Describe "posh-vs" { Import-Module .\posh-vs.psm1 function DeleteFile([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $file) { if (Test-Path $file) { Remove-Item $file } } function RenameFile([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $file, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $newFile) { if (Test-Path $file) { Rename-Item -Path $file -NewName $newFile } } function BackupProfile { [string] $backup = ($profile + ".bak") DeleteFile $backup RenameFile $profile $backup } function RestoreProfile { DeleteFile $profile RenameFile ($profile + ".bak") $profile } Context "Import-BatchEnvironment" { [string] $batchFile [string] $variable [string] $value BeforeEach { $variable = [guid]::NewGuid() $value = "$([guid]::NewGuid())=$([guid]::NewGuid())" $batchFile = Join-Path $env:TEMP ([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() + ".bat") } It "Invokes specified batch file and extracts environment variables it sets" { "set $variable=$value" | Out-File $batchFile -Encoding ascii Import-BatchEnvironment -batchFile $batchFile (Get-Item "env:$variable").Value | Should Be $value } It "Ignores output of batch file itself to avoid mistaking its output for actual environment variables" { "echo $variable=$value" | Out-File $batchFile -Encoding ascii Import-BatchEnvironment -batchFile $batchFile Test-Path "env:$variable" | Should Be $false } It "Throws descriptive exception when specified batch file does not exist" { { Import-BatchEnvironment -batchFile $batchFile } | Should Throw "Batch file '$batchFile' does not exist." } It "Writes verbose message with details about the batch file" { "" | Out-File $batchFile -Encoding ascii Mock Write-Verbose -ModuleName posh-vs Import-BatchEnvironment -batchFile $batchFile Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Write-Verbose -ParameterFilter { $message -eq "Executing '$batchFile' to capture environment variables it sets." } -ModuleName posh-vs } It "Writes verbose message with details about imported environment variables" { "set $variable=$value" | Out-File $batchFile -Encoding ascii Mock Write-Verbose -ModuleName posh-vs Import-BatchEnvironment -batchFile $batchFile Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Write-Verbose -ParameterFilter { $message -eq "`$env:$variable=$value" } -ModuleName posh-vs } AfterEach { if (Test-Path $batchFile) { Remove-Item $batchFile } if (Test-Path "env:$variable") { Remove-Item "env:$variable" } } } Context "Import-VisualStudioEnvironment" { [string] $originalPath BeforeEach { $originalPath = $env:VS140ComnTools } It "Invokes Import-BatchEnvironment with VS2015 VsDevCmd.bat" { $env:VS140ComnTools = Join-Path $env:TEMP ([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) Mock Import-BatchEnvironment -ModuleName posh-vs Import-VisualStudioEnvironment [string] $expectedBatchFile = (Join-Path $env:VS140ComnTools "VsDevCmd.bat") Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Import-BatchEnvironment -ParameterFilter { $batchFile -eq $expectedBatchFile } -ModuleName posh-vs } It "Throws descriptive exception when VS140COMNTOOLS environment variable is not set" { Remove-Item "env:\VS140COMNTOOLS" { Import-VisualStudioEnvironment } | Should Throw "Unable to determine location of Visual Studio 2015. The VS140COMNTOOLS environment is not set." } AfterEach { $env:VS140ComnTools = $originalPath } } Context "Install-PoshVs" { BeforeEach { BackupProfile } It "Appends Import-Module and Import-VisualStudioEnvironment commands to existing profile script" { [string] $existingScript = "Write-Host Foo" New-Item -Path $profile -ItemType File -Value $existingScript Install-PoshVs Get-Content $profile | Should Be @( $existingScript, "Import-Module posh-vs", "Import-VisualStudioEnvironment" ) } It "Creates new profile script if necessary" { Install-PoshVs Get-Content $profile | Should Be @( "Import-Module posh-vs", "Import-VisualStudioEnvironment" ) } It "Doesn't duplicate Import-Module command if profile script already contains it" { @( " Import-Module posh-vs" ) | Out-File $profile Install-PoshVs Get-Content $profile | Should Be @( " Import-Module posh-vs", "Import-VisualStudioEnvironment" ) } It "Doesn't duplicate Import-VisualStudioEnvironment command if profile already contains it" { @( " Import-VisualStudioEnvironment" ) | Out-File $profile Install-PoshVs Get-Content $profile | Should Be @( "Import-Module posh-vs", " Import-VisualStudioEnvironment" ) } It "Writes to output to explain what's going on" { Install-PoshVs | Should Be @( "Successfully added posh-vs to profile '$profile'." "Reload your profile for the changes to take effect:" " . `$profile" ) } AfterEach { RestoreProfile } } Context "Uninstall-PoshVs" { BeforeEach { BackupProfile } It "Removes Import-Module from profile script" { " Import-Module posh-vs " | Out-File $profile Uninstall-PoshVs Get-Content $profile | Should BeNullOrEmpty } It "Removes Import-VisualStudioEnvironment from profile script" { " Import-VisualStudioEnvironment " | Out-File $profile Uninstall-PoshVs Get-Content $profile | Should BeNullOrEmpty } It "Preserves code unrelated to posh-vs" { [string[]] $expected = @( "Write-Host Foo") $expected | Out-File $profile Uninstall-PoshVs [string[]] $actual = Get-Content $profile $actual | Should Be $expected } It "Writes to host to explain what's going on" { Uninstall-PoshVs | Should Be @( "Successfully removed posh-vs from profile '$profile'." "Restart PowerShell for the changes to take effect." ) } AfterEach { RestoreProfile } } Remove-Module posh-vs } |