function Remove-With() { param( [string] $command ) $splitted = $command -split ' ' if (!($splitted.Length -eq 1)) { $splitted = $splitted[0..($splitted.Length - 2)] } return "$splitted" } function Start-With() { param( [string] $command ) while($true) { Write-Host '' Write-WithPrompt -command $command $input = [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::ReadLine($host.Runspace, $ExecutionContext) if ($input.ToLower() -eq ':q') { return } elseif ($input.StartsWith(':')) { if ($input.Length -eq 1) { continue } Invoke-Expression "$($input.Substring(1))" } elseif ($input.StartsWith($command)) { # let the user know the command is duplicated Write-Host "Your expression starts with '$command'" Write-Host 'When using with, make sure to not duplicate the expression.' Write-Host "Continuing assuming you meant '$($input.Substring($command.Length).Trim())'" Invoke-Expression "$input" } elseif ($input.StartsWith('>')) { $addition = $input.Substring(1).Trim() if (!($addition -eq '')) { $command += " $($input.Substring(1).Trim())" } } elseif ($input.StartsWith('<')) { $command = Remove-With -command $command } else { Invoke-Expression "$command $input" } } } function global:Write-WithPrompt() { param( [string] $command ) Write-ClassicPrompt -command $command } function Write-ClassicPrompt() { param( [string] $command ) Write-Host "PS $pwd " -NoNewline Write-Host "$($command.ToUpper())" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host "> " -NoNewline } function Invoke-With() { $command = $args if (Test-Command -command $command[0]) { Start-With -command ($command.Trim()) } else { Write-Host "$($command[0]): command not found" } } function Test-Command() { param( [string] $command ) return [bool](Get-Command -Name $command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) } Set-Alias with Invoke-With |