd1 Import-Module $modulePath Describe "Get-ARMvariable" { New-ArmTemplate $expected1 = @{ Name = "Var1" value = "Foo-bar1" } $expected2 = @{ Name = "Var2" Value = "FooBar2" } New-ARMvariable @expected1 | Add-ARMvariable New-ARMvariable @expected2 | Add-ARMvariable $actual1 = Get-ARMvariable -Name Var1 $actual2 = Get-ARMvariable -Name Var2 It "Should return all variables if no name is provided" { ((Get-ARMvariable).PSobject.Properties | Measure-Object).Count | Should be 2 } It "Variable object 1 should not be `$null" { $actual1 | Should not be $null } It "Variable object 1 should have a property named [$($expected1.Name)]" { $actual1.($expected1.Name) | Should not be $null } It "Variable object 2 should not be `$null" { $actual2 | Should not be $null } It "Variable object 2 should have a property named [$($expected2.Name)]" { $actual2.($expected2.Name) | Should not be $null } $name = $expected1.Name $actualValue = $actual1.$name It "'$name' should have a property value of [$($expected1.value)]" { $actualValue | Should be $expected1.value } $name = $expected2.Name $actualValue = $actual2.$name It "'$name' should have a property value of [$($expected2.value)]" { $actualValue | Should be $expected2.Value } } |