#Requires -Version 5.0 function New-ARMparameter { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a new ARM template parameter .DESCRIPTION Create a new ARM template parameter .PARAMETER Name The name of the parameter. This is Mandatory .PARAMETER Type The parameter type. Allowed values are "string","secureString","int","bool","object","secureObject","array" .EXAMPLE New-ARMparameter -Name adminUsername -Type String This will create a new parameter named adminUsername of type String .EXAMPLE $AllowedValues = @{ AllowedValues = "2008-R2-SP1","2012-Datacenter","2012-R2-Datacenter","2016-Nano-Server","2016-Datacenter-with-Containers","2016-Datacenter" } New-ARMparameter -Name windowsOSVersion -Type String -DefaultValue "2016-Datacenter" @allowedValues This will create a new parameter named windowsOSVersion of type String, with a default value of "2016-Datacenter" which is in the allowedValues list/array .INPUTS String .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject .NOTES Author: Tore Groneng Website: Twitter: @ToreGroneng #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Name , [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet("string","secureString","int","bool","object","secureObject","array")] [string] $Type , $DefaultValue , $AllowedValues , $MinValue , $MaxValue , $MinLength , $MaxLength , $Description , $Metadata ) $propHash = [ordered]@{ type = $Type } if ($DefaultValue) { $null = $propHash.defaultValue = $DefaultValue } if ($AllowedValues) { $null = $propHash.allowedValues = $AllowedValues } if ($MinValue) { $null = $propHash.minValue = $MinValue } if ($MaxValue) { $null = $propHash.maxValue = $MaxValue } if ($MinLength) { $null = $propHash.minLength = $MinLength } if ($MaxLength) { $null = $propHash.maxLength = $MaxLength } if ($Description) { Write-Verbose -Message "Adding description" $null = $propHash.metadata = @{description = $Description} } if ($Metadata) { $null = $propHash.metadata += $Metadata } $out = [PSCustomobject]@{ PSTypeName = "ARMparameter" $Name = [PSCustomobject]$propHash } $out } |