
Function New-HierarchyCustomEventRule {

    Create a custom Hierarchy event replication rule

    the name of the rule

.PARAMETER description
    rule description

.PARAMETER enabled
    whether rule is enabled

.PARAMETER customScheduleXml
    XML fragment defining a custom schedule for the rule. This XML's outer element must be "<Trigger/>"; see the remarks section, below.

.PARAMETER replicationType
    Specifies whether to identify the resources to replicate by ResourceType or by ResourceTarget. Permitted input values are, respectively, "ResourceType" or "ResourceTarget"

.PARAMETER resourceIdentificationGuids
    comma-delimited list of GUIDs that together define the resources subject to this rule. These Guids must represent resource types or resource targets. More specifically, the GUID item must be of class type "ResourceTypeItem" or "ResourceTarget."

.PARAMETER eventClassGuids
    specifies the event classes to be replicated

    the maximum number of rows this rule will send upon replication

    if true, replication will resend all entities, regardless of their timestamp

.PARAMETER direction
    direction of replication, either Up or Down the hierarchy

.PARAMETER parentFolderGuid
    parent folder GUID of the rule

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string scheduleXml = "<Trigger Type='1' Duration='0' Interval='0' KillAtEnd='0' Disabled='0' Description='At 9:00 AM every day, starting Wednesday, 1 January 2003'><BeginDate>2003-01-01 09:00:00</BeginDate><DaysInterval>1</DaysInterval></Trigger>";
string resourceIdGuids = "597ab6b8-1057-4a7d-b6f1-2665f07987cc";
string eventClassGuids = "{974FA2FB-C797-41b1-BCA7-0A285D0745D0}";
Guid parentFolderGuid = new Guid("312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558");
m_proxy.CreateCustomEventHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleXml, "ResourceType", resourceIdGuids, eventClassGuids, 10000, false, "Up", parentFolderGuid);
scheduleXml = "<Trigger Type='1' Duration='0' Interval='0' KillAtEnd='0' Disabled='0' Description='At 9:00 AM every day, starting Wednesday, 1 January 2003'><BeginDate>2003-01-01 09:00:00</BeginDate><DaysInterval>1</DaysInterval></Trigger>"
resourceIdGuids = "597ab6b8-1057-4a7d-b6f1-2665f07987cc"
eventClassGuids = "{3622ff1d-9684-4883-909c-d7d4cdb85100}"
parentFolderGuid = "{312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558}"
ruleGuid = hierarchyManagement.CreateCustomEventHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleXml, "ResourceType", resourceIdGuids, eventClassGuids, 10000, false, "Up", parentFolderGuid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:CreateCustomEventHierarchyRule "name:%ruleName%" "description:%ruleDescription%" "enabled:%enabled%" "customScheduleXml:%customScheduleXml%" "resourceType:%resType%" "resourceIdentificationGuids:%resourceIdGuids%" "eventClassGuids:%eventClassGuids%" "rowCount:%rowCount%" "resend:%resend%" "direction:%direction%" "parentFolderGuid:%parentFolder%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    Here is one example of the schedule xml:
<Trigger Type="1" Duration="0" Interval="0" KillAtEnd="0" Disabled="0" Description="At 9:00 AM every day, starting Wednesday, 1 January 2003">
     <BeginDate>2003-01-01 09:00:00</BeginDate>

    param (

    $Body = @{

            name = $name
             description = $description
             enabled = $enabled
             customScheduleXml = $customScheduleXml
             replicationType = $replicationType
             resourceIdentificationGuids = $resourceIdentificationGuids
             eventClassGuids = $eventClassGuids
             rowCount = $rowCount
             resend = $resend
             direction = $direction
             parentFolderGuid = $parentFolderGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/CreateCustomEventHierarchyRule"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function New-HierarchyCustomItemRule {

    Create a custom Hierarchy item replication rule

    the name of the rule

.PARAMETER description
    rule description

.PARAMETER enabled
    whether rule is enabled

.PARAMETER customScheduleXml
    XML fragment defining a custom schedule for the rule. This XML's outer element must be "<Trigger/>"; see the remarks section, below.

