#$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path #$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.' #. "$here\$sut" $modulePath = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent $modulepath = Join-Path -Path $modulePath -ChildPath posharm.psd1 Import-Module $modulePath Describe "Add-ARMresource" { New-ArmTemplate $expected = @{ APIversion = '2016-03-30' Name = 'MyVM' Location = 'EAST-US' Tags = @{tag=1} Comments = 'hey' DependsOn = @("item1","item2") SKU = @{name="Standard_LRS"} Kind = 'storage' Properties = @{prop1=1} Type = 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' } $actual = New-ARMresource @expected Context "Without pipeline" { Add-ARMresource -InputObject $actual $template = Get-ARMTemplate It "Should add a resource to a template" { $template.resources.count | should be 1 } $actualResource = $template.resources[0] It "Should have name property with value [$($expected.Name)]" { $actualResource.name | should be $expected.Name } It "Should be of type Array" { $template.resources -is [array] | Should be $true } } Context "With pipeline" { New-ArmTemplate $actual | Add-ARMresource $template = Get-ARMTemplate It "Should add a resource to a template" { $template.resources.count | should be 1 } $actualResource = $null $actualResource = $template.resources[0] It "Should have name property with value [$($expected.Name)]" { $actualResource.name | should be $expected.Name } It "Should be of type Array" { $template.resources -is [array] | Should be $true } } } Remove-Module -name posharm -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |