[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Scope="Function", Target="*-PoshVS", Justification="PoshVs is a singular noun")] param() <# .SYNOPSIS Executes a batch file and copies environment variables it sets to the current PowerShell session #> function Import-BatchEnvironment { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $batchFile ) if (-not (Test-Path $batchFile)) { Throw "Batch file '$batchFile' does not exist." } Write-Verbose "Executing '$batchFile' to capture environment variables it sets." cmd /c "`"$batchFile`" > nul & set" | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match "^(.+?)=(.*)$") { [string] $variable = $matches[1] [string] $value = $matches[2] Write-Verbose "`$env:$variable=$value" Set-Item -Force -Path "env:\$variable" -Value $value } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Executes Visual Studio 2015's VsDevCmd.bat and copies environment variables it sets to the current PowerShell session. #> function Import-VisualStudioEnvironment { if (-not $env:VS140COMNTOOLS) { Throw "Unable to determine location of Visual Studio 2015. The VS140COMNTOOLS environment is not set." } [string] $batchFile = (Join-Path $env:VS140COMNTOOLS "VsDevCmd.bat") Import-BatchEnvironment $batchFile } [string] $importModulePattern = "Import-Module.*posh-vs" [string] $importEnvironmentPattern = "Import-VisualStudioEnvironment" <# .SYNOPSIS Adds Import-Module and Import-VisualStudioEnvironment commands to the current PowerShell profile script. #> function Install-PoshVs { [string[]] $profileScript = @() [bool] $importModule = $true [bool] $importEnvironment = $true if (Test-Path $profile) { $profileScript = Get-Content $profile foreach ($line in $profileScript) { if ($line -match $importEnvironmentPattern) { $importEnvironment = $false } } } if ($importEnvironment) { $profileScript += "Import-VisualStudioEnvironment" } $profileScript | Out-File $profile Write-Output "Successfully added posh-vs to profile '$profile'." Write-Output "Reload your profile for the changes to take effect:" Write-Output " . `$profile" } <# .SYNOPSIS Removes Import-Module and Import-VisualStudioEnvironment from the current PowerShell profile script. #> function Uninstall-PoshVs { if (Test-Path $profile) { [string[]] $script = Get-Content $profile $script | Where-Object { -not ($_ -match $importModulePattern) -and -not ($_ -match $importEnvironmentPattern) } | Out-File $profile } Write-Output "Successfully removed posh-vs from profile '$profile'." Write-Output "Restart PowerShell for the changes to take effect." } Export-ModuleMember -Function Import-BatchEnvironment Export-ModuleMember -Function Import-VisualStudioEnvironment Export-ModuleMember -Function Install-PoshVs Export-ModuleMember -Function Uninstall-PoshVs |