    Specifies the type of entity this rule will replicate. Currently, the only acceptable input value is "Item."

.PARAMETER collectionItemGuids
    the Item collection(s) this rule applies to. "Collection" in this context means the NS7 concept that is called a "filter" in the NS Console.

.PARAMETER parentFolderGuid
    parent folder GUID of the rule

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string scheduleXml = "<Trigger Type='1' Duration='0' Interval='0' KillAtEnd='0' Disabled='0' Description='At 9:00 AM every day, starting Wednesday, 1 January 2003'><BeginDate>2003-01-01 09:00:00</BeginDate><DaysInterval>1</DaysInterval></Trigger>";
string collectionGuids = "{eb3a1a12-e1c7-4431-b060-f0333e4e488c}";
Guid parentFolderGuid = new Guid("312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558");
m_proxy.CreateCustomItemHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleXml, "Item", collectionGuids, parentFolderGuid);
scheduleXml = "<Trigger Type='1' Duration='0' Interval='0' KillAtEnd='0' Disabled='0' Description='At 9:00 AM every day, starting Wednesday, 1 January 2003'><BeginDate>2003-01-01 09:00:00</BeginDate><DaysInterval>1</DaysInterval></Trigger>"
collectionGuids = "{eb3a1a12-e1c7-4431-b060-f0333e4e488c}"
parentFolderGuid = "{312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558}"
ruleGuid = hierarchyManagement.CreateCustomItemHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleXml, "Item", collectionGuids, parentFolderGuid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:CreateCustomItemHierarchyRule "name:%ruleName%" "description:%ruleDescription%" "enabled:%enabled%" "customScheduleXml:%customScheduleXml%" "ruleType:Item" "collectionItemGuids:%collectionGuids%" "parentFolderGuid:%parentFolder%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    Here is one example of the schedule xml:
<Trigger Type="1" Duration="0" Interval="0" KillAtEnd="0" Disabled="0" Description="At 9:00 AM every day, starting Wednesday, 1 January 2003">
     <BeginDate>2003-01-01 09:00:00</BeginDate>

    param (

    $Body = @{

            name = $name
             description = $description
             enabled = $enabled
             customScheduleXml = $customScheduleXml
             ruleType = $ruleType
             collectionItemGuids = $collectionItemGuids
             parentFolderGuid = $parentFolderGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/CreateCustomItemHierarchyRule"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function New-HierarchyCustomResourceRule {

    Create a Hierarchy resource replication rule for well-known objects and data running on a custom schedule.

    the name of the rule

.PARAMETER description
    rule description

.PARAMETER enabled
    whether rule is enabled

.PARAMETER customScheduleXml
    XML fragment defining a custom schedule for the rule. This XML's outer element must be "<Trigger/>"; see the remarks section, below.

.PARAMETER replicationType
    Specifies whether to identify the resources to replicate by ResourceType or by ResourceTarget. Permitted input values are, respectively, "ResourceType" or "ResourceTarget"

.PARAMETER resourceIdentificationGuids
    comma-delimited list of GUIDs that together define the resources subject to this rule. These Guids must represent Resource Types or Resource Targets.

.PARAMETER dataClassGuids
    comma-delimited list of the data classes to be replicated with the resources

.PARAMETER verificationEnabled
    true to enabled verification

.PARAMETER verificationLevel
    verification level

.PARAMETER direction
    direction of replication, either Up or Down the hierarchy

.PARAMETER parentFolderGuid
    parent folder GUID of the rule

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string scheduleXml = "<Trigger Type='1' Duration='0' Interval='0' KillAtEnd='0' Disabled='0' Description='At 9:00 AM every day, starting Wednesday, 1 January 2003'><BeginDate>2003-01-01 09:00:00</BeginDate><DaysInterval>1</DaysInterval></Trigger>";
string resourceIdGuids = "{493435f7-3b17-4c4c-b07f-c23e7ab7781f}";
string dataClassGuids = "{9e6f402a-6a45-4cba-9299-c2323f73a506}, {8ee53180-630e-438e-ad50-113610d2de13}";
Guid parentFolderGuid = new Guid("312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558");
m_proxy.CreateCustomResourceHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleXml, "ResourceType", resourceIdGuids, dataClassGuids, false, 0, "Up", parentFolderGuid);
scheduleXml = "<Trigger Type='1' Duration='0' Interval='0' KillAtEnd='0' Disabled='0' Description='At 9:00 AM every day, starting Wednesday, 1 January 2003'><BeginDate>2003-01-01 09:00:00</BeginDate><DaysInterval>1</DaysInterval></Trigger>"
resourceIdGuids = "{493435f7-3b17-4c4c-b07f-c23e7ab7781f}";
dataClassGuids = "{9e6f402a-6a45-4cba-9299-c2323f73a506}, {8ee53180-630e-438e-ad50-113610d2de13}";
parentFolderGuid = "{312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558}"
ruleGuid = hierarchyManagement.CreateCustomResourceHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleXml, "ResourceType", resourceIdGuids, dataClassGuids, false, 0, "Up", parentFolderGuid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:CreateCustomResourceHierarchyRule "name:%ruleName%" "description:%ruleDescription%" "enabled:%enabled%" "customScheduleXml:%scheduleXml%" "replicationType:%replicationType%" "resourceIdentificationGuids:%resourceIdGuids%" "dataClassGuids:%dataClassGuids%" "verificationEnabled:%verificationEnabled%" "verificationLevel:%verificationLevel%" "direction:%direction%" "parentFolderGuid:%parentFolder%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    Here is one example of the schedule xml:
<Trigger Type="1" Duration="0" Interval="0" KillAtEnd="0" Disabled="0" Description="At 9:00 AM every day, starting Wednesday, 1 January 2003">
     <BeginDate>2003-01-01 09:00:00</BeginDate>

    param (

    $Body = @{

            name = $name
             description = $description
             enabled = $enabled
             customScheduleXml = $customScheduleXml
             replicationType = $replicationType
             resourceIdentificationGuids = $resourceIdentificationGuids
             dataClassGuids = $dataClassGuids
             verificationEnabled = $verificationEnabled
             verificationLevel = $verificationLevel
             direction = $direction
             parentFolderGuid = $parentFolderGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/CreateCustomResourceHierarchyRule"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function New-HierarchyCustomSecurityRule {

    Create a custom Hierarchy security replication rule

    the name of the rule

.PARAMETER description
    rule description

.PARAMETER enabled
    whether rule is enabled

.PARAMETER customScheduleXml
    XML fragment defining a custom schedule for the rule. This XML's outer element must be "<Trigger/>"; see the remarks section, below.

    Specifies the type of entity this rule will replicate. Acceptable input values are "Privilege" or "Role."

.PARAMETER securityGuids
    The GUIDs of the security entities (i.e., Roles or Privileges) that this rule applies to. An example might be the GUID for the "Altiris Administrator" role, if the "ruleType" is set to "Role." If the "ruleType" is set to "Privilege," an example might be the GUID of the "ImportXML" privilege.

.PARAMETER parentFolderGuid
    parent folder GUID

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
string scheduleXml = "<Trigger Type='1' Duration='0' Interval='0' KillAtEnd='0' Disabled='0' Description='At 9:00 AM every day, starting Wednesday, 1 January 2003'><BeginDate>2003-01-01 09:00:00</BeginDate><DaysInterval>1</DaysInterval></Trigger>";
string securityGuids = "{2E1F478A-4986-4223-9D1E-B5920A63AB41}";
Guid parentFolderGuid = new Guid("{312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558}");
m_proxy.CreateCustomSecurityHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleXml, "Role", securityGuids, parentFolderGuid);
scheduleXml = "<Trigger Type='1' Duration='0' Interval='0' KillAtEnd='0' Disabled='0' Description='At 9:00 AM every day, starting Wednesday, 1 January 2003'><BeginDate>2003-01-01 09:00:00</BeginDate><DaysInterval>1</DaysInterval></Trigger>"
securityGuids = "{2E1F478A-4986-4223-9D1E-B5920A63AB41}"
parentFolderGuid = "{312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558}");
ruleGuid = hierarchyManagement.CreateCustomSecurityHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleXml, "Role", securityGuids, parentFolderGuid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:CreateCustomSecurityHierarchyRule "name:%ruleName%" "description:%ruleDescription%" "enabled:%enabled%" "customScheduleXml:%customScheduleXml%" "ruleType:%ruleType%" "securityGuids:%securityGuids%" "parentFolderGuid:%parentFolder%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    Here is one example of the schedule xml:
<Trigger Type="1" Duration="0" Interval="0" KillAtEnd="0" Disabled="0" Description="At 9:00 AM every day, starting Wednesday, 1 January 2003">
     <BeginDate>2003-01-01 09:00:00</BeginDate>

    param (

    $Body = @{

            name = $name
             description = $description
             enabled = $enabled
             customScheduleXml = $customScheduleXml
             ruleType = $ruleType
             securityGuids = $securityGuids
             parentFolderGuid = $parentFolderGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/CreateCustomSecurityHierarchyRule"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function New-HierarchyStandardEventRule {

    Create a standard Hierarchy event replication rule for well-known objects and data.

    the name of the rule

.PARAMETER description
    rule description

.PARAMETER enabled
    whether rule is enabled

.PARAMETER sharedScheduleGuid
    GUID of the schared schedule the rule will follow. Note that, although the rule takes a schedule, the schedule is not enabled.

.PARAMETER replicationType
    specifies whether to identify the resources to replicate by ResourceType or by ResourceTarget. Permitted input values are, respectively, "ResourceType" or "ResourceTarget"

.PARAMETER resourceIdentificationGuids
    comma-delimited list of GUIDs that together define the resources subject to this rule. These Guids must represent resource types or resource targets. More specifically, the GUID item must be of class type "ResourceTypeItem" or "ResourceTarget."

.PARAMETER eventClassGuids
    specifies the event classes to be replicated

    the maximum number of rows this rule will send upon replication

    if true, replication will resend all entities, regardless of their timestamp

.PARAMETER direction
    direction of replication, either Up or Down the hierarchy

.PARAMETER parentFolderGuid
    parent folder GUID of the new rule

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
Guid scheduleGuid = new Guid("{77b1616a-9ce7-415e-8ba5-7b789ecbe45f}");
string resourceIdGuids = "{597ab6b8-1057-4a7d-b6f1-2665f07987cc}";
string eventClassGuids = "{974FA2FB-C797-41b1-BCA7-0A285D0745D0}";
Guid parentFolderGuid = new Guid("312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558");
m_proxy.CreateStandardEventHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleGuid, "ResourceType", resourceIdGuids, eventClassGuids, 10000, false, "Up", parentFolderGuid);
scheduleGuid = "{77b1616a-9ce7-415e-8ba5-7b789ecbe45f}"
resourceIdGuids = "{597ab6b8-1057-4a7d-b6f1-2665f07987cc}"
eventClassGuids = "{3622ff1d-9684-4883-909c-d7d4cdb85100}"
parentFolderGuid = "{312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558}"
ruleGuid = hierarchyManagement.CreateStandardEventHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleGuid, "ResourceType", resourceIdGuids, eventClassGuids, 10000, false, "Up", parentFolderGuid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:CreateStandardEventHierarchyRule "name:%ruleName%" "description:%ruleDescription%" "enabled:%enabled%" "sharedScheduleGuid:%scheduleGuid%" "resourceType:%resType%" "resourceIdentificationGuids:%resourceIdGuids%" "eventClassGuids:%eventClassGuids%" "rowCount:%rowCount%" "resend:%resend%" "direction:%direction%" "parentFolderGuid:%parentFolder%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            name = $name
             description = $description
             enabled = $enabled
             sharedScheduleGuid = $sharedScheduleGuid
             replicationType = $replicationType
             resourceIdentificationGuids = $resourceIdentificationGuids
             eventClassGuids = $eventClassGuids
             rowCount = $rowCount
             resend = $resend
             direction = $direction
             parentFolderGuid = $parentFolderGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/CreateStandardEventHierarchyRule"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function New-HierarchyStandardItemRule {

    Create a standard Hierarchy item replication rule.

    the name of the rule

.PARAMETER description
    rule description

.PARAMETER enabled
    whether rule is enabled

.PARAMETER sharedScheduleGuid
    GUID of the schared schedule the rule will follow. Note that, although the rule takes a schedule, the schedule is not enabled.

