
Function Add-SoftwareDeliveryItem {

    Add software resource or task to the policy.

.PARAMETER policyGuid
    Policy Guid (existing or returned by CreatePolicy(String, String) method.

.PARAMETER softwareOrTaskGuid
    Software resource guid or task guid.

    Add new software resource.
SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement policyManagement = new SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement();
Guid policyGuid = new Guid("060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18");
Guid softwareResourceGuid = new Guid("B70D80F2-DF32-41f9-A06F-A9EAA8B7FB0E");
DeliveryItemDetails deliveryItem = policyManagement.AddDeliveryItem(policyGuid, softwareResourceGuid);
set policyManagement = CreateObject("Altiris.ASDK.SWM.SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement")
policyGuid = "060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18"
softwareResourceGuid = "B70D80F2-DF32-41f9-A06F-A9EAA8B7FB0E"
set deliveryItem = policyManagement.AddDeliveryItem(policyGuid, softwareResourceGuid)
set SWM=AltirisASDKSWM.exe
set POLICY_GUID=060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18
%SWM% cmd:AddDeliveryItem "policyGuid:%POLICY_GUID%" "softwareOrTaskGuid:%SOFTWARE_RESOURCE_GUID%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    Policy can be created using CreatePolicy(String, String) method.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            policyGuid = $policyGuid
             softwareOrTaskGuid = $softwareOrTaskGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.SWM/SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagementService.asmx/AddDeliveryItem"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function New-SoftwareDeliveryPolicy {

    Create empty managed software delivery policy.

    Policy name. Can't be null or empty.

.PARAMETER description
    Policy description. If null then policy will have empty description.

    Create a new policy named "Software Workspace Virtualization 6.1 SP7" with "This policy installs SWV 6.1.1240 build":
SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement policyManagement = new SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement();
Guid policyGuid = policyManagement.CreatePolicy("Software Workspace Virtualization 6.1 SP7",
  "This policy installs SWV 6.1.1240 build");
set policyManagement = CreateObject("Altiris.ASDK.SWM.SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement")
policyGuid = policyManagement.CreatePolicy("Software Workspace Virtualization 6.1 SP7", "This policy installs SWV 6.1.1240 build")
set SWM=AltirisASDKSWM.exe
set POLICY_NAME=Software Workspace Virtualization 6.1 SP7
set POLICY_DESC=This policy installs SWV 6.1.1240 build
%SWM% cmd:CreatePolicy "name:%POLICY_NAME%" "description:%POLICY_DESC%"
for /f "tokens=2" %%a in (temp.txt) do @(@set POLICY_GUID=%%a)
echo Created policy %POLICY_GUID%
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    The default settings for this policy can be changed by SetDefaultPolicySetting(String, String) method.
Policy will be created in the "Policies\Software\Managed Software Delivery" folder. Policy state will be disabled.
Software resources or tasks can be added to the policy using AddDeliveryItem(Guid, Guid) method.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            name = $name
             description = $description


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.SWM/SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagementService.asmx/CreatePolicy"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Get-SoftwareDeliveryDefaultPolicySetting {

    Get default policy setting. This methods allows to find out which settings will be used for policy created by CreatePolicy(String, String) method.

.PARAMETER settingName
    Setting name. See remark section for a list of supported setting names.

    Get default policy setting "Prompt user when this policy is available".
SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement policyManagement = new SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement();
string flag = policyManagement.GetDefaultPolicySetting("Prompt user when this policy is available");
bool result;
if (Boolean.TryParse(flag, out result))
set policyManagement = CreateObject("Altiris.ASDK.SWM.SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement")
flag = policyManagement.GetDefaultPolicySetting("Prompt user when this policy is available")
set SWM=AltirisASDKSWM.exe
set SETTING_NAME=Prompt user when this policy is available
%SWM% cmd:GetDefaultPolicySetting "settingName:%SETTING_NAME%"
for /f "tokens=2" %%a in (temp.txt) do @(@set SETTING_VALUE=%%a)
echo Default policy setting %SETTING_VALUE%
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    Setting names are case insensitive.
You can provide only first letters of the setting name that unique identifies setting. For example "perform". There are synonyms for setting name. You can use either name.
This method always returns value converted to string using invarian culture.
Setting nameSetting value
"Power on computers if necessary" or "PowerOn"boolean
"Use this profile when connecting to out-of-band technology-enabled computers" or "UseProfile"profile Guid
"Compliance scheduling" or "ComplianceSchedule"schedule XML
"Allow user to turn on policy from the Symantec Management Agent" or "UserCanRun"boolean
"User must turn on from Symantec Management Agent" or "UserMustRun"boolean
"Prompt user when this policy is available" or "PromptUser"boolean
"Install"NoRemediation | ASAP | UseMaintenanceWindow | RegisteredSchedule
"Remediation schedule" or "RemediationSchedule"schedule XML
"DownloadLocation" or "Destination download location"path or "" for default location
"UseDefaultDownloadSettings" or "Use the default Symantec Management Agent settings to download"boolean
"RunBandwidth" or "Run from the server if bandwidth is above"1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 256, 512, 1024, 0 or Always, -1 or Never
"DownloadBandwidth" or "Download and run locally if bandwidth is above"1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 256, 512, 1024, 0 or None, -1 or Never
"AllowMulticasting" or "Allow multicasting for package delivery"boolean
"DeleteIfUnused" or "Delete package from client computer if unused for"integer from 0 to 365, or -1 to disable deletion
"RunAs"SystemAccount, LoggedInAccount, SpecifiedAccount
"UserPassword"string; Can be only set
"TaskCanRun" or "Task can run"UserIsLoggedOn, UserIsNotLoggedOn, None
"RepeatTask" or "Repeat this task for each logged on user"boolean
"AllowInteraction" or "Allow user to interact with installing software"boolean
"DisplayWindow" or "Display window"Normal, Maximized, Minimized, Hidden
"PromptBeforeRunning" or "Prompt user before running"boolean
"MaxExecutionDeferral" or "Allow user to defer up to a total of"number of minutes up to 79200, 0 to disable deferral
"ActionAfterRun" or "Upon success"Logoff, Restart, NoAction
"MaxActionDeferral" or "Allow user to defer action up to"number of minutes up to 79200, 0 to disable deferral
"CloseApplications" or "Force running applications to close"boolean
"Upon failure the Managed Delivery will" or "ActionUponFailure"Abort | Continue | Repeat
"Terminate after" or "TerminateAfter"int
"Max retries" or "MaxRetries"int

    param (

    $Body = @{

            settingName = $settingName


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.SWM/SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagementService.asmx/GetDefaultPolicySetting"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Get-SoftwareDeliveryItems {

    Get policy delivery item(s). Type of the delivery item can found by examining Type member of returned DeliveryItemDetails structure.

.PARAMETER policyGuid
    Policy guid.

    Get delivery items.
SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement policyManagement = new SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement();
Guid policyGuid = new Guid("060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18");
DeliveryItemDetails[] deliveryItems = policyManagement.GetDeliveryItems(policyGuid);
set policyManagement = CreateObject("Altiris.ASDK.SWM.SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement")
policyGuid = "060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18"
deliveryItems = policyManagement.GetDeliveryItems(policyGuid)
set SWM=AltirisASDKSWM.exe
set POLICY_GUID=060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18
%SWM% cmd:GetDeliveryItems "policyGuid:%POLICY_GUID%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    Delivery item can be added using AddDeliveryItem(Guid, Guid) method.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            policyGuid = $policyGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.SWM/SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagementService.asmx/GetDeliveryItems"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Get-SoftwareDeliveryItemSetting {

    Get delivery item settings.

.PARAMETER policyGuid
    Policy guid.

.PARAMETER deliveryItemGuid
    Delivery item guid.

.PARAMETER settingName
    Setting name. See remark section for a list of supported setting names.

    Get delivery item setting "Perform software compliance check".
SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement policyManagement = new SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement();
Guid policyGuid = new Guid("060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18");
Guid deliveryItemGuid = new Guid("827D9A7C-0764-4af8-AF71-313ED7607C50");
string flag = policyManagement.GetDeliveryItemSetting(policyGuid, deliveryItemGuid, "Perform software compliance check");
set policyManagement = CreateObject("Altiris.ASDK.SWM.SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement")
policyGuid = "060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18"
deliveryItemGuid = "827D9A7C-0764-4af8-AF71-313ED7607C50"
flag = policyManagement.GetDeliveryItemSetting(policyGuid, deliveryItemGuid, "Perform software compliance check")
set SWM=AltirisASDKSWM.exe
set POLICY_GUID=060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18
set DELIVERY_ITEM_GUID=060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18
set SETTING_NAME=Perform software compliance check
%SWM% cmd:GetDeliveryItemSetting "policyGuid:%POLICY_GUID%" "deliveryItemGuid:%DELIVERY_ITEM_GUID%" "settingName:%SETTING_NAME%"
for /f "tokens=2" %%a in (temp.txt) do @(@set SETTING_VALUE=%%a)
echo Delivery Item Setting %SETTING_VALUE%
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    Setting names are case insensitive.
You can provide only first letters of the setting name that unique identifies setting. For example "perform". There are synonyms for setting name. You can use either name.
This method always uses value converted to string using invarian culture.
Software delivery item setting names:
Setting nameSetting value
"Perform software compliance check" or "ComplianceCheck"boolean
"Command line" or "Commandline"Command line Guid
"Package"Package Guid
"Automatically upgrade software that has been superseded by this software" or "UpgradeSuperseded"boolean
"Do not install if a newer version of this software is already installed" or "NoDowngrade"boolean
"DownloadLocation" or "Destination download location"path or "" for default location
"UseDefaultDownloadSettings" or "Use the default Symantec Management Agent settings to download"boolean
"RunBandwidth" or "Run from the server if bandwidth is above"1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 256, 512, 1024, 0 or Always, -1 or Never
"DownloadBandwidth" or "Download and run locally if bandwidth is above"1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 256, 512, 1024, 0 or None, -1 or Never
"AllowMulticasting" or "Allow multicasting for package delivery"boolean
"DeleteIfUnused" or "Delete package from client computer if unused for"integer from 0 to 365, or -1 to disable deletion
"RunAs"SystemAccount, LoggedInAccount, SpecifiedAccount
"UserPassword"string; Can be only set
"TaskCanRun" or "Task can run"UserIsLoggedOn, UserIsNotLoggedOn, None
"RepeatTask" or "Repeat this task for each logged on user"boolean
"AllowInteraction" or "Allow user to interact with installing software"boolean
"DisplayWindow" or "Display window"Normal, Maximized, Minimized, Hidden
"PromptBeforeRunning" or "Prompt user before running"boolean
"MaxExecutionDeferral" or "Allow user to defer up to a total of"number of minutes up to 79200, 0 to disable deferral
"ActionAfterRun" or "Upon success"Logoff, Restart, NoAction
"MaxActionDeferral" or "Allow user to defer action up to"number of minutes up to 79200, 0 to disable deferral
"CloseApplications" or "Force running applications to close"boolean
"Upon failure the Managed Delivery will" or "ActionUponFailure"Abort | Continue | Repeat
"Terminate after" or "TerminateAfter"int
"Max retries" or "MaxRetries"int

Task delivery setting names:
Setting nameSetting value
"Override the policy settings for this task" or "OverridePolicy"boolean
"Upon failure the Managed Delivery will" or "ActionUponFailure"Abort | Continue | Repeat
"Terminate after" or "TerminateAfter"int
"Max retries" or "MaxRetries"int

    param (

    $Body = @{

            policyGuid = $policyGuid
             deliveryItemGuid = $deliveryItemGuid
             settingName = $settingName


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.SWM/SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagementService.asmx/GetDeliveryItemSetting"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Get-SoftwareDeliveryPolicySetting {

    Get policy setting value.

.PARAMETER policyGuid
    Policy guid.

.PARAMETER settingName
    Setting name. See remark section for a list of supported setting names.

    Get "Prompt user when this policy is available" for Software virtualization agent rollout policy.
SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement policyManagement = new SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement();
Guid rolloutPolicyGuid = new Guid("060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18");
string flag = policyManagement.GetPolicySetting(rolloutPolicyGuid, "Prompt user when this policy is available");
bool result;
if (Boolean.TryParse(flag, out result))
set policyManagement = CreateObject("Altiris.ASDK.SWM.SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement")
rolloutPolicyGuid = "060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18"
flag = policyManagement.GetPolicySetting(rolloutPolicyGuid, "Prompt user when this policy is available")
set SWM=AltirisASDKSWM.exe
set POLICY_GUID=060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18
set SETTING_NAME=Prompt user when this policy is available
%SWM% cmd:GetPolicySetting "policyGuid:%POLICY_GUID%" "settingName:%SETTING_NAME%"
for /f "tokens=2" %%a in (temp.txt) do @(@set SETTING_VALUE=%%a)
echo Policy setting value %SETTING_VALUE%
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    Setting names are case insensitive.
You can provide only first letters of the setting name that unique identifies setting. For example "perform". There are synonyms for setting name. You can use either name.
This method always returns value converted to string using invarian culture.
Setting nameSetting value
"Power on computers if necessary" or "PowerOn"boolean
"Use this profile when connecting to out-of-band technology-enabled computers" or "UseProfile"profile Guid
"Compliance scheduling" or "ComplianceSchedule"schedule XML
"Allow user to turn on policy from the Symantec Management Agent" or "UserCanRun"boolean
"User must turn on from Symantec Management Agent" or "UserMustRun"boolean
"Prompt user when this policy is available" or "PromptUser"boolean
"Install"NoRemediation | ASAP | UseMaintenanceWindow | RegisteredSchedule
"Remediation schedule" or "RemediationSchedule"schedule XML
"Virtual layer name" or "VirtualLayer"Virtual layer name or "" to disable installation into virtual layer
"Display name" or "DisplayName"The name displayed in the Symantec Management Agent
"Display description" or "DisplayDescription"The description displayed in the Symantec Management Agent
"Enable verbose reporting" or "EnableVerbose"boolean

    param (

    $Body = @{

            policyGuid = $policyGuid
             settingName = $settingName


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.SWM/SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagementService.asmx/GetPolicySetting"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Remove-SoftwareDeliveryItem {

    Remove delivery item from policy.

.PARAMETER policyGuid
    Policy guid.

.PARAMETER deliveryItemGuid
    Delivery item guid.

    Remove delivery item.
SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement policyManagement = new SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement();
Guid policyGuid = new Guid("060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18");
Guid deliveryItemGuid = new Guid("827D9A7C-0764-4af8-AF71-313ED7607C50");
policyManagement.RemoveDeliveryItem(policyGuid, deliveryItemGuid);
set policyManagement = CreateObject("Altiris.ASDK.SWM.SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement")
policyGuid = "060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18"
deliveryItemGuid = "827D9A7C-0764-4af8-AF71-313ED7607C50"
call policyManagement.RemoveDeliveryItem(policyGuid, deliveryItemGuid)
set SWM=AltirisASDKSWM.exe
set POLICY_GUID=060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18
set DELIVERY_ITEM_GUID=060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18
%SWM% cmd:RemoveDeliveryItem "policyGuid:%POLICY_GUID%" "deliveryItemGuid:%DELIVERY_ITEM_GUID%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    This method only removes reference to the software resource or task from policy. The software resource or task itself are not affected.
Delivery item can be added using AddDeliveryItem(Guid, Guid) method.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            policyGuid = $policyGuid
             deliveryItemGuid = $deliveryItemGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.SWM/SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagementService.asmx/RemoveDeliveryItem"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Set-SoftwareDeliveryDefaultPolicySetting {

    Set default policy settings.

.PARAMETER settingName
    Setting name. See remark section for a list of supported setting names.

    Setting value.

