if (Get-Module posh-vsdev) { return; } # Simplifies access to HashSet<string> class Set : System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string] { Set() { } Set([string[]] $Data) { foreach($local:Item in $Data) { $this.Add($local:Item); } } } # Encapsulates environment variables and their values class Environment : System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string] { hidden static [Environment] $_Default; Environment() {} static [Environment] GetDefault() { if ([Environment]::_Default -eq $null) { [Environment]::_Default = [Environment]::GetCurrent(); } return [Environment]::_Default; } static [Environment] GetCurrent() { $local:Env = [Environment]::new(); foreach($local:Item in Get-ChildItem "ENV:\") { $local:Env[$local:Item.Name] = $local:Item.Value; } return $local:Env; } hidden [string] get_Item([string] $Key) { $Value = $null; [void]($this.TryGetValue($Key, [ref]$Value)); return $Value; } [void] Apply() { [void]([Environment]::GetDefault()); $local:Current = [Environment]::GetCurrent(); foreach ($local:Item in $local:Current.GetEnumerator()) { if (-not $this.ContainsKey($local:Item.Key)) { script:SetEnvironmentVariable $local:Item.Key $null; } } foreach ($local:Item in $this.GetEnumerator()) { script:SetEnvironmentVariable $local:Item.Key $local:Item.Value; } } [Environment] Clone() { [Environment] $local:Env = [Environment]::new(); foreach ($local:Entry in $this.GetEnumerator()) { $local:Env[$local:Entry.Key] = $local:Entry.Value; } return $local:Env; } } # Stores a diff between two paths class PathDiff { hidden [string[]] $Added; hidden [string[]] $Removed; hidden [Set] $RemovedSet; hidden PathDiff([string[]] $Added, [string[]] $Removed) { $this.Added = @() + $Added; $this.Removed = @() + $Removed; $this.RemovedSet = [Set]::new($Removed); } static [PathDiff] FromObject([psobject] $Object) { if ($Object -eq $null) { return $null; } if ($Object -is [PathDiff]) { return $Object; } return [PathDiff]::new($Object.Added, $Object.Removed); } static [psobject] ToObject([PathDiff] $Object) { if ($Object -eq $null) { return $null; } return @{ Added = @() + $Object.Added; Removed = @() + $Object.Removed; }; } static [PathDiff] DiffBetween([string[]] $OldPaths, [string[]] $NewPaths) { [Set] $local:OldSet = [Set]::new($OldPaths); [Set] $local:NewSet = [Set]::new($NewPaths); [string[]] $local:Added = @(); [string[]] $local:Removed = @(); foreach ($local:Path in $NewSet.GetEnumerator()) { if (-not $OldSet.Contains($local:Path)) { $local:Added += $local:Path; } } foreach ($local:Path in $OldSet.GetEnumerator()) { if (-not $NewSet.Contains($local:Path)) { $local:Removed += $local:Path; } } return [PathDiff]::new($local:Added, $local:Removed); } [string] Apply([string] $Path) { return $this.ApplyToPaths($Path -split ";") -join ";"; } [string[]] Apply([string[]] $Paths) { return $this.ApplyToPaths($Paths); } hidden [string[]] ApplyToPaths([string[]] $Paths) { $local:Result = @(); foreach ($local:Path in $Paths) { if ($local:Path -and $local:Path.Trim() -and -not $this.RemovedSet.Contains($local:Path)) { $local:Result += $local:Path; } } foreach ($local:Path in $this.Added) { if ($local:Path -and $local:Path.Trim()) { $local:Result += $local:Path; } } return $local:Result; } } # Stores a diff between two environments class EnvironmentDiff : System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,psobject] { EnvironmentDiff() { } static [EnvironmentDiff] FromObject([psobject] $Object) { if ($Object -eq $null) { return $null; } if ($Object -is [EnvironmentDiff]) { return $Object; } $Object = script:ConvertToHashTable $Object; [EnvironmentDiff] $local:Changes = [EnvironmentDiff]::new(); foreach ($local:Entry in $Object.GetEnumerator()) { $local:Key = $local:Entry.Key; $local:Value = $local:Entry.Value; if ($local:Key -ieq "Path") { $local:Value = [PathDiff]::FromObject($local:Value); } $local:Changes[$local:Key] = $local:Value; } return $local:Changes; } static [psobject] ToObject([EnvironmentDiff] $Object) { if ($Object -eq $null) { return $null; } $local:Changes = @{}; foreach ($local:Entry in $Object.GetEnumerator()) { $local:Key = $local:Entry.Key; $local:Value = $local:Entry.Value; if ($local:Key -ieq "Path") { $local:Value = [PathDiff]::ToObject($local:Value); } $local:Changes[$local:Key] = $local:Value; } return $local:Changes; } static [EnvironmentDiff] DiffBetween([Environment] $OldEnv, [Environment] $NewEnv) { [EnvironmentDiff] $local:Changes = [EnvironmentDiff]::new(); foreach ($local:Entry in $OldEnv.GetEnumerator()) { if (-not $NewEnv.ContainsKey($local:Entry.Key)) { $local:Changes[$local:Entry.Key] = $null; } } foreach ($local:Entry in $NewEnv.GetEnumerator()) { $local:Key = $local:Entry.Key; $local:Value = $local:Entry.Value; $local:OldValue = $OldEnv[$local:Key]; if ($local:Value -ne $local:OldValue) { if ($local:Key -ieq "Path") { $local:Value = [PathDiff]::DiffBetween($local:OldValue, $local:Value); } $local:Changes[$local:Key] = $local:Value; } } return $local:Changes; } hidden [psobject] get_Item([string] $Key) { [psobject] $Value = $null; [void]($this.TryGetValue($Key, [ref]$Value)); return $Value; } hidden [void] set_Item([string] $Key, [psobject] $Value) { if (-not $this.ValidateKeyValue($Key, $Value)) { return; } ([System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, psobject]]$this)[$Key] = $Value; } hidden [void] Add([string] $Key, [psobject] $Value) { if (-not $this.ValidateKeyValue($Key, $Value)) { return; } [void](([System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, psobject]]$this).Add($Key, $Value)); } [Environment] Apply([Environment]$Env) { [Environment] $local:NewEnv = $Env.Clone(); foreach ($local:Entry in $this.GetEnumerator()) { $local:Key = $local:Entry.Key; $local:Value = $local:Entry.Value; if ($local:Value -is [PathDiff]) { $local:Value = $local:Value.Apply($Env[$local:Key]); } if ($local:Value) { $local:NewEnv[$local:Key] = $local:Value; } else { $local:NewEnv.Remove($local:Key); } } return $local:NewEnv; } hidden [bool] ValidateKeyValue([string] $Key, [psobject] $Value) { if (($Key -ieq "Path") -and -not ($Value -eq $null -or $Value -is [PathDiff])) { throw [System.ArgumentException]::new("Invalid argument: Value"); return $false; } if (($Key -ine "Path") -and -not ($Value -eq $null -or $Value -is [string])) { throw [System.ArgumentException]::new("Invalid argument: Value"); return $false; } return $true; } } # Represents an instance of Visual Studio class VisualStudioInstance { [string] $Name; [string] $Channel; [string] $Version; [string] $Path; hidden [EnvironmentDiff] $Env; VisualStudioInstance([string] $Name, [string] $Channel, [string] $Version, [string] $Path, [EnvironmentDiff] $Env) { $this.Name = $Name; $this.Channel = $Channel; $this.Version = $Version; $this.Path = $Path; $this.Env = $Env; } static [VisualStudioInstance] FromObject([psobject] $Object) { if ($Object -eq $null) { return $null; } if ($Object -is [VisualStudioInstance]) { return $Object; } return [VisualStudioInstance]::new( $Object.Name, $Object.Channel, $Object.Version, $Object.Path, [EnvironmentDiff]::FromObject($Object.Env) ); } static [psobject] ToObject([VisualStudioInstance] $Object) { if ($Object -eq $null) { return $null; } return @{ Name = $Object.Name; Channel = $Object.Channel; Version = $Object.Version; Path = $Object.Path; Env = [EnvironmentDiff]::ToObject($Object.Env); }; } [EnvironmentDiff] GetEnvironment() { if ($this.Env -eq $null) { $local:CurrentEnv = [Environment]::GetCurrent(); $local:DefaultEnvironment = [Environment]::GetDefault(); $local:DefaultEnvironment.Apply(); $local:Env = [Environment]::GetCurrent(); $local:CommandPath = Join-Path $this.Path $script:VSDEVCMD_PATH; $local:Command = '"' + ($local:CommandPath) + '"&set'; cmd /c $local:Command | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match "^(.*?)=(.*)$") { $local:Key = $Matches[1]; $local:Value = $Matches[2]; $local:Env[$local:Key] = $local:Value; } } $this.Env = [EnvironmentDiff]::DiffBetween($local:DefaultEnvironment, $local:Env); $local:CurrentEnv.Apply(); $script:HasChanges = $true; } return $this.Env; } hidden [void] Apply() { $this.GetEnvironment().Apply([Environment]::GetDefault()).Apply(); } [void] Save() { $script:HasChanges = $true; script:SaveChanges; } } # Converts a JSON object (from ConvertFrom-Json) into a Hashtable function script:ConvertToHashTable([psobject] $Object) { if ($Object -eq $null) { return $null; } if ($Object -is [hashtable]) { return $Object }; $local:Table = @{}; foreach ($local:Key in $Object | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) { $local:Value = $Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $local:Key; $local:Table[$local:Key] = $local:Value; } return $local:Table; } # Sets