    Specifies the type of entity this rule will replicate. Currently, the only acceptable input value is "Item."

.PARAMETER collectionItemGuids
    the Item collection(s) this rule applies to. "Collection" in this context means the NS7 concept that is called a "filter" in the NS Console.

.PARAMETER parentFolderGuid
    parent folder GUID of the new rule

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
Guid scheduleGuid = new Guid("{77b1616a-9ce7-415e-8ba5-7b789ecbe45f}");
string collectionGuids = "{eb3a1a12-e1c7-4431-b060-f0333e4e488c}";
Guid parentFolderGuid = new Guid("312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558");
m_proxy.CreateStandardItemHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleGuid, "Item", collectionGuids, parentFolderGuid);
scheduleGuid = "{77b1616a-9ce7-415e-8ba5-7b789ecbe45f}"
collectionGuids = "{eb3a1a12-e1c7-4431-b060-f0333e4e488c}"
parentFolderGuid = "{312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558}"
ruleGuid = hierarchyManagement.CreateStandardItemHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleGuid, "Item", collectionGuids, parentFolderGuid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:CreateStandardItemHierarchyRule "name:%ruleName%" "description:%ruleDescription%" "enabled:%enabled%" "sharedScheduleGuid:%scheduleGuid%" "ruleType:Item" "collectionItemGuids:%collectionGuids%" "parentFolderGuid:%parentFolder%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            name = $name
             description = $description
             enabled = $enabled
             sharedScheduleGuid = $sharedScheduleGuid
             ruleType = $ruleType
             collectionItemGuids = $collectionItemGuids
             parentFolderGuid = $parentFolderGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/CreateStandardItemHierarchyRule"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function New-HierarchyStandardResourceRule {

    Create a standard Hierarchy resource replication rule.

    the name of the rule

.PARAMETER description
    rule description

.PARAMETER enabled
    whether rule is enabled

.PARAMETER sharedScheduleGuid
    GUID of the schared schedule the rule will follow. Note that, although the rule takes a schedule, the schedule is not enabled.

.PARAMETER replicationType
    Specifies whether to identify the resources to replicate by ResourceType or by ResourceTarget. Permitted input values are, respectively, "ResourceType" or "ResourceTarget"

.PARAMETER resourceIdentificationGuids
    comma-delimited list of GUIDs that together define the resources subject to this rule. These Guids must represent Resource Types or Resource Targets.

.PARAMETER dataClassGuids
    comma-delimited list of the data classes to be replicated with the resources

.PARAMETER verificationEnabled
    true to enabled verification

.PARAMETER verificationLevel
    verification level

.PARAMETER direction
    direction of replication, either Up or Down the hierarchy

.PARAMETER parentFolderGuid
    parent folder GUID of the new rule

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
Guid scheduleGuid = new Guid("{77b1616a-9ce7-415e-8ba5-7b789ecbe45f}");
string resourceIdGuids = "{597ab6b8-1057-4a7d-b6f1-2665f07987cc}";
string dataClassGuids = "{3622ff1d-9684-4883-909c-d7d4cdb85100}";
Guid parentFolderGuid = new Guid("{312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558}");
m_proxy.CreateStandardResourceHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleGuid, "ResourceType", resourceIdGuids, dataClassGuids, true, 0, "Up", parentFolderGuid);
scheduleGuid = "{77b1616a-9ce7-415e-8ba5-7b789ecbe45f}"
resourceIdGuids = "{597ab6b8-1057-4a7d-b6f1-2665f07987cc}"
dataClassGuids = "{3622ff1d-9684-4883-909c-d7d4cdb85100}"
parentFolderGuid = "{312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558}"
ruleGuid = hierarchyManagement.CreateStandardResourceHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleGuid, "ResourceType", resourceIdGuids, dataClassGuids, true, 0, "Up", parentFolderGuid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:CreateStandardResourceHierarchyRule "name:%ruleName%" "description:%ruleDescription%" "enabled:%enabled%" "sharedScheduleGuid:%scheduleGuid%" "replicationType:%replicationType%" "resourceIdentificationGuids:%resourceIdGuids%" "dataClassGuids:%dataClassGuids%" "verificationEnabled:%verificationEnabled%" "verificationLevel:%verificationLevel%" "direction:%direction%" "parentFolderGuid:%parentFolder%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            name = $name
             description = $description
             enabled = $enabled
             sharedScheduleGuid = $sharedScheduleGuid
             replicationType = $replicationType
             resourceIdentificationGuids = $resourceIdentificationGuids
             dataClassGuids = $dataClassGuids
             verificationEnabled = $verificationEnabled
             verificationLevel = $verificationLevel
             direction = $direction
             parentFolderGuid = $parentFolderGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/CreateStandardResourceHierarchyRule"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function New-HierarchyStandardSecurityRule {

    Create a standard Hierarchy security replication rule for security objects and data.

    the name of the rule

.PARAMETER description
    rule description

.PARAMETER enabled
    whether rule is enabled

.PARAMETER sharedScheduleGuid
    GUID of the schared schedule the rule will follow. Note that, although the rule takes a schedule, the schedule is not enabled.

    Specifies the type of entity this rule will replicate. Acceptable input values are "Privilege" or "Role."

.PARAMETER securityGuids
    The GUIDs of the security entities (i.e., Roles or Privileges) that this rule applies to. An example might be the GUID for the "Altiris Administrator" role, if the "ruleType" is set to "Role." If the "ruleType" is set to "Privilege," an example might be the GUID of the "ImportXML" privilege.

.PARAMETER parentFolderGuid
    parent folder GUID

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
Guid scheduleGuid = new Guid("{77b1616a-9ce7-415e-8ba5-7b789ecbe45f}");
string securityGuids = "{2E1F478A-4986-4223-9D1E-B5920A63AB41}";
Guid parentFolderGuid = new Guid("{312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558}");
m_proxy.CreateStandardSecurityHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleGuid, "Role", securityGuids, parentFolderGuid);
scheduleGuid = "{77b1616a-9ce7-415e-8ba5-7b789ecbe45f}"
securityGuids = "{2E1F478A-4986-4223-9D1E-B5920A63AB41}"
parentFolderGuid = "{312323a3-b714-4779-bc88-e64dcb942558}");
ruleGuid = hierarchyManagement.CreateStandardSecurityHierarchyRule("myRule", "myRule description", true, scheduleGuid, "Role", securityGuids, parentFolderGuid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:CreateStandardSecurityHierarchyRule "name:%ruleName%" "description:%ruleDescription%" "enabled:%enabled%" "sharedScheduleGuid:%scheduleGuid%" "ruleType:Role" "securityGuids:%securityGuids%" "parentFolderGuid:%parentFolder%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            name = $name
             description = $description
             enabled = $enabled
             sharedScheduleGuid = $sharedScheduleGuid
             ruleType = $ruleType
             securityGuids = $securityGuids
             parentFolderGuid = $parentFolderGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/CreateStandardSecurityHierarchyRule"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Enable-HierarchyEditableProperty {

    Enables or disables a Hierarchy-editable property

    GUID of the Item containing the property

.PARAMETER propertyName
    name of the property to enable

    set to true to enable, set to false to disable

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
m_proxy.EnableHierarchyEditableProperty(clonedObject.Guid, "Sample", true);
call hierarchyManagement.EnableHierarchyEditableProperty(clonedObject.Guid, "Sample", true)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:EnableHierarchyEditableProperty "itemGuid:%itemGuid%" "propertyName:%propName%" "enable:true"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            itemGuid = $itemGuid
             propertyName = $propertyName
             enable = $enable


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/EnableHierarchyEditableProperty"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Enable-HierarchyReplication {

    Enable or disable whether the local Notification Server participates in a hierarchy environment.

    Pass in true to enable replication for the local NS, false to disable replication.

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
call hierarchyManagement.EnableHierarchyReplication(true)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:EnableHierarchyReplication "enable:true"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            enable = $enable


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/EnableHierarchyReplication"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Enable-ReplicationForItemInstance {

    Enables or disables replication for the given Item instance

    GUID of the Item instance to be enabled or disabled

    if true, instance replication is enabled; if false, instance replication is disabled

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
m_proxy.EnableReplicationForItemInstance(clonedObject.Guid, true);
call hierarchyManagement.EnableReplicationForItemInstance(clonedObject.Guid, true)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:EnableReplicationForItemInstance "itemGuid:%itemGuid%" "enable:true"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            itemGuid = $itemGuid
             enable = $enable


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/EnableReplicationForItemInstance"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Get-HierarchyEnabledEditableProperties {

    Get the names of the Hierarchy-editable properties on the given Item that are currently enabled

    the Item whose properties are examined

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
properties = hierarchyManagement.GetEnabledHierarchyEditableProperties(clonedObject.Guid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:GetEnabledHierarchyEditableProperties "itemGuid:%itemGuid%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            itemGuid = $itemGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/GetEnabledHierarchyEditableProperties"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Get-HierarchyEditableProperties {

    Get the names of the Hierarchy-editable properties on the given Item

    the Item whose properties are examined

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
properties = hierarchyManagement.GetHierarchyEditableProperties(clonedObject.Guid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:GetHierarchyEditableProperties "itemGuid:%itemGuid%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            itemGuid = $itemGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/GetHierarchyEditableProperties"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Read-HierarchyIsManaged {

    Determines if an item is Hierarchy-managed, that is, has been replicated from another server as part of Hierarchy replication.

    GUID of the item

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
isManaged = hierarchyManagement.IsHierarchyManaged(clonedObject.Guid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:IsHierarchyManaged "itemGuid:%itemGuid%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            itemGuid = $itemGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/IsHierarchyManaged"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Read-HierarchyMember {

    Returns true if the current Notification Server is a member of a hierarchy, returns false if the current NS is not a member of a hierarchy.

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
isMember = hierarchyManagement.IsHierarchyMember()
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:IsHierarchyMember
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/IsHierarchyMember"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Read-HierarchyIsPublished {

    Determines if an item is Hierarchy-published, that is, has been enabled for replication throughout a Hierarchy.

    GUID of the item

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
isPublished = hierarchyManagement.IsHierarchyPublished(clonedObject.Guid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:IsHierarchyPublished "itemGuid:%itemGuid%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            itemGuid = $itemGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/IsHierarchyPublished"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Invoke-HierarchyCompleteReplication {

    Run complete replication on the given Hierarcy Node item.

    Guid of the Altiris.NS.Replication.Hierarchy.HierarchyNodeItem instance that represents the server you want to run replication for.

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
call hierarchyManagement.RunCompleteReplication(clonedObject.Guid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:RunCompleteReplication "nodeGuid:%nodeGuid%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            nodeGuid = $nodeGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/RunCompleteReplication"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials


Function Invoke-HierarchyDifferentialReplication {

    Run differential replication on the given Hierarcy Node item.

    Guid of the HierarchyNodeItem instance that replication is to be run for.

// See HierarchyManagementLib Overview for an example of setting up m_proxy.
call hierarchyManagement.RunDifferentialReplication(clonedObject.Guid)
AltirisASDKNS.exe cmd:RunDifferentialReplication "nodeGuid:%nodeGuid%"
The CLI is being deprecated. Please see the CLI Programming Guide.

    param (

    $Body = @{

            nodeGuid = $nodeGuid


    $WebServiceUrl = "altiris/ASDK.NS/HierarchyManagementService.asmx/RunDifferentialReplication"

        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -Credential $Credential
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Server/$WebServiceUrl" -Method Post -Body $Body -UseDefaultCredentials