    Set defult policy setting "Prompt user when this policy is available".
SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement policyManagement = new SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement();
policyManagement.SetDefaultPolicySetting("Prompt user when this policy is available", "true");
set policyManagement = CreateObject("Altiris.ASDK.SWM.SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement")
call policyManagement.SetDefaultPolicySetting("Prompt user when this policy is available", "true")
set SWM=AltirisASDKSWM.exe
set SETTING_NAME=Prompt user when this policy is available
%SWM% cmd:SetDefaultPolicySetting "settingName:%SETTING_NAME%" "value:%SETTING_VALUE%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    Setting names are case insensitive.
You can provide only first letters of the setting name that unique identifies setting. For example "perform". There are synonyms for setting name. You can use either name.
This method always uses value converted to string using invarian culture.
Setting nameSetting value
"Power on computers if necessary" or "PowerOn"boolean
"Use this profile when connecting to out-of-band technology-enabled computers" or "UseProfile"profile Guid
"Compliance scheduling" or "ComplianceSchedule"schedule XML
"Allow user to turn on policy from the Symantec Management Agent" or "UserCanRun"boolean
"User must turn on from Symantec Management Agent" or "UserMustRun"boolean
"Prompt user when this policy is available" or "PromptUser"boolean
"Install"NoRemediation | ASAP | UseMaintenanceWindow | RegisteredSchedule
"Remediation schedule" or "RemediationSchedule"schedule XML
"DownloadLocation" or "Destination download location"path or "" for default location
"UseDefaultDownloadSettings" or "Use the default Symantec Management Agent settings to download"boolean
"RunBandwidth" or "Run from the server if bandwidth is above"1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 256, 512, 1024, 0 or Always, -1 or Never
"DownloadBandwidth" or "Download and run locally if bandwidth is above"1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 256, 512, 1024, 0 or None, -1 or Never
"AllowMulticasting" or "Allow multicasting for package delivery"boolean
"DeleteIfUnused" or "Delete package from client computer if unused for"integer from 0 to 365, or -1 to disable deletion
"RunAs"SystemAccount, LoggedInAccount, SpecifiedAccount
"UserPassword"string; Can be only set
"TaskCanRun" or "Task can run"UserIsLoggedOn, UserIsNotLoggedOn, None
"RepeatTask" or "Repeat this task for each logged on user"boolean
"AllowInteraction" or "Allow user to interact with installing software"boolean
"DisplayWindow" or "Display window"Normal, Maximized, Minimized, Hidden
"PromptBeforeRunning" or "Prompt user before running"boolean
"MaxExecutionDeferral" or "Allow user to defer up to a total of"number of minutes up to 79200, 0 to disable deferral
"ActionAfterRun" or "Upon success"Logoff, Restart, NoAction
"MaxActionDeferral" or "Allow user to defer action up to"number of minutes up to 79200, 0 to disable deferral
"CloseApplications" or "Force running applications to close"boolean
"Upon failure the Managed Delivery will" or "ActionUponFailure"Abort | Continue | Repeat
"Terminate after" or "TerminateAfter"int
"Max retries" or "MaxRetries"int

    param (

    $Body = @{

            settingName = $settingName
             value = $value


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.SWM/SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagementService.asmx/SetDefaultPolicySetting"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Set-SoftwareDeliveryItemSetting {

    Set delivery item setting value.

.PARAMETER policyGuid
    Policy guid.

.PARAMETER deliveryItemGuid
    Delivery item guid.

.PARAMETER settingName
    Setting name.

    Setting value.

    Set "Perform software compliance check" for delivery item.
SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement policyManagement = new SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement();
Guid policyGuid = new Guid("060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18");
Guid deliveryItemGuid = new Guid("827D9A7C-0764-4af8-AF71-313ED7607C50");
policyManagement.SetDeliveryItemSetting(policyGuid, deliveryItemGuid, "Perform software compliance check", "true");
set policyManagement = CreateObject("Altiris.ASDK.SWM.SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement")
rolloutPolicyGuid = "060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18"
deliveryItemGuid = "827D9A7C-0764-4af8-AF71-313ED7607C50"
call policyManagement.SetDeliveryItemSetting(policyGuid, deliveryItemGuid, "Perform software compliance check", "true")
set SWM=AltirisASDKSWM.exe
set POLICY_GUID=060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18
set DELIVERY_ITEM_GUID=060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18
set SETTING_NAME=Perform software compliance check
%SWM% cmd:SetDeliveryItemSetting "policyGuid:%POLICY_GUID%" "deliveryItemGuid:%DELIVERY_ITEM_GUID%" "settingName:%SETTING_NAME%" "value:%SETTING_VALUE%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    Policy guid or delivery item guid or setting name is empty. Policy or delivery item does not exist Policy is not Managed Delivery Policy or delivery item is not Software Delivery Item or Task Delivery Item If setting is not implemented If delivery item setting can't be set. Look at inner exception for more details.
Setting names are case insensitive.
You can provide only first letters of the setting name that unique identifies setting. For example "perform". There are synonyms for setting name. You can use either name.
This method always returns value converted to string using invarian culture.
Software delivery item setting names:
Setting nameSetting value
"Perform software compliance check" or "ComplianceCheck"boolean
"Command line" or "Commandline"Command line Guid
"Package"Package Guid
"Automatically upgrade software that has been superseded by this software" or "UpgradeSuperseded"boolean
"Do not install if a newer version of this software is already installed" or "NoDowngrade"boolean
"DownloadLocation" or "Destination download location"path or "" for default location
"UseDefaultDownloadSettings" or "Use the default Symantec Management Agent settings to download"boolean
"RunBandwidth" or "Run from the server if bandwidth is above"1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 256, 512, 1024, 0 or Always, -1 or Never
"DownloadBandwidth" or "Download and run locally if bandwidth is above"1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 256, 512, 1024, 0 or None, -1 or Never
"AllowMulticasting" or "Allow multicasting for package delivery"boolean
"DeleteIfUnused" or "Delete package from client computer if unused for"integer from 0 to 365, or -1 to disable deletion
"RunAs"SystemAccount, LoggedInAccount, SpecifiedAccount
"UserPassword"string; Can be only set
"TaskCanRun" or "Task can run"UserIsLoggedOn, UserIsNotLoggedOn, None
"RepeatTask" or "Repeat this task for each logged on user"boolean
"AllowInteraction" or "Allow user to interact with installing software"boolean
"DisplayWindow" or "Display window"Normal, Maximized, Minimized, Hidden
"PromptBeforeRunning" or "Prompt user before running"boolean
"MaxExecutionDeferral" or "Allow user to defer up to a total of"number of minutes up to 79200, 0 to disable deferral
"ActionAfterRun" or "Upon success"Logoff, Restart, NoAction
"MaxActionDeferral" or "Allow user to defer action up to"number of minutes up to 79200, 0 to disable deferral
"CloseApplications" or "Force running applications to close"boolean
"Upon failure the Managed Delivery will" or "ActionUponFailure"Abort | Continue | Repeat
"Terminate after" or "TerminateAfter"int
"Max retries" or "MaxRetries"int