or removes an environment variable function script:SetEnvironmentVariable([string] $Key, [string] $Value) { if ($Value -ne $null) { [void](Set-Item -Force "ENV:\$Key" -Value $Value); } else { [void](Remove-Item -Force "ENV:\$Key"); } } # Populates $script:VisualStudioVersions from cache if it is empty function script:PopulateVisualStudioVersionsFromCache() { if ($script:VisualStudioVersions -eq $null) { if (Test-Path $script:CACHE_PATH) { $script:VisualStudioVersions = (Get-Content $script:CACHE_PATH | ConvertFrom-Json) ` | ForEach-Object { [VisualStudioInstance]::FromObject($_); }; } } } # Populates $script:VisualStudioVersions from disk if it is empty function script:PopulateVisualStudioVersions() { if ($script:VisualStudioVersions -eq $null) { # Add Legacy instances $script:VisualStudioVersions = Get-ChildItem ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} ` | Where-Object -Property Name -Match "Microsoft Visual Studio (\d+.0)" ` | ForEach-Object { [VisualStudioInstance]::new( $Matches[0], "Release", $Matches[1], $_.FullName, $null ); }; # Add Dev15+ instances if (Test-Path $script:VS_INSTANCES_DIR) { $script:VisualStudioVersions += Get-ChildItem $script:VS_INSTANCES_DIR ` | ForEach-Object { $local:StatePath = Join-Path $_.FullName "state.json"; $local:State = Get-Content $local:StatePath | ConvertFrom-Json; [VisualStudioInstance]::new( $local:State.installationName, $local:State.channelId, $local:State.installationVersion, $local:State.installationPath, $null ); }; } # Sort by version descending and remove versions that don't exist $script:VisualStudioVersions = $script:VisualStudioVersions ` | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending ` | Where-Object { Test-Path (Join-Path $_.Path $script:VSDEVCMD_PATH) }; if ($script:VisualStudioVersions) { $script:HasChanges = $true; } } } # Saves any changes to the $script:VisualStudioVersions cache to disk function script:SaveChanges() { if ($script:HasChanges -and $script:VisualStudioVersions) { $local:Content = $script:VisualStudioVersions ` | ForEach-Object { [VisualStudioInstance]::ToObject($_); } ` | ConvertTo-Json; if ($script:VisualStudioVersions.Length -eq 1) { $local:Content = "[" + $local:Content + "]"; } $local:CacheDir = Split-Path $script:CACHE_PATH -Parent; if (-not (Test-Path $local:CacheDir)) { [void](mkdir $local:CacheDir -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue); } $local:Content | Out-File $script:CACHE_PATH; $script:HasChanges = $false; } } # Indicates whether the specified profile path exists function script:HasProfile([string] $ProfilePath) { if (-not $ProfilePath) { return $false; } if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $ProfilePath)) { return $false; } return $true; } # Indicates whether "posh-vsdev" is referenced in the specified profile function script:IsInProfile([string] $ProfilePath) { if (-not (script:HasProfile $ProfilePath)) { return $false; } $local:Content = Get-Content $ProfilePath -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue; if ($local:Content -match "posh-vsdev") { return $true; } return $false; } # Indicates whether the Use-VisualStudioEnvironment cmdlet is referenced int he specified profile function script:IsUsingEnvironment([string] $ProfilePath) { if (-not (script:HasProfile $ProfilePath)) { return $false; } $local:Content = Get-Content $ProfilePath -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue; if ($local:Content -match "Use-VisualStudioEnvironment") { return $true; } return $false; } # Indicates whether the specified profile is signed function script:IsProfileSigned([string] $ProfilePath) { if (-not (script:HasProfile $ProfilePath)) { return $false; } $local:Sig = Get-AuthenticodeSignature $ProfilePath; if (-not $local:Sig) { return $false; } if (-not $local:Sig.SignerCertificate) { return $false; } return $true; } # Indicates whether this module is installed within a PowerShell common module path function script:IsInModulePaths() { foreach ($local:Path in $env:PSModulePath -split ";") { if (-not $local:Path.EndsWith("\")) { $local:Path += "\"; } if ($PSScriptRoot.StartsWith($local:Path, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return $true; } } return $false; } <# .SYNOPSIS Get installed Visual Studio instances. .DESCRIPTION The Get-VisualStudioVersion cmdlet gets information about the installed Visual Studio instances on this machine. .PARAMETER Name Specifies a name that can be used to filter the results. .PARAMETER Channel Specifies a release channel that can be used to filter the results. .PARAMETER Version Specifies a version number that can be used to filter the results. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-VisualStudioVersion. .OUTPUTS VisualStudioInstance. Get-VisualStudioVersion returns a VisualStudioInstance object for each matching instance. .EXAMPLE PS> Get-VisualStudioVersion Name Channel Version Path ---- ------- ------- ---- VisualStudio/15.0.0+26228.9.d15rtwsvc VisualStudio.15.int.d15rel 15.0.26228.9 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 Release 14.0 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 .EXAMPLE PS> Get-VisualStudioVersion -Channel Release Name Channel Version Path ---- ------- ------- ---- Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 Release 14.0 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 #> function Get-VisualStudioVersion([string] $Name, [string] $Channel, [string] $Version) { script:PopulateVisualStudioVersionsFromCache; script:PopulateVisualStudioVersions; $local:Versions = $script:VisualStudioVersions; if ($Name) { $local:Versions = $local:Versions | Where-Object -Property Name -Like $Name; } if ($Channel) { $local:Versions = $local:Versions | Where-Object -Property Channel -Like $Channel; } if ($Version) { $local:Versions = $local:Versions | Where-Object -Property Version -Like $Version; } $local:Versions; script:SaveChanges; } <# .SYNOPSIS Uses the developer environment variables for an instance of Visual Studio. .DESCRIPTION The Use-VisualStudioEnvironment cmdlet overwrites the current environment variables with ones from the Developer Command Prompt for a specific instance of Visual Studio. If a developer environment is already in use, the environment is first reset to the state at the time the "posh-vsdev" module was loaded. .PARAMETER Name Specifies a name that can be used to filter the results. .PARAMETER Channel Specifies a release channel that can be used to filter the results. .PARAMETER Version Specifies a version number that can be used to filter the results. .PARAMETER InputObject A VisualStudioInstance whose environment should be used. .INPUTS VisualStudioInstance. You can pipe a VisualStudioInstance to Use-VisualStudioEnvironment. .OUTPUTS None. .EXAMPLE PS> Use-VisualStudioVersion Using Development Environment from 'Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0'. #> function Use-VisualStudioEnvironment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Match")] [string] $Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Match")] [string] $Channel, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Match")] [version] $Version, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Pipeline", Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [psobject] $InputObject ); [void]([Environment]::GetDefault()); [VisualStudioInstance] $local:Instance = $null; if ($InputObject) { $local:Instance = [VisualStudioInstance]::FromObject($InputObject); } else { $local:Instance = Get-VisualStudioVersion -Name:$Name -Channel:$Channel -Version:$Version | Select-Object -First:1; } if ($local:Instance) { $local:Instance.Apply(); script:SaveChanges; Write-Host "Using Development Environment from '$($local:Instance.Name)'." -ForegroundColor:DarkGray; $script:VisualStudioVersion = $local:Instance; } else { [string] $local:Message = "Could not find Visual Studio"; [string[]] $local:MessageParts = @(); if ($Name) { $local:MessageParts += "Name='$Name'"; } if ($Channel) { $local:MessageParts += "Channel='$Channel'"; } if ($Version) { $local:MessageParts += "Version='$Version'"; } if ($local:MessageParts.Length > 0) { $local:Message += "for " + $local:MessageParts[0]; if ($local:MessageParts.Length -eq 2) { } elseif ($local:MessageParts.Length -gt 2) { for ($local:I = 1; $local:I -lt $local:MessageParts.Length - 1; $local:I++) { $local:Message += ", " + $local:MessageParts[$local:I]; } if ($local:MessageParts.Length > 2) { $local:Message += ", and " + $local:MessageParts[$local:MessageParts.Length - 1]; } } } $local:Message += "."; Write-Warning $local:Message; } } <# .SYNOPSIS Restores the original enironment. .DESCRIPTION The Reset-VisualStudioEnvironment cmdlet restores all environment variables to their values at the point the "posh-vsdev" module was first imported. .PARAMETER Force Indicates that all environment variables should be restored even if no development environment was used. