
    This starts an interactive Tic_Tac_Toe game in the console. Press Esc key to exit game.
    This starts an interactive Tic_Tac_Toe game in the console. Mostly using using mostly [System.Console] class. Press Esc key to exit game.
    Was largely influenced and inspirated b the ASCII Box menues created by mossrich
    I mostly learned how to use ┌─┐│└┘ characters
    I also re-used a lot of code I wrote in my Fun.Arduino repo where I created Tic Tac Toe on an adruino with C.
    PS C:\> Start-Tic_Tac_Toe -DifficultyLevel "Easy" -Bestof 3
    Starts a new Tic Tac Toe game on hard mode with 3 games being played and the winner of 2 wins the game.
    Inputs (if any)
    Output (if any)
    General notes

function Start-Tic_Tac_Toe{
        [string]$DifficultyLevel = "Hard",
        [int]$Bestof = 1,

    $Script:Player = "X" 
    $Script:top = [console]::CursorTop
    $Script:PlayerOScore = 0
    $Script:PLayerXScore = 0
    $Script:CurrentRound = 0
    $Script:cursor = 0
    $Script:gameGrid = New-VirtualGameBoard

    Draw-Board -PlayerXScore $PLayerXScore -PlayerOScore $PlayerOScore

    do {
        $Key = [Console]::ReadKey($true)
        if ($Key.key -eq [ConsoleKey]::DownArrow){
            $previousPosition = $cursor
            $cursor = $cursor + 3
            if ($cursor -ge 9){
                $cursor = $cursor % 9
            if ($gameGrid[$cursor].Value -eq " "){
                $cursor = $previousPosition
                $cursor = $cursor + 6
                if ($cursor -ge 9){
                    $cursor = $cursor % 9
                if ($gameGrid[$cursor].Value -eq " "){
                    $cursor = $previousPosition
        } #if down key
        elseif ($Key.key -eq [ConsoleKey]::UpArrow){
                $previousPosition = $cursor
                $cursor = $cursor - 3
                if ($cursor -le -1){
                    $cursor = 9 + $cursor
                if ($gameGrid[$cursor].Value -eq " "){
                    $cursor = $previousPosition
                    $cursor = $cursor - 6
                    if ($cursor -le -1){
                        $cursor = 9 + $cursor
                    if ($gameGrid[$cursor].Value -eq " "){
                        $cursor = $previousPosition
        elseif ($Key.key -eq [ConsoleKey]::RightArrow){
            $cursor = $cursor + 1
            if ($cursor -ge 9){
                $cursor = 0
            while ($gameGrid[$cursor].Value -ne " "){
        elseif ($Key.key -eq [ConsoleKey]::LeftArrow){
            $cursor = $cursor - 1
            if ($cursor -lt 0){
                $cursor = 8
            while ($gameGrid[$cursor].Value -ne " "){
        elseif ($key.Key -eq [ConsoleKey]::Enter){
            Set-tttSquare -Player $Player -move $cursor
            Draw-Board -PlayerXScore $PLayerXScore -PlayerOScore $PlayerOScore

            if (Test-WinConditions $gameGrid){
                if (Test-BestofWinner -NumberofGames $Bestof -Score $PLayerXScore){
                    Write-GameResults -Results "YouWin"
                    if ($PlayVictorySong){
                    sleep 2
                $gameGrid = New-VirtualGameBoard
                Write-GameResults -Results "X"
                sleep 2
                Draw-Board -PlayerXScore $PLayerXScore -PlayerOScore $PlayerOScore

            #Test Draw
             if (Test-DrawCondition -game $gameGrid){
                $gameGrid = New-VirtualGameBoard
                Write-GameResults -Results "Draw"
                sleep 2
                Draw-Board -PlayerXScore $PLayerXScore -PlayerOScore $PlayerOScore

            $Player = 'O'
            [console]::CursorVisible = $false
            sleep -Milliseconds (Get-Random -Minimum 10 -Maximum 1000)
            $botMove = New-BotMove -Difficulty $DifficultyLevel -Grid $gameGrid
            [console]::CursorVisible = $true
            Draw-Board -PlayerXScore $PLayerXScore -PlayerOScore $PlayerOScore
            if (Test-WinConditions $gameGrid){
                if (Test-BestofWinner -NumberofGames $Bestof -Score $PLayerOScore){
                    Write-GameResults -Results "YouLost"
                    sleep 2
                $gameGrid = New-VirtualGameBoard
                Write-GameResults -Results "O"
                sleep 2
                Draw-Board -PlayerXScore $PLayerXScore -PlayerOScore $PlayerOScore
            #Test Draw
            if (Test-DrawCondition -game $gameGrid){
                $gameGrid = New-VirtualGameBoard
                Write-GameResults -Results "Draw"
                sleep 2
                Draw-Board -PlayerXScore $PLayerXScore -PlayerOScore $PlayerOScore

            $Player = 'X'
            for ($i = 0; $i -le 8; $i++){
                if ($gameGrid[$i].Value -eq " "){
                    $cursor = $i
    While( -not ([ConsoleKey]::Escape -eq $key.Key) )