Task delivery setting names:
Setting nameSetting value
"Override the policy settings for this task" or "OverridePolicy"boolean
"Upon failure the Managed Delivery will" or "ActionUponFailure"Abort | Continue | Repeat
"Terminate after" or "TerminateAfter"int
"Max retries" or "MaxRetries"int

    param (

    $Body = @{

            policyGuid = $policyGuid
             deliveryItemGuid = $deliveryItemGuid
             settingName = $settingName
             value = $value


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.SWM/SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagementService.asmx/SetDeliveryItemSetting"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Set-SoftwareDeliveryPolicySetting {

    Set policy setting value.

.PARAMETER policyGuid
    Policy guid.

.PARAMETER settingName
    Setting name. See remark section for a list of supported setting names.

    Setting value.

    Set "Prompt user when this policy is available" for Software virtualization agent rollout policy.
SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement policyManagement = new SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement();
Guid rolloutPolicyGuid = new Guid("060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18");
policyManagement.SetPolicySetting(rolloutPolicyGuid, "Prompt user when this policy is available", "true");
set policyManagement = CreateObject("Altiris.ASDK.SWM.SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagement")
rolloutPolicyGuid = "060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18"
call policyManagement.SetPolicySetting(rolloutPolicyGuid, "Prompt user when this policy is available", "true")
set SWM=AltirisASDKSWM.exe
set POLICY_GUID=060A1BDA-7056-4D22-9CA2-78D82CA68F18
set SETTING_NAME=Prompt user when this policy is available
%SWM% cmd:SetPolicySetting "policyGuid:%POLICY_GUID%" "settingName:%SETTING_NAME%" "value:%SETTING_VALUE%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    Setting names are case insensitive.
You can provide only first letters of the setting name that unique identifies setting. For example "perform". There are synonyms for setting name. You can use either name.
This method always uses value converted to string using invarian culture.
Setting nameSetting value
"Power on computers if necessary" or "PowerOn"boolean
"Use this profile when connecting to out-of-band technology-enabled computers" or "UseProfile"profile Guid
"Compliance scheduling" or "ComplianceSchedule"schedule XML
"Allow user to turn on policy from the Symantec Management Agent" or "UserCanRun"boolean
"User must turn on from Symantec Management Agent" or "UserMustRun"boolean
"Prompt user when this policy is available" or "PromptUser"boolean
"Install"NoRemediation | ASAP | UseMaintenanceWindow | RegisteredSchedule
"Remediation schedule" or "RemediationSchedule"schedule XML
"Virtual layer name" or "VirtualLayer"Virtual layer name or "" to disable installation into virtual layer
"Display name" or "DisplayName"The name displayed in the Symantec Management Agent
"Display description" or "DisplayDescription"The description displayed in the Symantec Management Agent
"Enable verbose reporting" or "EnableVerbose"boolean

    param (

    $Body = @{

            policyGuid = $policyGuid
             settingName = $settingName
             value = $value


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.SWM/SoftwareDeliveryPolicyManagementService.asmx/SetPolicySetting"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials