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Reset-VisualStudioEnvironment. .OUTPUTS None. #> function Reset-VisualStudioEnvironment([switch] $Force) { if ($script:VisualStudioVersion -or $Force) { $script:VisualStudioVersion = $null; [Environment]::GetDefault().Apply(); Write-Host "Restored default environment" -ForegroundColor DarkGray; } } <# .SYNOPSIS Resets the cache of installed Visual Studio instances. .DESCRIPTION Resets the cache of installed Visual Studio instances and their respective environment settings. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Reset-VisualStudioVersionCache. .OUTPUTS None. #> function Reset-VisualStudioVersionCache() { $script:VisualStudioVersions = $null; if (Test-Path $script:CACHE_PATH) { [void](Remove-Item $script:CACHE_PATH -Force); } } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds "posh-vsdev" to your profile. .DESCRIPTION Adds an import to "posh-vsdev" to your PowerShell profile. .PARAMETER AllHosts Specifies that "posh-vsdev" should be installed to your PowerShell profile for all PowerShell hosts. If not provided, only the current profile is used. .PARAMETER UseEnvironment Specifies that an invocation of the Use-VisualStudioEnvironment cmdlet should be added to your PowerShell profile. .PARAMETER Force Indicates that "posh-vsdev" should be added to your profile, even if it may already be present. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Reset-VisualStudioVersionCache. .OUTPUTS None. #> function Add-VisualStudioEnvironmentToProfile([switch] $AllHosts, [switch] $UseEnvironment, [switch] $Force) { [string] $local:ProfilePath = if ($AllHosts) { $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts; } else { $profile.CurrentUserCurrentHost; } [bool] $local:IsInProfile = script:IsInProfile $local:ProfilePath; [bool] $local:IsUsingEnvironment = script:IsUsingEnvironment $local:ProfilePath; if (-not $Force -and $local:IsInProfile -and -not $UseEnvironment) { Write-Warning "'posh-vsdev' is already installed."; return; } if (-not $Force -and $local:IsUsingEnvironment -and $UseEnvironment) { Write-Warning "'posh-vsdev' is already using a VisualStudio environment."; return; } if (script:IsProfileSigned $local:ProfilePath) { Write-Warning "Cannot modify signed profile."; return; } [string] $local:Content = $null; if ($Force -or -not $local:IsInProfile) { if (-not (script:HasProfile $local:ProfilePath)) { $local:ProfileDir = Split-Path $local:ProfilePath -Parent; if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath:$local:ProfileDir)) { [void](mkdir $local:ProfileDir -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue); } } if (script:IsInModulePaths) { $local:Content += "`nImport-Module posh-vsdev;"; } else { $local:Content += "`nImport-Module `"$PSScriptRoot\posh-vsdev.psd1`";"; } } if ($Force -or (-not $local:IsUsingEnvironment -and $UseEnvironment)) { $local:Content += "`nUse-VisualStudioEnvironment;"; } if ($local:Content) { Add-Content -LiteralPath:$local:ProfilePath -Value $local:Content -Encoding UTF8; } } # constants [string] $script:VSDEVCMD_PATH = "Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"; [string] $script:VS_INSTANCES_DIR = "$env:ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\_Instances"; [string] $script:CONFIG_DIR = "$env:USERPROFILE\.posh-vsdev"; [string] $script:CACHE_PATH = "$script:CONFIG_DIR\instances.json"; # state [bool] $script:HasChanges = $false; # Indicates whether the in-memory cache has changes [VisualStudioInstance[]] $script:VisualStudioVersions = $null; # In-memory cache of instances [VisualStudioInstance] $script:VisualStudioVersion = $null; # Current VS instance # Save the default environment. [void]([Environment]::GetDefault()); # Reset the environment when the module is removed $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.OnRemove = { if ($script:VisualStudioVersion) { Reset-VisualStudioEnvironment; } }; # Export members Export-ModuleMember ` -Function:( 'Get-VisualStudioVersion', 'Use-VisualStudioEnvironment', 'Reset-VisualStudioEnvironment', 'Reset-VisualStudioVersionCache', 'Add-VisualStudioEnvironmentToProfile' ) ` -Variable:( 'VisualStudioVersion' ); |